10 research outputs found

    Molecular evidence for interspecies transmission of H3N2pM/H3N2v influenza A viruses at an Ohio agricultural fair, July 2012

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    Evidence accumulating in 2011–2012 indicates that there is significant intra- and inter-species transmission of influenza A viruses at agricultural fairs, which has renewed interest in this unique human/swine interface. Six human cases of influenza A (H3N2) variant (H3N2v) virus infections were epidemiologically linked to swine exposure at fairs in the United States in 2011. In 2012, the number of H3N2v cases in the Midwest had exceeded 300 from early July to September, 2012. Prospective influenza A virus surveillance among pigs at Ohio fairs resulted in the detection of H3N2pM (H3N2 influenza A viruses containing the matrix (M) gene from the influenza A (H1N1) pdm09 virus). These H3N2pM viruses were temporally and spatially linked to several human H3N2v cases. Complete genomic analyses of these H3N2pM isolates demonstrated >99% nucleotide similarity to the H3N2v isolates recovered from human cases. Actions to mitigate the bidirectional interspecies transmission of influenza A virus between people and animals at agricultural fairs may be warranted

    Of ducks and men : ecology and evolution of a zoonotic pathogen in a wild reservoir host

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    A hallmark of disease is that most pathogens are able to infect more than one host species. However, for most pathogens, we still have a limited understanding of how this affects epidemiology, persistence and virulence of infections—including several zoonotic pathogens that reside in wild animal reservoirs and spillover into humans. In this chapter, we review the current knowledge of mallard (Anas platyrhynchos) as host for pathogens. This species is widely distributed, often occupying habitats close to humans and livestock, and is an important game bird species and the ancestor to domestic ducks—thereby being an excellent model species to highlight aspects of the wildlife, domestic animal interface and the relevance for human health. We discuss mallard as host for a range of pathogens but focus more in depth of it as a reservoir host for influenza A virus (IAV). Over the last decades, IAV research has surged, prompted in part to the genesis and spread of highly pathogenic virus variants that have been devastating to domestic poultry and caused a number of human spillover infections. The aim of this chapter is to synthesise and review the intricate interactions of virus, host and environmental factors governing IAV epidemiology and evolution

    Der Fettstoffwechsel des gesunden Säuglings

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