1,243 research outputs found

    Agro-ecological transition in rural settlement in Chapada dos Veadeiros.

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    The sustainability of organic production and the agroecological transition of farmers in the Chapada dos Veadeiros region was evaluated using the Environmental Impact Assessment System of Agricultural Technological Innovations (AMBITEC-AGRO). The evaluation process consisted of three stages: 1st survey and data collection, 2nd application of questionnaires and 3rd individual interviews. Data were entered into electronic spreadsheets, generating quantitative results of the impacts of activities carried out on rural properties. The indicators of the data obtained are organized in weighting matrices and automatically transformed into impact indices expressed graphically. These indexes resulted in the Percentage of Impact of Technologies - PIT, which characterizes the percentage gain of technology for each of the criteria of the environmental, economic and social dimensions of the productive units. For the environmental dimension, the PIT showed a reduction of -3.73%, where the general index of impact of the activity was 0.95 and after the transition to organic and/or agroecological production it went to 1.29, with a difference of 0.34. In the economic dimension, the PIT was 7.70%, the employment variable with 0.73 and income with 3.89 were the ones that most contributed to this percentage. In the social dimension, the PIT was 7.19%, the most prominent criteria being the consumer with an average of 3.74 and health with an average of 2.99. In this sense, the transition to organic and/or agroecological management, mainly due to the reduction of environmental impacts, provided greater sustainability for agricultural activities in the region


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    Variações do período de carpogênese da lima ácida 'Tahiti' cultivada sob irrigação por gotejamento no Distrito Federal.

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    No Distrito Federal, os melhores preços pagos aos produtores de limão tahiti são praticados durante o período de entressafra que ocorre de junho a novembro, de acordo com Junqueira (2006). No entanto, para que se possa planejar a produção no período de entressafra é essencial que se conheçam os períodos de carpogênese, definido como o período compreendido entre a antese e a colheita do fruto, pois se admite que esse período pode sofrer alterações com as variações climáticas. De acordo com Fonfría et al. (1996), tal período está em torno de 170 dias, enquanto Coelho et al. (1993) afirmam que é de 120 dias. Coelho et al. (1993), enfatizam que, sob temperaturas constantes entre 12 e 13°C a maioria das espécies do gênero Citrus apresenta paralisação no crescimento. Este autor e Azevedo (2003) relatam que, sob temperaturas mais altas, o período da floração à maturação é reduzido e os frutos permanecem pouco tempo na planta depois de maduros. Considerando-se a escassez de informações disponíveis a respeito da cultura em questão, este trabalho teve como objetivo, determinar os períodos de carpogênese a partir de flores emitidas mensalmente, durante 12 meses, em um plantio comercial de limoeiro tahiti cultivado sob irrigação no Distrito Federal

    Granting of credit in organic family production.

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    Despite the relevance of credit lines for the development of organic production system activities, the access by producers, especially family producers, to specific lines for this purpose is still extremely low. Therefore, this study aims to analyze the reasons why organic producers do not have access to government financial credit lines, in particular, from the Brazilian Program for Strengthening Family Agriculture´s (PRONAF) “Green Lines”. As to the methodology, this is an applied and descriptive research, which integrates quantitative and qualitative approaches with non-probabilistic sampling due to its accessibility and convenience. An electronic questionnaire was sent via WhatsApp application to 2,325 producers included in the National Register of Organic Producers, and the data obtained underwent statistical and content analysis. The data showed that most producers carry out organic production activities with their own resources and that the most prominent reasons for not taking out credit in specific credit lines for organic production are linked to the credit granting process. Furthermore, the findings indicated a necessity to reassess the granting lines, aiming to make them more commercially attractive and less bureaucratic, considering the specificities of producers and the organic production system