13 research outputs found

    Dinâmica da mobilização de elementos em solos da Amazônia submetidos à inundação Dinamics of elements in soils from Amazonia after controlled inundation

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    Parte significativa de solos da Amazônia permanece saturada ou inundada por períodos que podem variar de alguns dias a vários meses, em decorrência de enchentes ou deficiência de drenagem em algumas áreas, resultando em alterações químicas, físicas e biológicas nos solos. Este trabalho foi conduzido com o objetivo de avaliar a dinâmica da mobilização de Al, Ca, Fe, K, Mg, Mn, Na, Si e P em solos da Amazônia submetidos a inundação. Amostras de vários solos foram submetidas à inundação durante seis meses. Alíquotas da solução foram coletadas periodicamente durante o tempo de inundação e determinaram-se os teores dos diversos elementos em solução. A inundação influenciou a cinética dos elementos, com aumento da mobilização dos mesmos, principalmente, nas primeiras semanas. Os teores de Fe em solução foram mais elevados para os solos mais ricos em Fe amorfo. Em amostras com baixos teores de Fe amorfo e baixo conteúdo de matéria orgânica, os teores de Fe em solução foram muito reduzidos. O teor de P em solução foi influenciado por todas as formas de P. O P ligado ao Fe foi a forma que maior influência exerceu sobre o teor de P solúvel. Os teores dos cátions Ca, Mg, K e Na, em solução, foram diretamente influenciados por seus respectivos teores trocáveis, bem como pela cinética do Fe e do Mn.<br>Significant part of Amazonia soils stays partially or completely waterlogged for varying periods of days to months, as result of widespread inundation or drainage deficiency in some areas, causing changes in chemical, physical and biological properties. In this work, we aimed to evaluate the dynamics of mobilization of Al, Ca, Fe, K, Mg, Mn, Na, Si, P in soils subjected to controlled six months inundation. Soil solution aliquots were collected periodically during the inundation period, determining all elements in solution. The inundation influenced the kinetics of elements, increasing their mobilization, notably in the first weeks. Levels of Fe in solution were higher in soils with greater amounts of amorphous Fe. In soils with low amorphous Fe and low organic matter contents, mobilization of Fe was very low. Levels of P in solution were influenced by all P forms, but Fe-P forms exerted the greatest influence on mobilized P. Levels of Ca, Mg, K and Na in solution were directly influenced by their exchangeable levels, as well by the Mn and Fe kinetics

    Spatiotemporal variations of internal P-loading and the related mechanisms in the large shallow Lake Chaohu

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    Spatiotemporal variations of P species and adsorption behavior in water column, interstitial water, and sediments were investigated in the large shallow eutrophic Lake Chaohu. Ortho-phosphate (Ortho-P) and total phosphorus (TP) concentrations were significantly higher in the western part than in the eastern part of the lake, due to different nutrient inputs from the surrounding rivers. Moreover, particulate phosphorus (PP) concentration was in a similar spatial pattern to Ortho-P and TP concentrations, and also showed significantly positive correlation with the biomass of Microcystis, indicating more uptake and store of phosphorus by Microcystis than by other algae. Increase of pH and intensive utilization of P by phytoplankton were the main factors promoting P (especially Fe-P) release from the sediment to interstitial water during the cyanobacterial blooms in Lake Chaohu. Spatial dynamics in TP concentration, P species and adsorption behavior of the sediment, coupled with the statistical analyses, suggested that the spatial heterogeneity of P contents in the sediment was influenced by various factors, e.g. human activities, soil geochemistry and mineral composition. In spite of similar TP contents in the sediments, increase in proportion of Fe-P concentration in the sediment may result in a high risk of P release


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