2,425 research outputs found

    Juvenile polyposis syndrome affecting the stomach: A case report

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Introduction</p> <p>Juvenile polyposis syndrome(JPS) is a rare autosomal dominant inherited condition. Hamartomatous polyps can affect the entire gastrointestinal tract but usually predominate in the colon. In this case report we present an unusual case of JPS that presented with massive gastric polyposis requiring a total gastrectomy.</p> <p>Case presentation</p> <p>A 51-year-old man presented with symptoms of gastric outlet obstruction and upper gastrointestinal bleeding. Gastroscopy showed massive gastric polyposis with a large antral polyp that had prolapsed through the pylorus causing gastric outlet obstruction. Initially endoscopic polypectomy was performed, but due to progressive symptoms a total gastrectomy was then performed. Histology confirmed massive gastric juvenile polyposis.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>Massive gastric polyposis is an uncommon manifestation of juvenile polyposis syndrome. This case illustrates important principles in managing this condition.</p

    The Concordiensis, Volume 26, Number 1

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    Advertisements; College Year Begins; 1906; Y.M.C.A. Gives a Reception; Freshmen Refuse to Paint Idol; Remodeling of South College; Musical Association; Election of Editorial Board; Death of Prof. Opdyke\u27s Mother; Vesper Service; Chapel Meeting; Start Right; Officers of Student Body; Thoughts; Coach Whitney; Y.M.C.A.; Literary Societies; Personals; Advertisementshttps://digitalworks.union.edu/concordiensis_1902/1017/thumbnail.jp

    The Concordiensis, Volume 26, Number 24

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    Advertisements; The Presidents of Union College; Student Conference At Northfield; The Honorary Chancellor; Williams-Union; Inter-Collegiate Operatorical Trials; N.Y.U. 4-Union 2; The Inter-Classtrack Meet; College Meeting; Port Henry Concert; Junior Hop; Contentment; A Message From Mars ; Campus Notes; Advertisementshttps://digitalworks.union.edu/concordiensis_1903/1012/thumbnail.jp

    The Concordiensis, Volume 26, Number 9

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    Advertisements; Delta Phi Re-Union; Phi Delta Theta Convention; Musical Association; Kappa Alpha Reception; Albany Law School; N.Y.U. Shuts Out Union; The Plea of a Fish; Campus Notes; College Verse; Personals; Barney Shandon-Hero; Modern Feetball; Advertisementshttps://digitalworks.union.edu/concordiensis_1902/1025/thumbnail.jp

    The Concordiensis, Volume 26, Number 25

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    Advertisements; Another Class Song; James Young Speaks in Silliman Hall; Seventienth Annual Convention in this City of Psi Upsilon; Egyptian Engineering; The Garnet; Columbia-Union; Anemone; The Slip; Kaps Entertain; College Meeting; Campus Notes; Alpha Delt Informal; Musical Association Election; A Fragment from the Epic of Eldwulf; Advertisementshttps://digitalworks.union.edu/concordiensis_1903/1013/thumbnail.jp

    The Concordiensis, Volume 26, Number 18

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    Advertisements; Allison-Foote Debate; Sophomore Soiree; Alpha Delts Entertain; Cap and Gown ; Book Notice; Campus Notes; Alumni Notes; Speech by the Hon. Charles Emory Smith; Vesper Service; Albany Law School; The Medical College; A Pipe Revery; Advertisementshttps://digitalworks.union.edu/concordiensis_1903/1006/thumbnail.jp

    Federal Jurisdiction-Federal Civil Procedure-Right to Jury Trial of Seaman\u27s Claim for Maintenance and Cure Where Joined with Claim Under Jones Act

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    Plaintiff seaman, having been injured while in the employ of defendant shipowner, filed an action in federal district court. Plaintiff invoked the court\u27s federal-question jurisdiction alone, under section 1331 of the federal Judicial Code. He alleged claims for negligence under the Jones Act, for unseaworthiness, and for maintenance and cure, and demanded jury trial of all three counts. The trial court sustained the demand as to the first two counts, but ordered that the claim for maintenance and cure be tried to the judge alone, sitting as a court of admiralty. On appeal from the order denying jury trial of plaintiff\u27s claim for maintenance and cure, held, affirmed. Sitting en bane, the nine judges of the Second Circuit handed down three separate opinions. Judge Friendly, with three colleagues, held that an award of jury trial of a maintenance and cure count would constitute reversible error, on the grounds that Federal Rule 38(a)\u27s grants of jury trial are exclusive and that the trial court did not have pendent jurisdiction on the law side of the maintenance and cure claim. Judge Smith, with Judge Waterman, concurring, held that, so long as plaintiff presented a Jones Act claim, neither an award nor a denial of jury trial of a joined count for maintenance and cure would be reversible error. Judge Clark, dissenting with the remaining two judges, argued that plaintiff should be entitled to jury trial of all claims arising from any single factual situation. Fitzgerald v. United States Lines Co., 306 F.2d 461 (2d Cir. 1962), reversed, 83 Sup. Ct. 1646 (1963)

    The Concordiensis, Volume 26, Number 19

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    Advertisements; Charles Proteus Steinmetz; Baseball Bulletin; Delta U Banquet; Alpha Delts Entertain; Rev. Mr. Waygood Speaks at Vespers; Campus Notes; Medical College; The Feud; Y.M.C.A. Election; Kortright Boy Honored; He Slipped; Longing; College Meeting; Calendar of the Week; Advertisementshttps://digitalworks.union.edu/concordiensis_1903/1007/thumbnail.jp

    The Concordiensis, Volume 26, Number 23

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    Advertisements; The Traveller\u27s Vision; Chi Psi Entertain; R.P.I. 9-Union 19; The West Point Game; College Meeting; District Reunion Beta Theta Pi; Albany Law School; Medical College; College of Pharmacy; Questions of Youth; On Resolution; A Letter From Texas; A Story of Aumie ; Red Pottage; Advertisementshttps://digitalworks.union.edu/concordiensis_1903/1011/thumbnail.jp
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