12 research outputs found

    Floral odors and the interaction between pollinating Ceratopogonid midges and Cacao

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    Most plant species depend upon insect pollination services, including many cash and subsistence crops. Plants compete to attract those insects using visual cues and floral odor which pollinators associate with a reward. The cacao tree, Theobroma cacao, has a highly specialized floral morphology permitting pollination primarily by Ceratopogonid midges. However, these insects do not depend upon cacao flowers for their life cycle, and can use other sugar sources. To understand how floral cues mediate pollination in cacao we developed a method for rearing Ceratopogonidae through several complete lifecycles to provide material for bioassays. We carried out collection and analysis of cacao floral volatiles, and identified a bouquet made up exclusively of saturated and unsaturated, straight-chain hydrocarbons, which is unusual among floral odors. The most abundant components were tridecane, pentadecane, (Z)-7-pentadecene and (Z)-8-heptadecene with a heptadecadiene and heptadecatriene as minor components. We presented adult midges, Forcipomyia sp. (subgen. Forcipomyia), Culicoides paraensis and Dasyhelea borgmeieri, with natural and synthetic cacao flower odors in choice assays. Midges showed weak attraction to the complete natural floral odor in the assay, with no significant evidence of interspecific differences. This suggests that cacao floral volatiles play a role in pollinator behavior. Midges were not attracted to a synthetic blend of the above four major components of cacao flower odor, indicating that a more complete blend is required for attraction. Our findings indicate that cacao pollination is likely facilitated by the volatile blend released by flowers, and that the system involves a generalized odor response common to different species of Ceratopogonidae

    The Pleistocene glacial cycles shaped the historical demography and phylogeography of a pine fungal endophyte

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    The fungal endophyte Lophodermium nitens is an obligate symbiont of soft pines inhabiting only two pine species in Mexico with a broad distribution of geographically isolated populations. A previous study for the hosts indicated a main east-west subdivision with recurrent gene flow within these regions and demographic expansion of populations. We took these patterns as null hypotheses to test for the demography and phylogeographical patterns of the fungus, given the obligatory relationship of the endophyte to the host and its reduced capacity for long-distance dispersal. For this purpose, we employed two nuclear DNA loci, fragments of the actin and chitin synthase I genes. Both loci showed high genetic variation, consisting of private single-copy alleles, as well as few ones at high frequency that were shared among almost all populations. In order to distinguish between shared polymorphism due to incomplete lineage sorting and gene flow posterior to population divergence, we applied the coalescent-based Isolation-Migration (IM) model. We found patterns of gene flow and isolation similar to those of the hosts as well as signs of population expansion. Mean migration time and divergence time estimates fell within the Pleistocene, previous to Last Glacial Maximum. The results presented here for L. nitens emphasize the potential use of endophytic fungi to deepen the knowledge of historical patterns and processes of their host plants

    Potential of Biopesticides in Sustainable Agriculture

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