9 research outputs found

    Predictors of suffering in advanced cancer.

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    CONTEXT: Suffering is a complex experience. Identifying its predictors is useful to signal at-risk patients. OBJECTIVE: To identify suffering predictors in patients with advanced cancer in palliative care. METHODS: A total of 98 patients participated in the study. A semistructured interview examining suffering levels and physical, psychological, social, and spiritual aspects was used. Instruments included Pictorial Representation of Illness and Self Measure (PRISM), Edmonton Symptom Assessment System (ESAS), Detection of emotional distress (DED), and Structured Interview of Symptoms and Concern (SISC). Variance-based structural equation model was used for the data analysis. RESULTS: All measures were valid and reliable. The structural model explained 64% of the variance. Suffering levels were directly determined by psychological and adjustment problems and indirectly determined by physical, psychological, and spiritual aspects and coping strategies. CONCLUSION: Our study supports the proposed theoretical model and signals the important mediating effect of psychological and spiritual variables between physical symptoms and suffering

    Adesão ao tratamento da Hanseníase: dificuldades inerentes aos portadores

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    Esta pesquisa, realizada em Guaiúba, CE, Brasil, objetivou identificar as dificuldades de adesão ao tratamento pelos portadores de hanseníase, relacionando os fatores associados. Estudo qualitativo, cujos dados foram coletados a partir de uma visita domiciliária com roteiro de entrevista contendo sete questões norteadoras. Participaram pacientes com diagnóstico de hanseníase e histórico de não adesão ao tratamento. Utilizou-se o Modelo de Atividade de Vida de Roper, Logan e Tierney. As falas dos sujeitos foram categorizadas de acordo com as doze atividades de vida. A utilização do modelo possibilitou uma abordagem holística sobre as barreiras vivenciadas pelo hanseniano na adesão ao tratamento medicamentoso, de modo a conhecer as atividades de vida destes pacientes para possível adequação de ações voltadas a essa clientela