1,409 research outputs found

    Investigations of several variables in the Dwight-Lloyd McWane ironmaking process

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    The Dwight- Lloyd McWane Ironmaking Process (D-LM) is the first commercial process of its particular type and one of the few commercial processes involving prereduction of iron ore in existence today. This presentation reviews some promising ironmaking processes which involve iron ore prereduction, with special attention being given the D-LM process. Although the D-LM process is continuous from iron ore to high quality molten cast iron, the research and discussion herein is limited to principal variables involved in the production of high quality carbonized pellets in the prereduction phase of the operation. The variables of process temperature and pellet carbon content are studied and related to the chemical property of prereduction of oxides, the physical property of pellet crush strength, and the electrical property of pellet resistance. Through the use of a bench-scale test devised herein, it is found that maximum prereduction of iron oxides is obtained at approximately 20 percent pellet carbon and a carbonizing temperature of 2000ºF., carbonized pellet crush strength increases drastically as pellet carbon increases above 25 percent and reaches a maximum at 1800ºF. carbonizing temperature, and electrical resistance of pellets decreases rapidly as both pellet carbon and carbonizing temperature increase. With the use of these relationships it is proposed that the bench-scale prereduction apparatus utilized in research be used as a quality control device in the prereduction step of the D-LM ironmaking process --Abstract, pages ii-iii

    Forum Juridicum: The Right of Appeal

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    Forum Juridicum: The Louisiana Lawyer

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    A Crossroad in Louisiana History

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    Faith Journey: A Strategy for Nurturing Discipleship at Lenape Valley Presbyterian Church

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    The purpose of this paper, with attached training manual, is to offer a personalized approach to growth in Christian discipleship for adults of the Lenape Valley Presbyterian Church through the development of a personal growth plan around five faith practices: worship regularly, pray daily, learn and apply God’s Word, participate in a ministry, and give financially to the ministry of the church. Lenape Valley Presbyterian Church, located in New Britain, Pennsylvania, sees its spiritual vitality diminished by the absence of a clear pathway for spiritual growth. Growing into true disciples committed to the missional character of the church has captivated the church’s current leadership, and direction for accomplishing this is being sought. This paper’s strategy is expected to result in self-reproducing disciples of Jesus Christ. The paper includes three major parts. The first part addresses the contextual factors of the church, resulting in a nominal practice and experience of the Christian faith. Three chapters examine the context for ministry, the symptoms of the discipleship deficit, an assessment of underlying causes, and the consequences to congregational health and vitality. The second part, divided into four chapters, provides a theological foundation for the local church to locate the center of its activity in raising up self-reproducing disciples of Jesus Christ. This part examines the missional impulse of the Scriptures and the call to form disciples through spiritual disciplines. It also illuminates learning goals, pedagogy, learning design, implementation, and assessment of the adult formation program. The third section (appendix) contains the training and resource manual used by participants in the personalized approach to Christian discipleship. This manual consists of eight small-group-based experiences that precede the development of a personal growth plan for discipleship growth. An assessment tool identifies for participants both present strengths and opportunities for growth in personal discipleship. Three points of engagement shape the process of discipleship growth, recognizing the value of time alone, time in community, and time sharing with others. Theological Mentor: Kurt Fredrickson, Ph

    Forum Juridicum: The Louisiana Judiciary

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