12 research outputs found
Comparaison randomisée entre le système de dossiers informatisés pour l’anesthésie et les dossiers manuscrits et évaluation de l’effet Hawthorne
- Author
- AF Merry
- AF Merry
- Alan F. Merry
- AP Marco
- Cornelis Kruger
- DB Wax
- DL Reich
- DN Thrush
- DW Edsall
- FO Kooij
- HM Parsons
- J Allard
- JA Fisher
- Jacqueline Hannam
- JD Holden
- JG Lerou
- JS McDonald
- JS McDonald
- KV Sanborn
- Kylie-Ellen Edwards
- L Rowe
- M Benson
- M O’Reilly
- M Porta
- MB Weinger
- MM Vigoda
- PJ Kennedy
- R McCarney
- RG Loeb
- RH Epstein
- RI Cook
- Richard Yu
- S Ausset
- Sander M. Hagen
- W Donsbach
- WA Wrightson
- WD Driscoll
- WH Verstappen
- Publication venue
- 'Springer Science and Business Media LLC'
- Publication date
- Field of study
The effects of scandalization in political news messages on political trust and message evaluation
- Author
- Publication venue
- 'SAGE Publications'
- Publication date
- Field of study
Caught between sympathy and suspicion: journalistic perceptions and practices of telling asylum seekers’ personal stories
- Author
- Publication venue
- 'SAGE Publications'
- Publication date
- Field of study
Journalists’ contributions to political life in Switzerland: Professional role conceptions and perceptions of role enactment
- Author
- Bakker P
- Bonfadelli H
- Broersma MJ
- Daniel Beck
- Dingerkus F
- Donohue GA
- Donsbach W
- Donsbach W
- Donsbach W
- Eide M
- Ettema JS
- Franklin B
- Grieves K
- Hanitzsch T
- Hanitzsch T
- Hellmueller L
- Hellmueller L
- Hellmueller LC
- Hellmueller LC
- Høyer S
- Janowitz M
- Johnstone JW
- Johnstone JW
- Keel G
- Klatetzki T
- Kuhn TS
- KĂĽnzler M
- Lea Hellmueller
- Marr M
- Mellado C
- Mellado C
- Mellado C
- Mellado C
- Meyen M
- Miraldi R
- Patric Raemy
- Phillips A
- Raemy P
- Reese SD
- Rosen J
- Sparrow BH
- Sparrow BH
- Umbricht A
- Waisbord S
- Weaver DH
- Weaver DH
- Weaver DH
- Weaver DH
- Weischenberg S
- Weischenberg S
- Weischenberg S
- Wiik J
- Willnat L
- Publication venue
- 'SAGE Publications'
- Publication date
- Field of study
Die ökonomischen Zwangsjacken der Kultur
- Author
- B Frank
- B Groys
- B Miège
- B Miège
- BM Owen
- BS Frey
- C Kallas
- C Philipp
- D Feder
- E Wahl-Zieger
- F Everschor
- G Locksley
- G Murdock
- G Stigler
- GA Akerlof
- H Baumol
- H Kresse
- H Stipp
- H-J WeiĂź
- J Heinrich
- J Heinrich
- J Tunstall
- J Turow
- J-U Nieland
- JS Ettema
- JS Ettema
- K Blaukopf
- K Homann
- K Roe
- K-D Altmeppen
- KG Tasche
- KP Etzkorn
- LC Thurow
- M Adler
- M Jäckel
- M Piore
- MP McAllister
- P Drey
- PJ DiMaggio
- PV Miller
- R Collins
- R Kapsis
- RR Faulkner
- S Christopherson
- SM Kaminsky
- T Lovell
- T Scitovsky
- T Scitovsky
- TW Adorno
- UM KrĂĽger
- V Lilienthal
- W Donsbach
- W Pommerehne
- W Schulz
- WJ Baumol
- Publication venue
- 'Springer Science and Business Media LLC'
- Publication date
- 01/01/1998
- Field of study
Do you really know your reporters? Evaluation methods of editors-in-chief
- Author
- Adler S
- Ahva L
- Anderson CW
- Andersson U
- Anu C
- Bakker P
- Bourdieu P
- Bourdieu P
- Bourdieu P
- Cameron S
- Carlson M
- Cohen BC
- Colbert F
- Collins H
- Cook TE
- De Zúñiga HG
- Deuze M
- Deuze M
- Donsbach W
- Ettema JS
- Gans H
- Giles B
- Golding P
- Guest G
- Hagar Lahav
- Hempel PS
- Hutter M
- Jordanous A
- Karlsson M
- Kunelius R
- Ledford GE
- Mancini P
- Mumford MD
- Reich Z
- Shapiro I
- Tambini D
- Tuchman G
- Tunstall J
- Underwood D
- Vandendaele A
- Velthuis O
- Waisbord S
- Wijnberg NM
- Willnat L
- Young S
- Zelizer B
- Zvi Reich
- Publication venue
- 'SAGE Publications'
- Publication date
- Field of study
Selektion neu betrachtet: Auswahlentscheidungen im Internet
- Author
- A Werner
- AM Rubin
- AM Rubin
- B Eimeren van
- B Weidenmann
- B Weidenmann
- C Eilders
- C Eilders
- C Heeter
- C Kuhlmann
- C Mast
- C Roser
- C Zubayr
- CR Bybee
- D Kahneman
- D Zillmann
- E Katz
- E Zerbinos
- EJ Johnson
- EM Rogers
- F EisenfĂĽhr
- F Rotzer
- F Weinreich
- F Williams
- FA Biocca
- G Köstlin-Gloger
- GM Garramone
- GM Kosicki
- GT Cameron
- H Bilandzic
- H GrĂĽne
- H Jungermann
- H Kubicek
- H Schatz
- H Scherer
- H Stipp
- H Sturm
- H Wandke
- H-B Brosius
- H-B Brosius
- H-G Niemeyer
- J Donnerstag
- J Kagan
- J.G. Webster
- JA Bargh
- JB Walther
- JF Cove
- JR Bettman
- JR Bettman
- JR Höflich
- JR Höflich
- JS Steuer
- JW Alba
- JW Payne
- K Bergmann
- K Mullet
- K Schönbach
- K Tasche
- KH Teigen
- KM Goldstein
- KR Hammond
- L Donohew
- LM Hagen
- LM Hagen
- M Amelang
- M Bachofer
- M Berghaus
- M Jäckel
- M McLuhan
- M Morris
- M Schenk
- MM Omodei
- MR Levy
- O Svenson
- P Rössler
- P Slovic
- P Weinberg
- PF Lazarsfeld
- PL Wright
- R Dobal
- RA Bauer
- RE Petty
- S Ottler
- S Rafaeli
- SL Jarvenpaa
- STH Chaffee
- U Dehm
- U Schmid
- W Donsbach
- W Donsbach
- W FrĂĽh
- W Kintsch
- W Schramm
- W Schulz
- W Schweiger
- W Schweiger
- W Schweiger
- W Wirth
- W Wirth
- Publication venue
- 'Springer Science and Business Media LLC'
- Publication date
- 01/01/1999
- Field of study
Corporate Responses to Critical Journalistic Interview Requests: An Experimental Study on Crisis Prevention
- Author
- A Gonzáles-Herrero
- A Gregory
- AA Marcus
- AB Bower
- AH Eagly
- AH Eagly
- AS Imada
- B Mullen
- B Weiner
- Benno Viererbl
- CI Hovland
- CJ Fombrun
- D Laufer
- E Brunswik
- F Haumer
- F Nagel
- H Park
- HM Kepplinger
- HM Kepplinger
- HS Friedmann
- JJ Skowronski
- JK Burgoon
- JL Bartlett
- JN Druckman
- JS Bruner
- L Barton
- L Mae
- LM Arpan
- LM McDonald
- LM McKinnon
- ML Barnett
- ML Patterson
- N Jackob
- Nora Denner
- P Sopory
- R Entman
- RA Hackett
- RE Freeman
- RL Heath
- RM Krauss
- S Chaiken
- Sascha Himmelreich
- SJ Holladay
- SL Crites Jr
- SL Wartick
- ST Fiske
- SW Duck
- T Jaques
- Thomas Koch
- VB Cline
- W Donsbach
- WL Benoit
- WT Coombs
- WT Coombs
- WT Coombs
- WT Coombs
- WT Coombs
- Publication venue
- 'Springer Science and Business Media LLC'
- Publication date
- Field of study
Zum Konzept der Selektivität: Auswahlprozesse bei Medien und Publikum
- Author
- A Emmerich
- BE Broadbent
- C Eilders
- C Eilders
- C Holtz-Bacha
- C Holtz-Bacha
- C Kuhlmann
- CK Atkin
- CK Atkin
- CS Heeter
- D Berlyne
- D Horton
- D Zillmann
- D Zillmann
- DA Ziemke
- DM White
- DO Sears
- E Katz
- E Ă–stgaard
- FC Bartlett
- G Gerbner
- G Gerbner
- G Gerbner
- G Gerbner
- G Gerbner
- G Ruhrmann
- GJ Goodhardt
- GR Funkhouser
- H Espe
- H Schatz
- H-J WeiĂź
- H-J WeiĂź
- HM Kepplinger
- HM Kepplinger
- J Biyant
- J Galtung
- JF Staab
- JG Robinson
- JG Robinson
- JS Kerrick
- K Lang
- K Merten
- K Merten
- K Merten
- K Renckstorf
- K Schönbach
- K Schönbach
- KE Rosengren
- KG Tasche
- L Festinger
- L. M. Hagen
- LA Donohew
- LJ Shrum
- M McLuhan
- M Schenk
- M Zuckerman
- MA Minsky
- MJ Robinson
- MW Klein
- N Postman
- P Palmgren
- P Palmgren
- P Vorderer
- P Vorderer
- PF Lazarsfeld
- PJ Shoemaker
- PT Barwise
- RC Flegel
- RC Schank
- RP Hawkins
- ST Fiske
- U Hasebrink
- UM KrĂĽger
- UM KrĂĽger
- W Breed
- W Donsbach
- W Gieber
- W Kintsch
- W Kintsch
- W Lippmann
- W Schulz
- W Schulz
- W Schulz
- W Schulz
- W Wirth
- WF Brewer
- WJ McGuire
- WJ Potter
- Publication venue
- 'Springer Science and Business Media LLC'
- Publication date
- 01/01/1999
- Field of study
What Happened to the Public Sphere? The Networked Public Sphere and Public Opinion Formation
- Author
- A Binns
- A Bruns
- A Chadwick
- A Chadwick
- A Maireder
- A Schulz
- A Shoham
- AA Anderson
- AD Santana
- B Peters
- B Reader
- Barbara Pfetsch
- C Bieber
- C Calhoun
- C Hardaker
- C Leggewie
- C Mouffe
- C Muñiz
- C Neuberger
- C Neuberger
- C Nuernbergk
- C Nuernbergk
- C Sunstein
- CG Christians
- CJ Glynn
- D Frey
- D Fuchs
- D Rucht
- DA Scheufele
- DC Mutz
- DFJ Campbell
- E Bakshy
- E Hargittai
- E Katz
- E Noelle-Neumann
- E Pariser
- EM Rogers
- Freedom House
- FW Scharpf
- G Ku
- G Woong Yun
- H Huang
- H Lee
- H Rheingold
- J Dewey
- J Dijk van
- J Downey
- J Gerhards
- J Gerhards
- J Habermas
- J Habermas
- J Habermas
- J Habermas
- J Habermas
- J Habermas
- J Habermas
- J Habermas
- J Matthes
- J Schradie
- J Trappel
- J Turcotte
- J Wimmer
- J Wolling
- J-H Schmidt
- JS Donath
- KA Hill
- KD Sweetser
- KE Dalrymple
- L Dahlberg
- L Dahlberg
- LA Friedland
- M Castells
- M Castells
- M Emmer
- M Emmer
- M Hagen
- M Hindman
- M Ito
- M Kosinski
- M Lea
- M Meckel
- M Rhomberg
- M Rhomberg
- M Rhomberg
- M Schudson
- M Tomaszeski
- M Wall
- M Warner
- M Winsvold
- MC Nisbet
- MC Nisbet
- ME McCoombs
- ME Wojcieszak
- MM Ferree
- MS Schäfer
- N Fraser
- N Fraser
- N Negroponte
- O Lembcke
- P Lazarsfeld
- P Moy
- P Muhlberger
- P Porten-Cheé
- P Rössler
- PF Lazarsfeld
- R Coleman
- R Dahl
- R Epstein
- R Lindner
- R Merwe van der
- R Zamith
- RD Putnam
- RD Putnam
- RK Fleck
- RK Garrett
- RM Bond
- RM Entman
- RW Cobb
- S Albrecht
- S Gonzalez-Bailon
- S Herbst
- S Herbst
- S Ho
- S Meraz
- S Messing
- S Trepte
- SC Herring
- SL Althaus
- T Barth
- T Takeshita
- TP Boyle
- V Price
- VA Schmidt
- W Chen
- W Donsbach
- W Donsbach
- W Lippmann
- WB Gallie
- WL Bennett
- X Liu
- Y Benkler
- Z Papacharissi
- Z Papacharissi
- Z Papacharissi
- Publication venue
- 'Springer Science and Business Media LLC'
- Publication date
- 01/01/2017
- Field of study