6 research outputs found

    Learner perceptions of the introduction of computerassisted learning in mathematics at a peri-urban school in South Africa

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    This study responded to a national call to improve the outcomes in mathematics in the Grade 12 matriculation examination in South Africa by reporting learners’ perceptions of the introduction of computer-assisted learning in their mathematics classrooms. Three Grade 12 mathematics classes in a peri-urban school in South Africa were visited over a period of 4 months to observe the inclusion of a computer centre as part of the teaching of mathematics. Learner perceptions were obtained from (1) individual and group interviews and (2) an actual and preferred version of a learning environment instrument called the Computer-Assisted Learning Environment Questionnaire, which was developed for the South African context. Learners indicated that they considered application of computers as a positive step as it (1) increased their involvement in the mathematics classroom, (2) gave them more exercises in problem solving in mathematics, and (3) provided them with the opportunity to assess their own learning. However, a strong recommendation from this response is for more computers to be made available in order to allow learners to work individually and thereby be able to spend more time using the computers

    [[alternative]]An action research on integrating flipped classroom strategy and teams-games-tournaments teaching method in learning computer software application for students in vocational high school

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    碩士[[abstract]]當技職教育越來越重視技術證照的取得,卻發現學生對於技術證照的學習意願低落,僵化的教學已讓學生沒有自信,甚而放棄。近3年來「翻轉教室」如旋風般席捲教育現場,其中心想法,即將學習權交還予學生,由學生自己掌握學習的進度與速度,才能讓學生吸收、內化新知,課堂搭配多元的教學策略,達到有效的學習,發揮實體課堂的最大價值。但研究者發現目前國內翻轉教室理念推行的對象大多集中於1-9年級的學生,或是大都來自於高自發性學習的高中生,相較於此對於低成就、低學習意願之高職學生就少見有學者與老師們分享。 本研究運用翻轉教室結合小組遊戲競賽兩種教學策略,以解決教師教學上的僵化與困境。研究對象為高職三年級學生,實施6週之行動研究,透過教學行動方案之研擬、實施、修正、再實施之三階段循環,透過觀察、訪談、文件資料蒐集與分析,得到以下之結論: 1.運用翻轉教室結合小組遊戲競賽融入高職電腦軟體應用丙級術科檢定課程,可提高學生之學習成效與學習意願。 2.逐步修正翻轉教室結合小組遊戲競賽之教學策略,讓實體教室發揮最大價值。 3.藉由翻轉教室結合小組遊戲競賽之行動研究,促進教師在教學上省思。 根據以上研究結論,研究者提出教學與研究之相關建議,希望本研究能提供未來投入高職電腦課程教學應用實務及未來相關研究之參考。[[abstract]]Getting technology license is more and more important for technical and vocational education, however we found that students are unwilling to learn about technology license. Rigid teaching methods already made students lose self-confidence, and even the students who lack confidence and abandon themselves. For the past three years, a whirlwind of “Flipped classroom” became the main role in the teaching places. The main idea of “Flipped classroom” is return the learning right to students, allowing them to control the learning progress and speed. In this way, students can absorb and understand new knowledge. The classroom with various teaching strategies contributes to effective learning and make brick-and-mortar classroom provide maximum value. However, researchers found that recently domestic flipped classroom were mostly implemented in grades 1-9 students or students with high learning willingness. On the contrary, in vocational high school the low-achievers who with low learning willingness can rarely experience the flipped classroom shared by scholars and teachers. The study was conducted by two teaching strategies, flipped classroom and teams-games-tournaments, to help teachers solve problems of teaching becoming rigid and difficult. The study objects are students in grade 3 of vocational high school. This study was conducted by action research method. In the six weeks, the flipped classroom with teams-games-tournaments works three times. By observing, interview, documentary data colleting and analysis, the data analysis as following conclusions: 1.Using flipped classroom with teams-games-tournaments in computer software application into vocational high school for Level C technician. 2.Regularly amending the teaching strategies of flipped classroom with teams-games-tournaments makes brick-and-mortar classroom provide maximum value. 3.Using action research method for flipped classroom with teams-games-tournaments to help teacher make self-examination about teaching. According to the study conclusions above, researchers can give suggestions about relevant teaching and studies. I hope the study can be used as references for teachers who want to apply flipped classroom with teams-games-tournaments in computer teaching into vocational high schools and relevant studies in the future.[[tableofcontents]]目次 謝誌 中文摘要 英文摘要 目次 表次 圖次 第一章 緒論 1 第一節 研究背景與動機 1 第二節 研究目的與待答問題 7 第三節 研究範圍與研究限制 8 第四節 研究預期貢獻 9 第五節 名詞釋義 10 第二章 文獻探討 12 第一節 翻轉教室 12 第二節 合作學習 22 第三節 高職電腦軟體應用課程之現況 31 第四節 翻轉教室結合合作學習教學模式之施行策略 36 第三章 研究方法 41 第一節 研究架構與流程 41 第二節 研究對象 45 第三節 教學設計 46 第四節 研究工具 60 第五節 資料蒐集與分析 63 第四章 研究結果 65 第一節 第一階段實施歷程結果分析 65 第二節 第二階段實施歷程結果分析 74 第三節 第三階段實施歷程結果分析 80 第四節 本章小結 87 第五章 結論與建議 92 第一節 研究結論 92 第二節 建議 94 參考文獻 96 壹、中文文獻 96 貳、英文文獻 102 附錄 104 附錄一:翻轉教室結合小組遊戲競賽法施行前學習問卷 104 附錄二:電腦軟體應用丙級術科課程廣播示範教學學習成效量表 106 附錄三:電腦軟體應用丙級術科課程翻轉+TGT學習成效量表 107 附錄四:教師課堂觀察記錄 108 附錄五:學生自評單 109 附錄六:資深教師觀課記錄表 110 附錄七:訪談學生記錄 113 附錄八:學生給予之回饋 118 附錄九:電腦軟體應用丙級術科檢定課程內容 119 表次 表1-1- 1 2004~2014各級合格證照核發張數統計表 3 表1-1- 2 2004~2014電腦軟體應用各級合格證照核發張數統計表 4 表2-1- 1 翻轉教室相關研究 20 表2-2- 1小組遊戲競賽合作學習法相關研究 29 表2-3- 1電腦軟體應用丙級技能檢定術科應具備之技能與相關知識 32 表3-3- 1六週教學活動及時間安排表 49 表4-1- 1廣播示範教學模式下3次測驗成績比較表 65 表4-1- 2翻轉教室結合小組遊戲競賽法施行前學習問卷統計表 68 表4-1- 3第一階段測驗成績比較分析表 69 表4-2- 1第二階段測驗成績比較分析表 74 表4-3- 1第三階段測驗成績比較分析表 81 表4-3- 2學生三階段測驗成績比較分析表 84 圖次 圖2-1- 1:Vygotsky近側發展區 15 圖2-2- 1:學習金字塔 24 圖2-3- 1:電腦教室實拍教師利用廣播系統上課時學生的學習情況 33 圖2-3- 2:電腦教室實拍教師在協助同學解決電腦問題時,其他學生的學習情況 34 圖2-4- 1:以Bloom認知領域解讀翻轉教室成效 37 圖2-4- 2:翻轉教室結合小組遊戲競賽合作學習課堂實施流程 40 圖3-1- 1:研究架構 41 圖3-1- 2:研究流程 44 圖3-4- 1:電腦軟體應用丙級術科評分專家系統評分成績 62 圖3-4- 2:電腦軟體應用丙級術科評分專家系統評分結果 62 圖3-5- 1:三角校正關係圖 64 圖4-1- 1廣播示範教學模式下3次測驗成績比較走勢圖 66 圖4-1- 2廣播示範教學量表分析(Ⅰ) 66 圖4-1- 3廣播示範教學量表分析(Ⅱ) 67 圖4-1- 4廣播示範教學量表分析(Ⅲ) 67 圖4-1- 5第一階段測驗成績比較分析圖 69 圖4-2- 1第二階段測驗成績比較分析圖 74 圖4-2- 2學生在1know平台上自學的學習歷程 78 圖4-3- 1第三階段測驗成績比較分析圖 81 圖4-3- 2學生三階段測驗成績比較分析圖 84 圖4-4- 1實驗前後成績比較分析圖 88 圖4-4- 2翻轉教室結合小組遊戲競賽法學習成效量表(Ⅰ) 89 圖4-4- 3翻轉教室結合小組遊戲競賽法學習成效量表(Ⅱ) 89 圖4-4- 4翻轉教室結合小組遊戲競賽法學習成效量表(Ⅲ) 90[[note]]學號: 702730143, 學年度: 10