3 research outputs found
Phase Variation Leads to the Misidentification of a Neisseria Gonorrhoeae Virulence Gene
- Author
- A Backstrom
- A LeVan
- A Stern
- AE Jerse
- AK Criss
- AK Criss
- AK Criss
- AN Simms
- B Howell-Adams
- B Howell-Adams
- DS Barritt
- DS Kellogg Jr
- EA Stohl
- EC Gotschlich
- EM Kupsch
- EP Skaar
- EW Hook 3rd
- F Wisniewski-Dye
- H Sarantis
- H Towbin
- H. Steven Seifert
- HS Seifert
- IJ Mehr
- J Swanson
- J Swanson
- JA Dempsey
- JF James
- JN Weiser
- JV Frangipane
- JV Solnick
- KA Kline
- KL Seib
- KS Bhat
- LA Cahoon
- LM Ball
- LW Mayer
- M Achtman
- M Sadarangani
- Mark T. Anderson
- MP Simons
- Nancy E. Freitag
- NJ High
- PW Jordan
- QL Yang
- R Willems
- RF Rest
- RJ Sugasawara
- SH Fischer
- SM van Ham
- TD Connell
- TD Schmittgen
- UK Laemmli
- WJ Black
- YN Srikhanta
- Publication venue
- 'Public Library of Science (PLoS)'
- Publication date
- Field of study
Early Urban Societies
- Author
- A Palmieri
- A Palmieri
- AC Paulsen
- AG Miller
- AH Hourani
- AJ Jawad
- AK Craig
- AK Kolata
- AL Kroeber
- AM Rosen
- B Trigger
- BG Trigger
- BJ Price
- C Meillassoux
- C Millon
- C Morris
- C Ponce Sanginés
- C Renfrew
- C Renfrew
- C Renfrew
- CA Doxiadis
- CK Maiseis
- CL Redman
- CR Ortloff
- D Kirkbride
- D Ribeiro
- D Webster
- D Webster
- DL Browman
- DR Starbuck
- E GarcĂa
- E McClung Tapia de
- E Pasztory
- E Pasztory
- E Service
- E Terray
- E Wheatley
- EJ Baumgartel
- ER Service
- ER Wolf
- F Hole
- G Algaze
- G Dalton
- G Espinosa
- G Possehl
- G Sjoberg
- GD Jones
- GL Cowgill
- H Frankfort
- H Frankfort
- H Weiss
- H Weiss
- HJ Nissen
- HJ Nissen
- HJM Claessen
- HJM Claessen
- HJM Claessen
- HJM Claessen
- HT Wright
- HT Wright
- HT Wright
- HT Wright
- IJ Gelb
- International Geosphere-Biosphere Programme
- J Broda
- J Friedman
- J Gledhill
- J Haas
- J Leclant
- J Malek
- J Marcus
- J Marcus
- J Murra
- J Oates
- J Vandier
- J Wilson
- JA Tainter
- JC Castañeda Reyes
- JD Moore
- JE Hardoy
- JH Altschul
- JH Altschul
- JH Steward
- JH Steward
- JL Rojas de
- JS Athens
- JV Murra
- JV Murra
- JY Murra
- K Bard
- K Polanyi
- K Wittfogel
- KA Wittfogel
- KA Wittfogel
- KA Wittfogel
- KV Flannery
- KV Flannery
- KW Butzer
- KW Butzer
- KW Butzer
- KW Butzer
- KY Flannery
- L Barba
- L Barba
- L Krader
- L Krader
- L Krader
- L Manzanilla
- L Manzanilla
- L Manzanilla
- L Manzanilla
- L Manzanilla
- L Manzanilla
- L Manzanilla
- L Manzanilla
- L Manzanilla
- L Manzanilla
- L Manzanilla
- L Manzanilla
- L Manzanilla
- L Manzanilla
- L Manzanilla
- L Manzanilla
- L Manzanilla
- L Manzanilla
- L Manzanilla
- L Manzanilla
- L Manzanilla
- L Manzanilla
- L Manzanilla
- L Mumford
- L Ortlieb
- LG Lumbreras
- LG Thompson
- LG Thompson
- LG Thompson
- M Frangipane
- M Frangipane
- M Frangipane
- M Frangipane
- M Gamio
- M Godelier
- M Rowlands
- M Rowlands
- M-A Courty
- MB Rowton
- MB Rowton
- ME Moseley
- ME Smith
- MG Gibson
- MH Fried
- MH Fried
- MN Cohen
- MW Spence
- N Petit-Maire
- N Yoffee
- NY Merpert
- P Armillas
- P Carrasco
- P Carrasco
- P Kirchhoff
- P Wheatley
- PP Rey
- R Buringh
- R Cohen
- R Millon
- R Millon
- R Sidrys
- R Valadez
- R Whitehouse
- RE Blanton
- RE Blanton
- RF Gray
- RH Moss
- RJ Braidwood
- RJ Braidwood
- RJ Braidwood
- RL Carneiro
- RL Raikes
- RM Reyna Robles
- RMC Adams
- RMC Adams
- RMC Adams
- RMC Adams
- RMC Adams
- RP Schädel
- S Lozano-GarcĂa
- S Manning
- SA Kowalewski
- SE Metcalfe
- SE Metcalfe
- SL O’Hara
- T Earle
- T Jacobsen
- T Jacobsen
- TC Young Jr.
- TK Earle
- TK Earle
- TK Earle
- TW Beale
- TW Beale
- VG Childe
- VG Childe
- VG Childe
- VG Childe
- VG Childe
- W Bray
- W Sanders
- WC Neale
- WH Isbell
- WT Sanders
- WT Sanders
- WT Sanders
- WT Sanders
- WT Sanders
- Z Paulinyi
- Publication venue
- 'Springer Science and Business Media LLC'
- Publication date
- 01/01/1997
- Field of study
A bacterial siren song: intimate interactions between Neisseria and neutrophils
- Author
- A Chen
- A Muller
- A Tala
- A Waage
- A Woodfin
- AA Soler-Garcia
- AB Jonsson
- AC Chin
- AE Deghmane
- AE Jerse
- AE Jerse
- AE Jerse
- AJ Merz
- AJ Merz
- AK Criss
- AK Criss
- Alison K. Criss
- B Capecchi
- B Feinen
- BE Britigan
- BE LeCuyer
- BL Makepeace
- C Thongthai
- CA Nairn
- CF Urban
- CM Kahler
- CR Hauck
- CR Hauck
- CR Johnson
- D Roos
- DB Johannsen
- DE O'Hanlon
- DF Muench
- DL Jack
- DR Lorenzen
- DS Kellogg Jr
- DS Stephens
- E Frigimelica
- EA Stohl
- EA Stohl
- EH Lee
- EL Aho
- EM Kupsch
- EP Skaar
- FC Fang
- FL Naids
- G King
- G Madico
- GA Jarvis
- GE Thwaites
- GJ King
- GL Murphy
- H Farzadegan
- H Jarva
- H Kumar
- H Sarantis
- H Sarantis
- H Smith
- H Wu
- H Wu
- H. Steven Seifert
- HA Harvey
- HE Jones
- HJ Tseng
- HJ Wu
- HS Seifert
- IC Boulton
- J Newcombe
- J Swanson
- J Swanson
- JA Dempsey
- JF James
- JL Edwards
- JL Edwards
- JL Edwards
- JM Kinchen
- JM Spence
- JP Dillard
- JV Frangipane
- JW Booth
- K Geddes
- K Kuespert
- K Zen
- KE Wilks
- KH Ramsey
- KH Rohde
- KL Seib
- KL Seib
- KL Seib
- KS Bhat
- LA Cahoon
- LA Lewis
- LA Lewis
- LA Lewis
- M Christodoulides
- M Frosch
- M Gilbert
- M Kaparakis
- M Pantelic
- M Sadarangani
- M Virji
- M Virji
- M Virji
- M Virji
- M Virji
- MA Apicella
- MJ Binnicker
- MM Estabrook
- MP Bos
- MP Bos
- MP Jennings
- MP Simons
- MP Simons
- MR Spinosa
- MS Blake
- N Soderholm
- ND Burg
- NM Ovcinnikov
- O Billker
- O Kepp
- O Kurzai
- O Levy
- P Ayala
- P Lacy
- P Massari
- P Massari
- P van Ulsen
- PJ Wiesner
- PL Fisette
- PR Marri
- R Grifantini
- RF Rest
- RJ Belland
- RN Fichorova
- S Davila
- S Pils
- S Ram
- S Ram
- S Ram
- S Schielke
- SD Gray-Owen
- SD Gray-Owen
- SD Gray-Owen
- SE McCaw
- SG Casey
- SG Casey
- SG Casey
- SH Fischer
- SM Zughaier
- SR Johnson
- T Chen
- T Chen
- T Davidsen
- T Schmitter
- V Kozjak-Pavlovic
- V Witko-Sarsat
- WL Lee
- WM Shafer
- YL Tzeng
- Publication venue
- 'Springer Science and Business Media LLC'
- Publication date
- Field of study