134 research outputs found

    Three independently deleted regions at chromosome arm 16q in human prostate cancer: allelic loss at 16q24.1–q24.2 is associated with aggressive behaviour of the disease, recurrent growth, poor differentiation of the tumour and poor prognosis for the patient

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    Loss of heterozygosity at chromosome arm 16q is a frequent event in human prostate cancer. In this study, loss of heterozygosity at 16q was studied in 44 prostate cancer patients exhibiting various clinical features. Fifteen polymorphic polymerase chain reaction (PCR) markers were used to identify the separately deleted areas and the findings were compared with clinicopathological variables and 5-year survival of the patients. The results indicated that there are at least three independently deleted regions at 16q. Allelic losses at the central and distal areas were associated significantly with aggressive behaviour of the disease (16q24.1–q24.2, P< 0.01, and 16q24.3–qter, P< 0.05), and the central area of deletion was further significantly associated with poorly differentiated tumour cells (P< 0.05) and with recurrent (P< 0.01) growth of the tumour. During the follow-up period, 28% of the patients initially with M0 disease developed distant metastases. Of the patients showing allelic loss at 16q24.1–q24.2, distant metastasis were found in 45% during the 5-year follow-up period, and 31% of the patients showing loss at 16q21.1 also developed distant metastases. After the 5-year follow-up period, 14 (32%) of the patients remained alive, whereas 19 (43%) had died because of their prostate cancer. The overall survival rate of the patients showing allelic loss at 16q21.1 or 16q24.1–q24.2 was significantly lower than that of the patients with retained heterozygosity. © 1999 Cancer Research Campaig

    An unbiased in vitro screen for activating epidermal growth factor receptor mutations

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    Cancer tissues harbor thousands of mutations, and a given oncogene may be mutated at hundreds of sites. Yet, only a few of these mutations have been functionally tested. Here, we describe an unbiased platform for the functional characterization of thousands of variants of a single receptor tyrosine kinase (RTK) gene in a single assay. Our in vitro screen for activating mutations (iSCREAM) platform enabled rapid analysis of mutations conferring gain-of-function RTK activity promoting clonal growth. The screening strategy included a somatic model of cancer evolution and utilized a library of 7,216 randomly mutated epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR) single-nucleotide variants, that were tested in murine lymphoid Ba/F3 cells. These cells depend on exogenous interleukin-3 (IL-3) for growth, but this dependency can be compensated by ectopic EGFR overexpression, enabling selection for gain-of-function EGFR mutants. Analysis of the enriched mutants revealed EGFR A702V, a novel activating variant that structurally stabilized the EGFR kinase dimer interface and conferred sensitivity to kinase inhibition by afatinib. As proof of concept for our approach, we recapitulated clinical observations and identified the EGFR L858R as the major enriched EGFR variant. Altogether iSCREAM enabled robust enrichment of 21 variants from a total of 7,216 EGFR mutations. These findings indicate the power of this screening platform for unbiased identification of activating RTK variants that are enriched under selection pressure in a model of cancer heterogeneity and evolution

    Pedometer use and self-determined motivation for walking in a cardiac telerehabilitation program: a qualitative study

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    BACKGROUND: Exercise-based cardiac rehabilitation reduces morbidity and mortality. Walking is a convenient activity suitable for people with cardiac disease. Pedometers count steps, measure walking activity and motivate people to increase physical activity. In this study, patients participating in cardiac telerehabilitation were provided with a pedometer to support motivation for physical activity with the purpose of exploring pedometer use and self-determined motivation for walking experienced by patients and health professionals during a cardiac telerehabilitation program. METHODS: A qualitative research design consisting of observations, individual interviews and patient documents made the basis for a content analysis. Data was analysed deductively using Self Determination Theory as a frame for analysis and discussion, focusing on the psychological needs of autonomy, competence and relatedness. Twelve cardiac patients, 11 health professionals, 6 physiotherapists and 5 registered nurses were included. RESULTS: The pedometer offered independence from standardised rehabilitation since the pedometer supported tailoring, individualised walking activity based on the patient’s choice. This led to an increased autonomy. The patients felt consciously aware of health benefits of walking, and the pedometer provided feedback on walking activity leading to an increased competence to achieve goals for steps. Finally, the pedometer supported relatedness with others. The health professionals’ surveillance of patients’ steps, made the patients feel observed, yet supported, furthermore, their next of kin appeared to be supportive as walking partners. CONCLUSION: Cardiac patients’ motivation for walking was evident due to pedometer use. Even though not all aspects of motivation were autonomous and self determined, the patients felt motivated for walking. The visible steps and continuous monitoring of own walking activity made it possible for each individual patient to choose their desired kind of activity and perform ongoing adjustments of walking activity. The immediate feedback on step activity and the expectations of health benefits resulted in motivation for walking. Finally, pedometer supported walking made surveillance possible, giving the patients a feeling of being looked after and supported. TRIAL REGISTRATION: Current study is a part of The Teledi@log project

    17β-Hydroxysteroid dehydrogenases involved in local oestrogen synthesis have prognostic significance in breast cancer

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    The 17β-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase (17HSD) enzymes are involved in the local regulation of sex steroids. The 17HSD type 1 enzyme catalyses the interconversion of the weak oestrone (E1) to the more potent oestradiol (E2), whereas 17HSD type 2 catalyses the oxidation of E2 to E1. The aim of this study was to correlate the expression of these enzymes in the tumour with the recurrence-free survival of tamoxifen-treated breast cancer patients. We used real-time reverse transcriptase PCR to investigate the mRNA expression of 17HSD types 1 and 2 in tumour samples from 230 postmenopausal patients. For the patients with oestrogen receptor (ER)-positive breast cancer, we found a statistically significant positive correlation between recurrence-free survival and expression of 17HSD type 2 (P=0.026). We examined the ratio of 17HSD types 2 and 1, and ER-positive patients with low ratios showed a significantly higher rate of recurrence than those with higher ratios (P=0.0047). ER positive patients with high expression levels of 17HSD type 1 had a significantly higher risk for late relapse (P=0.0051). The expression of 17HSD types 1 and 2 in breast cancer differs from the expression of these enzymes in normal mammary gland, and this study indicates that the expression has prognostic significance in breast cancer

    Loss of heterozygosity at 18q21 is indicative of recurrence and therefore poor prognosis in a subset of colorectal cancers

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    Adjuvant therapies are increasingly used in colorectal cancers for the prevention of recurrence. These therapies have side-effects and should, thus, be used only if really beneficial. However, the development of recurrence cannot be predicted reliably at the moment of diagnosis, and targeting of adjuvant therapies is thus based only on the primary stage of the cancer. Loss of heterozygosity (LOH) in the long arm of chromosome 18 is suggested to be related to poor survival and possibly to the development of metastases. We studied the value of LOH at 18q21 as a marker of colorectal cancer prognosis, association with clinicopathological variables, tumour recurrence and survival of the patients. Of the 255 patients studied, 195 were informative as regards LOH status when analysed in primary colorectal cancer specimens using the polymerase chain reaction (PCR) and fragment analysis. LOH at 18q21 was significantly associated with the development of recurrence (P= 0.01) and indicated poor survival in patients of Dukes' classes B and C, in which most recurrences (82%) occurred. An increased rate of tumour recurrence is the reason for poor survival among patients with LOH at 18q21 in primary cancer. These patients are a possible target group for recurrence-preventing adjuvant therapies. © 1999 Cancer Research Campaig

    Clinical relevance of genetic instability in prostatic cells obtained by prostatic massage in early prostate cancer

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    We investigated whether genetic lesions such as loss of heterozygosity (LOH) are detected in prostatic cells obtained by prostatic massage during early diagnosis of prostate cancer (CaP) and discussed their clinical relevance. Blood and first urine voided after prostatic massage were collected in 99 patients with total prostate-specific antigen (PSA) between 4 and 10 ng ml−1, prior to prostate biopsies. Presence of prostatic cells was confirmed by quantitative RT–PCR analysis of PSA mRNA. Genomic DNA was analysed for LOH on six chromosomal regions. One or more allelic deletions were found in prostatic fluid from 57 patients analysed, of whom 33 (58%) had CaP. Sensitivity and specificity of LOH detection and PSA free to total ratio <15% for positive biopsy were respectively 86.7 and 44% (P=0.002) for LOH, and 55 and 74% (P=0.006) for PSA ratio <15%. Analysis of LOH obtained from prostatic tumours revealed similar patterns compared to prostatic fluid cells in 86% of cases, confirming its accuracy. The presence of LOH of urinary prostatic cells obtained after prostatic massage is significantly associated with CaP on biopsy and may potentially help to identify a set of patients who are candidates for further prostate biopsies

    Individual accumulation of heterogeneous risks explains perinatal inequalities within deprived neighbourhoods

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    Dutch' figures on perinatal mortality and morbidity are poor compared to EU-standards. Considerable within-country differences have been reported too, with decreased perinatal health in deprived urban areas. We investigated associations between perinatal risk factors and adverse perinatal outcomes in 7,359 pregnant women participating in population-based prospective cohort study, to establish the independent role, if any, for living within a deprived urban neighbourhood. Main outcome measures included perinatal death, intrauterine growth restriction (IUGR), prematurity, congenital malformations, Apgar at 5 min < 7, and pre-eclampsia. Information regarding individual risk factors was obtained from questionnaires, physical examinations, ultrasounds, biological samples, and medical records. The dichotomous Dutch deprivation indicator was additionally used to test for unexplained deprived urban area effects. Pregnancies from a deprived neighbourhood had an increased risk for perinatal death (RR 1.8, 95% CI [1.1; 3.1]). IUGR, prematurity, Apgar at 5 min < 7, and pre-eclampsia also showed higher prevalences (P < 0.05). Residing within a deprived neighbourhood was associated with increased prevalence of all measured risk factors. Regression analysis showed that the observed neighbourhood related differences in perinatal outcomes could be attributed to the increased risk factor prevalence only, without a separated role for living within a deprived neighbourhood. Women from a deprived neighbourhood had significantly more 'possibly avoidable' risk factors. To conclude, women from a socioeconomically deprived neighbourhood are at an increased risk for adverse pregnancy outcomes. Differences regarding possibly avoidable risk factors imply that preventive strategies may prove effective

    Metabolomic Profiling Reveals a Role for Androgen in Activating Amino Acid Metabolism and Methylation in Prostate Cancer Cells

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    Prostate cancer is the second leading cause of cancer related death in American men. Development and progression of clinically localized prostate cancer is highly dependent on androgen signaling. Metastatic tumors are initially responsive to anti-androgen therapy, however become resistant to this regimen upon progression. Genomic and proteomic studies have implicated a role for androgen in regulating metabolic processes in prostate cancer. However, there have been no metabolomic profiling studies conducted thus far that have examined androgen-regulated biochemical processes in prostate cancer. Here, we have used unbiased metabolomic profiling coupled with enrichment-based bioprocess mapping to obtain insights into the biochemical alterations mediated by androgen in prostate cancer cell lines. Our findings indicate that androgen exposure results in elevation of amino acid metabolism and alteration of methylation potential in prostate cancer cells. Further, metabolic phenotyping studies confirm higher flux through pathways associated with amino acid metabolism in prostate cancer cells treated with androgen. These findings provide insight into the potential biochemical processes regulated by androgen signaling in prostate cancer. Clinically, if validated, these pathways could be exploited to develop therapeutic strategies that supplement current androgen ablative treatments while the observed androgen-regulated metabolic signatures could be employed as biomarkers that presage the development of castrate-resistant prostate cancer

    In vivo and in vitro expression of steroid-converting enzymes in human breast tumours: associations with interleukin-6

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    Enzymes modulating local steroid availability play an important role in the progression of human breast cancer. These include isoforms of 17β-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase (17-HSD), aromatase and steroid sulphatase (STS). The aim of this study was to investigate the expression, by reverse transcription polymerase chain reaction, of 17-HSD types I–IV, aromatase and steroid STS in a series of 51 human breast tumour biopsies and 22 primary cultures of epithelial and stromal cells derived from these tumours, giving a profile of the steroid-regulating network for individual tumours. Correlations between enzyme expression profiles and expression of the interleukin (IL)-6 gene were also sought. All except one tumour expressed at least one isoform of 17-HSD, either alone or in combination with aromatase and STS. Expression of 17-HSD isoforms I–IV were observed in nine tumours. Of the 15 tumours which expressed three isoforms, a combination of 17-HSD II, III and IV was most common (6/15 samples). The majority of tumours (n = 17) expressed two isoforms of 17-HSD with combinations of 17-HSD II and IV predominant (7/17 samples). Eight tumours expressed a single isoform and of these, 17-HSD I was in the majority (5/8 samples). In primary epithelial cultures, enzyme expression was ranked: HSD I (86%) > STS (77%) > HSD II (59%) > HSD IV (50%) = aromatase (50%) > HSD III (32%). Incidence of enzyme expression was generally reduced in stromal cultures which were ranked: HSD I (68%) > STS (67%) > aromatase (48%) > HSD II (43%) > HSD IV (28%) > HSD III (19%). Expression of IL-6 was associated with tumours that expressed ≥ 3 steroid-converting enzymes. These tumours were of higher grade and tended to come from patients with family history of breast cancer. In conclusion, we propose that these enzymes work in tandem with cytokines thereby providing sufficient quantities of bioactive oestrogen from less active precursors which stimulates tumour growth. © 1999 Cancer Research Campaig
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