17 research outputs found

    Computational complementation: a modelling approach to study signalling mechanisms during legume autoregulation of nodulation

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    Autoregulation of nodulation (AON) is a long-distance signalling regulatory system maintaining the balance of symbiotic nodulation in legume plants. However, the intricacy of internal signalling and absence of flux and biochemical data, are a bottleneck for investigation of AON. To address this, a new computational modelling approach called ‘‘Computational Complementation’’ has been developed. The main idea is to use functional-structural modelling to complement the deficiency of an empirical model of a loss-of-function (non-AON) mutant with hypothetical AON mechanisms. If computational complementation demonstrates a phenotype similar to the wild-type plant, the signalling hypothesis would be suggested as ‘‘reasonable’’. Our initial case for application of this approach was to test whether or not wild-type soybean cotyledons provide the shoot-derived inhibitor (SDI) to regulate nodule progression. We predicted by computational complementation that the cotyledon is part of the shoot in terms of AON and that it produces the SDI signal, a result that was confirmed by reciprocal epicotyl-and-hypocotyl grafting in a real-plant experiment. This application demonstrates the feasibility of computational complementation and shows its usefulness for applications where real-plant experimentation is either difficult or impossible

    An efficient petiole-feeding bioassay for introducing aqueous solutions into dicotyledonous plants

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    Introducing bioactive molecules into plants helps establish their roles in plant growth and development. Here we describe a simple and effective petiole-feeding protocol to introduce aqueous solutions into the vascular stream and apoplast of dicotyledonous plants. This 'intravenous feeding' procedure has wide applicability to plant physiology, specifically with regard to the analysis of source-sink allocations, long-distance signaling, hormone biology and overall plant development. In comparison with existing methods, this technique allows the continuous feeding of aqueous solutions into plants without the need for constant monitoring. Findings are provided from experiments using soybean plants fed with a range of aqueous solutions containing tracer dyes, small metabolites, radiolabeled chemicals and biologically active plant extracts controlling nodulation. Typically, feeding experiments consist of (i) generating samples to feed (extracts, solutions and so on); (ii) growing recipient plants; (iii) setting up the feeding apparatus; and (iv) feeding sample solutions into the recipient plants. When the plants are ready, the feeding procedure can take 1g-3 h to set up depending on the size of experiment (not including preparation of materials). The petiole-feeding technique also works with other plant species, including tomato, chili pepper and cabbage plants, as demonstrated here. © 2010 Nature America, Inc. All rights reserved

    Clovers (Trifolium spp.)

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