238 research outputs found

    Carbon isotope effect in superconducting MgCNi_3

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    The effect of Carbon isotope substitution on T_c in the intermetallic perovskite superconductor MgCNi_3 is reported. Four independent groups of samples were synthesized and characterized. The average T_c for the Carbon-12 samples was found to be 7.12(2) K and the average T_c for the Carbon-13 samples was found to be 6.82(2) K. The resulting carbon isotope effect coefficient is alfa_C = 0.54(3). This indicates that carbon-based phonons play a critical role in the presence of superconductivity in this compound.Comment: To be published in Phys. Rev. B. 4 pages, 1 figur

    Large enhancement of the thermopower in Nax_xCoO2_2 at high Na doping

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    Research on the oxide perovskites has uncovered electronic properties that are strikingly enhanced compared with those in conventional metals. Examples are the high critical temperatures of the cuprate superconductors and the colossal magnetoresistance in the manganites. The conducting layered cobaltate NaxCoO2\rm Na_xCoO_2 displays several interesting electronic phases as xx is varied including water-induced superconductivity and an insulating state that is destroyed by field. Initial measurements showed that, in the as-grown composition, NaxCoO2\rm Na_xCoO_2 displays moderately large thermopower SS and conductivity σ\sigma. However, the prospects for thermoelectric cooling applications faded when the figure of merit ZZ was found to be small at this composition (0.6<x<<x<0.7). Here we report that, in the poorly-explored high-doping region x>x>0.75, SS undergoes an even steeper enhancement. At the critical doping xpx_p\sim 0.85, ZZ (at 80 K) reaches values \sim40 times larger than in the as-grown crystals. We discuss prospects for low-temperature thermoelectric applications.Comment: 6 pages, 7 figure

    Non-cubic layered structure of Ba(1-x)K(x)BiO3 superconductor

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    Bismuthate superconductor Ba(1-x)K(x)BiO3 (x=0.27-0.49, Tc=25-32K) grown by an electrolysis technique was studied by electron diffraction and high-resolution electron microscopy. The crystalline structure thereof has been found to be non-cubic, of the layered nature, and non-centrosymmetric, with the lattice parameters a ~ ap, c ~ 2ap (ap is a simple cubic perovskite cell parameter) containing an ordered arrangement of barium and potassium. The evidence for the layered nature of the bismuthate superconductor removes the principal crystallographic contradiction between bismuthate and cuprate high-Tc superconductors.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figures, to be published in Physical Review B as a Rapid Communicatio

    Phase diagram of the one-dimensional extended attractive Hubbard model for large nearest-neighbor repulsion

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    We consider the extended Hubbard model with attractive on-site interaction U and nearest-neighbor repulsions V. We construct an effective Hamiltonian H_{eff} for hopping t<<V and arbitrary U<0. Retaining the most important terms, H_{eff} can be mapped onto two XXZ models, solved by the Bethe ansatz. The quantum phase diagram shows two Luttinger liquid phases and a region of phase separation between them. For density n<0.422 and U<-4, singlet superconducting correlations dominate at large distances. For some parameters, the results are in qualitative agreement with experiments in BaKBiO.Comment: 6 pages, 3 figures, submitted to Phys. Rev.

    Doping Dependence of the Electronic Structure of Ba_{1-x}K_{x}BiO_{3} Studied by X-Ray Absorption Spectroscopy

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    We have performed x-ray absorption spectroscopy (XAS) and x-ray photoemission spectroscopy (XPS) studies of single crystal Ba_{1-x}K_{x}BiO_{3} (BKBO) covering the whole composition range 0x0.600 \leq x \leq 0.60. Several features in the oxygen 1\textit{s} core XAS spectra show systematic changes with xx. Spectral weight around the absorption threshold increases with hole doping and shows a finite jump between x=0.30x=0.30 and 0.40, which signals the metal-insulator transition. We have compared the obtained results with band-structure calculations. Comparison with the XAS results of BaPb_{1-x}Bi_{x}O_{3} has revealed quite different doping dependences between BKBO and BPBO. We have also observed systematic core-level shifts in the XPS spectra as well as in the XAS threshold as functions of xx, which can be attributed to a chemical potential shift accompanying the hole doping. The observed chemical potential shift is found to be slower than that predicted by the rigid band model based on the band-structure calculations.Comment: 8 pages, 8 figures include

    Dynamics of Stripes in Doped Antiferromagnets

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    We study the dynamics of the striped phase, which has previously been suggested to be the ground state of a doped antiferromagnet. Starting from the t-J model, we derive the classical equation governing the motion of the charged wall by using a ficticious spin model as an intermediate step. A wave-like equation of motion is obtained and the wall elasticity and mass density constants are derived in terms of the t and J parameters. The wall is then regarded as an elastic string which will be trapped by the pinning potential produced by randomly distributed impurities. We evaluate the pinning potential and estimate the threshold electric field which has to be applied to the system in order to release the walls. Besides, the dynamics of the stripe in the presence of a bias field below the threshold is considered and the high- and low-temperature relaxation rates are derived.Comment: 22 pages, RevTeX, 3 PS-figure

    Simple de Sitter Solutions

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    We present a framework for de Sitter model building in type IIA string theory, illustrated with specific examples. We find metastable dS minima of the potential for moduli obtained from a compactification on a product of two Nil three-manifolds (which have negative scalar curvature) combined with orientifolds, branes, fractional Chern-Simons forms, and fluxes. As a discrete quantum number is taken large, the curvature, field strengths, inverse volume, and four dimensional string coupling become parametrically small, and the de Sitter Hubble scale can be tuned parametrically smaller than the scales of the moduli, KK, and winding mode masses. A subtle point in the construction is that although the curvature remains consistently weak, the circle fibers of the nilmanifolds become very small in this limit (though this is avoided in illustrative solutions at modest values of the parameters). In the simplest version of the construction, the heaviest moduli masses are parametrically of the same order as the lightest KK and winding masses. However, we provide a method for separating these marginally overlapping scales, and more generally the underlying supersymmetry of the model protects against large corrections to the low-energy moduli potential.Comment: 37 pages, harvmac big, 4 figures. v3: small correction

    What are the experimentally observable effects of vertex corrections in superconductors?

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    We calculate the effects of vertex corrections, of non-constant density of states and of a (self-consistently determined) phonon self-energy for the Holstein model on a 3D cubic lattice. We replace vertex corrections with a Coulomb pseudopotential, mu*, adjusted to give the same Tc, and repeat the calculations, to see which effects are a distinct feature of vertex corrections. This allows us to determine directly observable effects ofvertex corrections on a variety of thermodynamic properties of superconductors. To this end, we employ conserving approximations (in the local approximation) to calculate the superconducting critical temperatures, isotope coefficients, superconducting gaps, free-energy differences and thermodynamic critical fields for a range of parameters. We find that the dressed value of lambda is significantly larger than the bare value. While vertex corrections can cause significant changes in all the above quantities (even whenthe bare electron-phonon coupling is small), the changes can usually be well-modeled by an appropriate Coulomb pseudopotential. The isotope coefficient proves to be the quantity that most clearly shows effects of vertex corrections that can not be mimicked by a mu*.Comment: 28 pages, 12 figure