17 research outputs found

    A functional SUMO-interacting motif in the transactivation domain of c-Myb regulates its myeloid transforming ability

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    c-Myb is an essential hematopoietic transcription factor that controls proliferation and differentiation of progenitors during blood cell development. Whereas sumoylation of the C-terminal regulatory domain (CRD) is known to have a major impact on the activity of c-Myb, no role for noncovalent binding of small ubiquitin-like modifier (SUMO) to c-Myb has been described. Based on the consensus SUMO-interacting motif (SIM), we identified and examined putative SIMs in human c-Myb. Interaction and reporter assays showed that the SIM in the in the transactivation domain of c-Myb (V 267 NIV) is functional. This motif is necessary for c-Myb to be able to interact noncovalently with SUMO, preferentially SUMO2/3. Destroying the SUMO-binding properties by mutation resulted in a large increase in the transactivation potential of c-Myb. Mutational analysis and overexpression of conjugation-defective SUMO argued against intramolecular repression caused by sumoylated CRD and in favor of SUMO-dependent repression in trans. Using both a myeloid cell line-based assay and a primary hematopoietic cell assay, we addressed the transforming abilities of SUMO binding and conjugation mutants. Interestingly, only loss of SUMO binding, and not SUMO conjugation, enhanced the myeloid transformational potential of c-Myb. c-Myb with the SIM mutated conferred a higher proliferative ability than the wild-type and caused an effective differentiation block. This establishes SUMO binding as a mechanism involved in modulating the transactivation activity of c-Myb, and responsible for keeping the transforming potential of the oncoprotein in check

    Gold Labeling of Protein Fusion Tags for EM

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    Electrophoretic mobility shift assays with GFP-tagged proteins (GFP-EMSA)

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    The electrophoretic mobility shift assay (EMSA) is commonly used for the study of nucleic acid-binding proteins. The technique can be used to demonstrate that a protein is binding to RNA or DNA through visualization of a shift in electrophoretic mobility of the nucleic acid band. A major disadvantage of the EMSA is that it does not always provide an absolute certitude that the band shift is due to the protein under scrutiny, as contaminants in the sample could also cause the band shift. Here we describe a variation of the standard EMSA allowing to visualize with added certitude, the co-localized band shifts of a GFP-tagged protein binding to its cognate nucleic acid target sequence stained with an intercalator, such as GelRed. Herein, we present an illustrative protocol of this useful technique called GFP-EMSA along with specific notes on its advantages and limitations

    High-throughput differential scanning fluorimetry of GFP-tagged proteins

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    Differential scanning fluorimetry is useful for a wide variety of applications including characterization of protein function, structure–activity relationships, drug screening, and optimization of buffer conditions for protein purification, enzyme activity, and crystallization. A limitation of classic differential scanning fluorimetry is its reliance on highly purified protein samples. This limitation is overcome through differential scanning fluorimetry of GFP-tagged proteins (DSF-GTP). DSF-GTP specifically measures the unfolding and aggregation of a target protein fused to GFP through its proximal perturbation effects on GFP fluorescence. As a result of this unique principle, DSF-GTP can specifically measure the thermal stability of a target protein in the presence of other proteins. Additionally, the GFP provides a unique in-assay quality control measure. Here, we describe the workflow, steps, and important considerations for executing a DSF-GTP experiment in a 96-well plate format