7 research outputs found
Biosurfactants Have the Potential to Induce Defence Against Phytophthora infestans in Potato
- Author
- Publication venue
- 'Springer Science and Business Media LLC'
- Publication date
- Field of study
The Croatian version of the Juvenile Arthritis Multidimensional Assessment Report (JAMAR)
- Author
- A Consolaro
- Alessandro Consolaro
- CM Duffy
- DJ Lovell
- Edi Paleka Bosak
- EH Giannini
- F Bovis
- Francesca Bovis
- G Filocamo
- G Filocamo
- G Filocamo
- G Filocamo
- G Singh
- JC Nunnally
- JE Ware Jr
- JM Landgraf
- JW Varni
- Lana Tambic Bukovac
- Lovro Lamot
- Mandica Vidovic
- Miroslav Harjacek
- Mirta Lamot
- N Ruperto
- Nicolino Ruperto
- RE Petty
- RE Petty
- S Howe
- Publication venue
- 'Springer Science and Business Media LLC'
- Publication date
- Field of study
Growth, Development, and Critical Disease
- Author
- A Caldas
- A Carroccio
- A Challa
- A Cicognani
- A Cohen
- A Es
- A Groll
- A Radzikowski
- A Thon
- AD Leiper
- AF Roche
- AL Boner
- AL Strickland
- AS Jennings
- B Boersma
- B Boersma
- B Lippe
- B Tonshoff
- B Volovitz
- BA Kaiser
- BS Kirschner
- C Clarson
- C Dacou-Voutetakis
- C Moell
- C Quigley
- C Rongen-Westerlaken
- CA Sklar
- CC Roy
- CE Brain
- CJ Falliers
- CPQ Sainsbury
- CT Cowell
- D Pinkel
- D Price
- D Sinclair
- D Zantleifer
- DA Fisher
- DB Allen
- DB Allen
- DB Allen
- DB Grant
- DHP Streeten
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- DM Wilson
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- DW Smith
- E Nasiff
- E Pronicka
- EA Livesey
- EJ Schoenle
- EM Hodson
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- F Nieves-Rivera
- F Schafer
- G Johansson
- G Ozer
- G Rizzoni
- G Saggesse
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- GM Damen
- H Eigen
- HG Jasper
- HP Chase
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- I Marky
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- J Glorieux
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- JA Batch
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- JKH Wales
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- JM Tanner
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- JM Wit
- K Hjelt
- KC Shih
- KL Clayton
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- L Rees
- L Tambic-Bukovac
- LG Reimer
- LL Robinson
- LV Avioli
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- M Brown
- M Hernandez
- M Jackson
- M Rosenbaum
- M Thommessen
- M Vanelli
- MA Magiakou
- MC Postel-Vinay
- ME Kanof
- Merkus Pi van Essen-Zandvliet EE, Duiverman EJ, van Houwelingen HC, Kerrebijn KF, Quanjer PH
- MH Oster
- MJ Renen
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- PE Clayton
- PE Clayton
- PH Morris-Jones
- PJ Byard
- PR Betts
- R Brauner
- R Brauner
- R Brauner
- R Jackson
- R Rappaport
- R Rappaport
- R Stanhope
- Rallison ML. Growth Disorders in Infants Children
- RD Lovinger
- RG Mcarthur
- RG Rosenfeld
- RG Rosenfeld
- RG Ruiz
- RH Shepherd
- RJ Wells
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- RM Buchdahl
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- RN Fine
- RN Fine
- RN Fine
- RN Fine
- RP Valentini
- RW Chesney
- RW Furlanetto
- RW Holl
- S Crowley
- S Lafranchi
- S Salardi
- SA Arslanian
- SA Rivkees
- SA Rivkees
- SA Wooton
- SE Oberfield
- SG Schimpff
- SH Bode
- SK Grinspoon
- SK Grinspoon
- SM Herber
- SM Shalet
- SM Shalet
- SM Shalet
- SM Shalet
- SM Shalet
- SP Newman
- SP Newman
- SR Hansen
- TJ Lee
- TK Ninan
- U Masharani
- VCIII Vaughan
- VN Avizonis
- VS Hubbard
- W Chan
- WA Marshall
- WA Marshall
- WB Zipf
- WF Blum
- WJ Smith
- WL Clarke
- World Health Organization
- Y Rosenbach
- YK Tsau
- Z Hochberg
- Z Laron
- Z Laron
- Publication venue
- 'Springer Science and Business Media LLC'
- Publication date
- 01/01/1997
- Field of study
Plant tissue testing for micronutrient deficiencies and toxicities
- Author
- A Bar-Akiva
- A Bar-Akiva
- A Ulrich
- A Ulrich
- A Ulrich
- A Ulrich
- A Wallace
- AI Dow
- B Wolf
- CB Smith
- CD Foy
- CK Labanauskas
- CK Labanauskas
- CK Labanauskas
- CM Johnson
- CS Andrew
- CS Andrew
- CS Piper
- CS Piper
- DE Baker
- DE Williams
- DJD Nicholas
- DP Moore
- DR Leece
- DR Leece
- DW Goodall
- DW Goodall
- E Shaw
- EF McFarren
- EF Wallihan
- EG Bradfield
- Environmental Monitoring Support Laboratory
- EW Russell
- F Eivazi
- F Steenbjerg
- FC Boswell
- FM Chaudhry
- FPC Blarney
- GA Taylor
- GL Jacque
- GL Terman
- H Lundegardh
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- JB Jones Jr
- JB Jones Jr
- JB Jones Jr
- JB Jones Jr
- JB Jones Jr
- JC Katyal
- JD Etchevers
- JD Grier
- JE Allen
- JF Loneragan
- JF Loneragan
- JF Loneragan
- JF Loneragan
- JGA Bastide La
- JH Baker
- JL Havlin
- JM Bukovac
- JQ Lynd
- JW Gartrell
- JW Gartrell
- JW Jones
- K Ohki
- K Ohki
- K Ohki
- K Ohki
- K Ohki
- K Ohki
- K Ohki
- KKM Nambiar
- LC Boawn
- M Elgala
- M Pinta
- M Sillanpaa
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- PF Smith
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- TT Gorsuch
- WD Gestring
- WJA Steyn
- WR Wolf
- Publication venue
- 'Springer Science and Business Media LLC'
- Publication date
- 01/01/1985
- Field of study
Leaf structure as related to absorption of pesticides and other compounds
- Author
- A Aslander
- A Bengtsson
- A Breccia
- A Burkowicz
- A Calderbank
- A Frey-Wyssling
- A Frey-Wyssling
- A Frey-Wyssling
- A Kerr
- A Läuchli
- A Radunz
- A Ringoet
- A Ringoet
- A Sievers
- A Sievers
- A Steiner
- AA Akhavein
- AA Badiei
- AA Benson
- AA Blumberg
- AA Nethery
- AA Nethery
- AA Nethery
- AB Pardee
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- AC Magalhaes
- AE Dimond
- AE Dimond
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- AL Kursanov
- AL Kursanov
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- AMS Silva Fernandes
- AN Rao
- AS Crafts
- AS Crafts
- AS Crafts
- AS Crafts
- AS Troshin
- AT Czaja
- AV Voevodin
- AW Robards
- AW Robards
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- CL Foy
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- E Schnepf
- E Schnepf
- E Schnepf
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- EA Miroslavov
- EA Miroslavov
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- HB Currier
- HB Currier
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- HF Linskens
- HF Linskens
- HF Linskens
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- HL Morton
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- HM Hull
- HM Hull
- HM Hull
- HM Hull
- HM Hull
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- HW Mussell
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- I Zelitch
- I Zelitch
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- JT Martin
- JT Martin
- JT Martin
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- JW Mitchell
- JW Mitchell
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- K Müller
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- LL Jansen
- LL Jansen
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- LW Smith
- LW Smith
- LW Smith
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- MJ Bukovac
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- OA Leonard
- OA Leonard
- OA Leonard
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- PE Kolattukudy
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- W Franke
- W Franke
- W Franke
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- Y Masuda
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- Y Yamada
- Z Plaut
- Publication venue
- 'Springer Science and Business Media LLC'
- Publication date
- 01/01/1970
- Field of study
Phytoremediation of polyaromatic hydrocarbons, anilines and phenols
- Author
- A Groeger
- A Huelster
- AA Meharg
- AA Vaidya
- AC Diener
- AJ Sweetman
- AM Soto
- Anton R. Schäffner
- AT Bull
- AT Smith
- B Benner
- BL Duuren Van
- BR Reddy
- Bruno F. Campanella
- BW Bogan
- BW Bogan
- C Bozac
- C Chiapella
- C Chiapella
- C Langebartels
- C Langebartels
- C Novotny
- CA Bellin
- CA Fewson
- CA Menzie
- CE Cerniglia
- CE Purdom
- CH Chaineau
- CS Butler
- D Boyle
- D Mansuy
- D Nakajima
- D Werck-Reichhart
- D Werck-Reichhart
- DA Kaden
- Daniele Werck-Reichhart
- DE Salt
- DG Crosby
- DJ Hardman
- DK Joshi
- DP O’Keefe
- DR Livingstone
- E Grimm
- E Topp
- EF Elstner
- EJ Voie La
- EJ Voie La
- ER Gallandt
- Eric Lichtfouse
- ES Gilbert
- F Korte
- F Schinner
- F Stevenson
- F Wania
- F Xu
- FL Theodoulou
- G Briggs
- G Gramss
- G Gramss
- G Hofflich
- G Liu
- GM Gadd
- GVB Reddy
- H Hansikova
- H Harms
- H Harms
- H Harms
- H Harms
- H Sandermann
- H Sandermann
- H Sandermann
- H Sandermann
- HA Sharma
- Hans Harms
- HB Dunford
- HE Schoemaker
- HH Liste
- HH Liste
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- J Dec
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- M Alexander
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- M Bokern
- M Bokern
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- M Schalk
- M Schalk
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- M Tabata
- MA Oueslati
- MA Pierrel
- ME McCully
- MH Brown
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- MJ Harrison
- MM Haggblom
- MT Bukovac
- N Cristofi
- N Trautmann
- NT Edwards
- P Henner
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- Patricia J. Harvey
- Paula M. L. Castro
- PJ Collins
- PJ Harvey
- PJ Harvey
- PJ Kersten
- PK Donelly
- Q Lin
- R Bartha
- R Haas
- R Jayaweera
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- R Meagher
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- R Sánchez-Fernández
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- R White
- R Winkler
- RK Myia
- RS Hedge
- RT Lamar
- RT Lamar
- RT Lamar
- S Boonchan
- S Dupont
- S Fetznar
- S Jobling
- S Laha
- S Pflugmacher
- S Pflugmacher
- S Roy
- S Trapp
- S Trapp
- S Waidyanatha
- S Wilson
- SC Fry
- SD Cunningham
- SD Haemmerli
- SD Siciliano
- SE Smith
- SM Dias
- SR Wild
- Stanislav Smrcek
- T Gunther
- T Hirata
- T Macek
- T Machate
- T Maehlum
- T Robineau
- T Vogt
- TD Nichols
- Th Gaspar
- Th Gaspar
- The Arabidopsis Genome Initiative
- TM Phillips
- TR Barfknecht
- Tvd Trenck
- UM Weiss
- W Giger
- W Giger
- W Hansberg
- W Noordman
- W Reineke
- W Schaefer
- WF Busby
- Y Li
- Y Sato
- Y Wei
- Z Zheng
- Publication venue
- 'Springer Science and Business Media LLC'
- Publication date
- 01/01/2002
- Field of study
International audiencePhytoremediation technologies based on the combined action of plants and the microbial communities that they support within the rhizosphere hold promise in the remediation of land and waterways contaminated with hydrocarbons but they have not yet been adopted in large-scale remediation strategies. In this review plant and microbial degradative capacities, viewed as a continuum, have been dissected in order to identify where bottle-necks and limitations exist. Phenols, anilines and polyaromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) were selected as the target classes of molecule for consideration, in part because of their common patterns of distribution, but also because of the urgent need to develop techniques to overcome their toxicity to human health. Depending on the chemical and physical properties of the pollutant, the emerging picture suggests that plants will draw pollutants including PAHs into the plant rhizosphere to varying extents via the transpiration stream. Mycorrhizosphere-bacteria and -fungi may play a crucial role in establishing plants in degraded ecosystems. Within the rhizosphere, microbial degradative activities prevail in order to extract energy and carbon skeletons from the pollutants for microbial cell growth. There has been little systematic analysis of the changing dynamics of pollutant degradation within the rhizosphere; however, the importance of plants in supplying oxygen and nutrients to the rhizosphere via fine roots, and of the beneficial effect of microorganisms on plant root growth is stressed. In addition to their role in supporting rhizospheric degradative activities, plants may possess a limited capacity to transport some of the more mobile pollutants into roots and shoots via fine roots. In those situations where uptake does occur (i.e. only limited microbial activity in the rhizosphere) there is good evidence that the pollutant may be metabolised. However, plant uptake is frequently associated with the inhibition of plant growth and an increasing tendency to oxidant stress. Pollutant tolerance seems to correlate with the ability to deposit large quantities of pollutant metabolites in the 'bound' residue fraction of plant cell walls compared to the vacuole. In this regard, particular attention is paid to the activities of peroxidases, laccases, cytochromes P450, glucosyltransferases and ABC transporters. However, despite the seemingly large diversity of these proteins, direct proof of their participation in the metabolism of industrial aromatic pollutants is surprisingly scarce and little is known about their control in the overall metabolic scheme. Little is known about the bioavailability of bound metabolites; however, there may be a need to prevent their movement into wildlife food chains. In this regard, the application to harvested plants of composting techniques based on the degradative capacity of white-rot fungi merits attention
Blüten- und Fruchtbildung. — Flower and fruit formation
- Author
- A Bajer
- A Batalin
- A Bocchi
- A Brunel
- A Calvert
- A Gandrieau
- A Gandrieau
- A Girard
- A Hecht
- A Kagawa
- A Kobayashi
- A Kovoor
- A Kovoor
- A Kovoor
- A Lance
- A Lance
- A Lang
- A Lang
- A Lang
- A Lang
- A Lang
- A Lang
- A Lang
- A Lang
- A Lang
- A Lang
- A Lang
- A Lang
- A Lang
- A Love
- A Mccomb
- A Millardet
- A Nygren
- A Place
- A Place
- A Potapenko
- A Rich
- A Rosenberghein
- A Shakhov
- A Takimoto
- A Takimoto
- A Takimoto
- A Takimoto
- A Takimoto
- A Takimoto
- A Takimoto
- A Takimoto
- A Takimoto
- A Takimoto
- A Takimoto
- A Takimoto
- A Takimoto
- A Takimoto
- A Takriomo
- A Tschirch
- A Uillaume
- AA Aginyan
- AA Avakyan
- AA Avakyan
- AAL Rutgers
- AC Hulme
- AC Hulme
- AC Hulme
- AC Hulme
- AC Hulme
- AC Hulme
- AC Hulme
- AC Hulme
- AC Hulme
- AC Hulme
- AC Hulme
- AC Hulme
- AC Hulme
- AC Leopold
- AC Leopold
- AC Leopold
- AC Leopold
- AC Leopold
- AC Leopold
- AC Leopold
- AC Leopold
- AC Leopold
- AD Crowe
- AD Hibbard
- AE Murneek
- AE Murneek
- AE Murneek
- AE Murneek
- AE Murneek
- AE Murneer
- AF Blakeslee
- AF Faull
- AF Kleshnin
- AF Younls
- AH Allard
- AH Blaauw
- AH Lange
- AH Lange
- AH Sparrow
- AH Sparrow
- AHG Rijven
- AHG Rijven
- AHG Rijven
- AHG Rijven
- AHG Rijven
- AHG Rijven
- AJ Haagensmit
- AJ Heinicke
- AJ Linck
- AJ Linck
- AJ Linck
- AJ Linck
- AJ Linck
- AJ Vlitos
- AK Efeixin
- AK Efeixin
- AK Efeixin
- AK Efeixin
- AK Fedorov
- AK Khudairi
- AK Khudairi
- AK Khudairi
- AL Bacharach
- AL Havxs
- AM Akkerman
- AM Hartsema
- AM Tabby
- AM Zenker
- AO Klein
- AP Wrrarow
- AP Wrrhrow
- AR Carargal
- AS Kruzhilzn
- AS Kruzhilzn
- AS Kruzhilzn
- AS Kruzhilzn
- AS Kruzhilzn
- AS Rodriguespereira
- AS Rodriguespereira
- ASF Ash
- AW Galston
- AW Galston
- AW Here
- AW Naylor
- AW Naylor
- B Gyorffy
- B Mcclintock
- B Mcclintock
- B Mcclintock
- B Mcclintock
- B Schwemmle
- B Schwemmle
- B Sen
- B Sen
- B Solomon
- B Vazart
- BA.Ldev
- BB Stowe
- BB Stowe
- BCR Sarhar
- BE Clark
- BE Cross
- BE Struckmeyer
- BG Coombe
- BG Coombe
- BG Cumming
- BH Carpenter
- BO Phinney
- BO Phinney
- BS Mosnxov
- BV Kvasnikov
- C Arnal
- C Arnal
- C Campbell
- C Chandler
- C Correns
- C Coster
- C Franco
- C Franco
- C Gardella
- C Gerber
- C Guichard
- C Guichard
- C Kunrai
- C Markert
- C Sosabourdouil
- C Sosabourdouil
- C Sosabourdouil
- C Sosabourdouil
- C Sosabourdouil
- C Sterling
- C Weurman
- C Yampolsky
- C-C Mathon
- C-C Mathon
- C-C Mathon
- C-C Mathon
- C-C Mathon
- C-C Mathon
- C-C Matron
- CA Gouwentar
- CA Price
- CA Rebeiz
- CA Schroeder
- CA Schroeder
- CA Schroeder
- CA Schroeder
- CA Schroeder
- CA Schroeder
- CA West
- CD Larue
- CD Larue
- CE Henrickson
- CE Peterson
- CG Arnold
- CG Guttridge
- CG Guttridge
- CH Arndt
- CH Connors
- CH Wang
- CJB Thor
- CL Withner
- CL Withner
- CM Franco
- CO Miller
- CO Miller
- CP Swanson
- CS Bisson
- CS Lu
- CT Redemann
- CW Wardlaw
- CY Wong
- CYA Kraevoj
- D Bommer
- D Bommer
- D Bradbury
- D Davis
- D Denffer
- D Hess
- D Hess
- D Hess
- D Hess
- D Hess
- D Hess
- D Hess
- D Kohler
- D Lewis
- D Paris
- D Thoday
- D Vince
- D Zeeuw
- DA Downslim
- DA Sabinin
- DC Cooper
- DDE Zeeuw
- DDE Zeeuw
- DDE Zeeuw
- DDE Zeeuw
- DG Anderson
- DH Turner
- DJ Carr
- DJ Carr
- DJ Carr
- DJ Carr
- DJ Carr
- DJ Osborne
- DJ Osborne
- DJ Osborne
- DJC Friend
- DL Mayfield
- DM Paton
- DN Duvick
- DN Duvick
- DoAK B. W.
- DP Gowrng
- DS Letham
- DS Letham
- DV Denffer
- DW Albert
- DY Perkins
- E Baur
- E Carano
- E Galun
- E Galun
- E Galun
- E Galun
- E Gerhard
- E Hannig
- E Kemmer
- E Kunn
- E Libbert
- E Libbert
- E Luke
- E Malinowsni
- E Marre
- E Marre
- E Marre
- E Marre
- E Marre
- E Marre
- E Marre
- E Marre
- E Marre
- E Marre
- E Njoku
- E Njoku
- E Peynaud
- E Peynaud
- E Peynaud
- E Running
- E Running
- E Running
- E Running
- E Running
- E Schulze
- E Stedman
- E Strasburger
- E Strasburger
- E Strasburger
- E. J. Elhinnawy
- EA Cockefair
- EA Crosby
- EA Stably
- EB Gifford
- EB Gifford
- EC Wassink
- EF Anet
- EF Burk
- EF Kohman
- EFL Anet
- EG Minina
- EG Minina
- EJ Britten
- EJH Corner
- EJH Corner
- EK Neidle
- EL Hirst
- EL Rice
- EM Long
- EM Shantz
- EM Sworn
- EM Widdowson
- EOC Hyde
- ER Roux
- ES Deoman
- ESJ Hatcher
- EV Bobko
- EW Sinnott
- EW Sinnott
- EW Sinnott
- EW Sinnott
- EW Weston
- F Cuslcx
- F Cuslcx
- F Damato
- F Fagerlind
- F Gessner
- F Grossin
- F Hildebrand
- F Irreverre
- F Jacob
- F Kidd
- F Kidd
- F Laibace
- F Laibach
- F Laibach
- F Laibach
- F Laibach
- F Laibach
- F Laibach
- F Laibach
- F Laibach
- F Lona
- F Lona
- F Lona
- F Lona
- F Lona
- F Lona
- F Lona
- F Lona
- F Lona
- F Lona
- F Lona
- F Lona
- F Lona
- F Lona
- F Lona
- F Noll
- F Oeiilkers
- F Resende
- F Resende
- F Resende
- F Resende
- F Resende
- F Resende
- F Resende
- F Resende
- F Resende
- F Skoog
- F Skoog
- F-C Czygan
- FAF Went
- FAF Went
- FAF Went
- FB Laforge
- FB Salisbury
- FB Salisbury
- FB Salisbury
- FB Salisbury
- FB Salisbury
- FB Salisbury
- FB Salisbury
- FB Salisbury
- FC Steward
- FC Steward
- FC Steward
- FC Steward
- FC Steward
- FD Richey
- FE Euler
- FE Gardner
- FE Gardner
- FG Dennis
- FG Gregory
- FG Gregory
- FG Gustafson
- FG Gustafson
- FG Gustafson
- FG Gustafson
- FG Gustafson
- FG Gustafson
- FG Gustafson
- FG Gustafson
- FG Sandret
- FG Teubner
- FG Teubner
- FH Schwarzenbach
- FHC Crick
- FJ Kribben
- FJ Mehanix
- FL Naylor
- FM Eaton
- FP Gardner
- FS Howlett
- FT Addicott
- FT Bowman
- FW Owen
- FW Went
- G Abolina
- G Abolina
- G Alleweldt
- G Bqrgstrom
- G Camus
- G Ducet
- G Floren
- G Gassner
- G Gentcheff
- G Hostermann
- G Johnson
- G Klebs
- G Krotkov
- G Lopriore
- G Mangenot
- G Meijer
- G Melchers
- G Melchers
- G Melchers
- G Melchers
- G Melchers
- G Melchers
- G Melchers
- G Minerei
- G Petrosini
- G Redei
- G Satyanarayana
- G Valdeyron
- G Vitte
- G Zanoni
- G Zubay
- G. M. Curry
- GA Taux
- Gaskrrr. J. O.
- Gaskrrr. J. O.
- GC Whiting
- GJM Vander-Kerb
- GL Funke
- GM Psarev
- GR Matuxuin
- GW Todd
- GWR Walker
- H Belval
- H Borriss
- H Class
- H Dermen
- H Fitting
- H Fredericq
- H Hansel
- H Harada
- H Harada
- H Harada
- H Harada
- H Harada
- H Harada
- H Harada
- H Hassbargen
- H Hellmers
- H Ito
- H Ito
- H Ito
- H Kaldewey
- H Kende
- H Kojima
- H Kojima
- H Kojima
- H Kojima
- H Kurth
- H Lewis
- H Mohr
- H Mullerthurgau
- H Scarborough
- H Schander
- H Schmalz
- H Schmalz
- H Schmalz
- H Schroder
- H Sigmond
- H Sigmond
- H Sodng
- H Tauber
- H Vocbrring
- H Waris
- H Weinland
- H Winkler
- H Winkler
- H Zieriacks
- HA Allard
- HA Borthwick
- HA Borthwick
- HA Borthwick
- HA Borthwick
- HA Borthwick
- HA Borthwick
- HA Borthwick
- HA Borthwick
- HA Borthwick
- HA Borthwick
- HA Kordan
- HA Kordan
- HA Lund
- HA Lund
- HB Houghtaling
- HB Tukey
- HB Tukey
- HB Tuxey
- HB Tuxey
- HB Tuxey
- HB Tuxey
- HB Tuxey
- HC Forster
- HC Kohl
- HD Klambt
- HD Klambt
- HF Clark
- HF Linskens
- HF Linskens
- HF Linskens
- HF Linskens
- HF Linskens
- HG Moldtmann
- HH Haberman
- HH Mckinney
- HH Mckinney
- HH Scnlubach
- HJ Fuller
- HJ Fuller
- HJ Moses
- HJ Smith
- HJ Teas
- HJ Teas
- HJ Webber
- HK Archbold
- HM Barnes
- HM Cathey
- HM Cathey
- HM Cathey
- HM Cathey
- HM Cathey
- HM Catney
- HM Catney
- HM Catney
- HM Catney
- HM Catney
- HM Catney
- HM Catney
- HM Catney
- HM Catney
- HM Catney
- HM Catney
- HM Catney
- HM Catney
- HM Catney
- HM Catney
- HM Catney
- HM Catney
- HM Catney
- HM Catney
- HM Catney
- HM Catney
- HM Catney
- HM Dickson
- HM Pearson
- HM Sell
- HN Barber
- HN Barber
- HN Fukui
- HN Fukui
- HN Fukui
- Horn
- HP Olmo
- HR Barnell
- HR Hiaaxrn
- HR Hiaaxrn
- HS Mckee
- HS Mckee
- HS Moped
- HS Reed
- HT Hartmann
- HT Hartmann
- HT Hartmann
- HV Senden
- HV Witsch
- HW Siegelman
- HWB Barlow
- HZ Weld
- I Donee
- I Modlibowska
- I Roth
- I Stow
- I Stow
- IA Filippexko
- IA Kaurov
- IC Mooxu
- IC Mooxu
- IC Mooxu
- IC Mooxu
- IC Mooxu
- IC Mooxu
- IC Mooxu
- IC Mooxu
- ID Raacke
- ID Raacke
- ID Raacke
- II Causo
- II Chaudri
- II Sinyagin
- IK Vasil
- IK Vasil
- in yarovizing the embryos of wheat seeds without endosperm. C. R. (Dokl.) Acad
- J Bonner
- J Bonner
- J Bonner
- J Bonner
- J Bonner
- J Bonner
- J Bonner
- J Bonner
- J Cables
- J Corse
- J Doorenbos
- J Doorenbos
- J Dore
- J Gaillochet
- J Gawrochet
- J Golinska
- J Heslopharrison
- J Heslopharrison
- J Heslopharrison
- J Heslopharrison
- J Heslopharrison
- J Heslopharrison
- J Heslopharrison
- J Heslopharrison
- J Heslopharrison
- J Hrslopharrison
- J Janice
- J Krekule
- J Krekule
- J Kuijper
- J Kuijper
- J Langridge
- J Lavollay
- J Macmillan
- J Macmillan
- J Macmillan
- J Macmillan
- J Margara
- J Marmeineke
- J Massart
- J Mimault
- J Monod
- J Monod
- J Nitsan
- J Ott
- J Penner
- J Rietsema
- J Rietsema
- J Rietsema
- J Sacs
- J Sechet
- J Skok
- J Sprent
- J Straus
- J Straus
- J Straus
- J Straus
- J Straus
- J Straus
- J Tounnois
- J Tounnois
- J Tournois
- J Tournois
- J Tournois
- J Vanoverbeek
- J Vanoverbeek
- J Vanoverbeek
- J Vanoverbeek
- J Vanoverbeek
- J Voss
- J White
- J Wiger
- J Wolf
- J-P Changeux
- J. A. D. Zeevaart
- J. A. D. Zeevaart
- J. A. D. Zeevaart
- J. E. Knott
- J. P. Nitsch
- JA Leliveld
- JA Lockhart
- JA Lockhart
- JAD Zeevaart
- JAD Zeevaart
- JAD Zeevaart
- JAD Zeevaart
- JAJ Stolwijk
- JAJ Stolwijk
- JB Biale
- JB Edmond
- JB Juliano
- JB Paton
- JC Crane
- JC Crane
- JC Crane
- JC Crane
- JC Crane
- JC Crane
- JC Crane
- JC Crane
- JC Crane
- JC Finn
- JC Gandar
- JC Gerhart
- JD Bryan
- JD Watson
- JD Watson
- JD Watson
- JD Watson
- JD Watson
- JD Watson
- JD Watson
- JE Fisher
- JF Harrington
- JF Moore
- JG Hay
- JH Macgillivray
- JH Schaffner
- JH Schaffner
- JH Schaffner
- JH Schaffner
- JH Schaffner
- JH Taylor
- JH Taylor
- JJ David
- JJ Smith
- JK Heyes
- JK Pollard
- JL Auclair
- JL Liverman
- JL Liverman
- JL Liverman
- JL Stoddart
- JL Stoddart
- JL Stoddart
- JM Bain
- JM Fife
- JN Kendall
- JP Cooper
- JP Cooper
- JP Mascarenmas
- JP Mascarenmas
- JP Mascarenmas
- JP Nitsch
- JP Nitsch
- JP Nitsch
- JP Nitsch
- JP Nitsch
- JP Nitsch
- JP Nitsch
- JP Nitsch
- JP Nitsch
- JP Nitsch
- JP Nitsch
- JP Nitsch
- JP Nitsch
- JP Nitsch
- JP Nitsch
- JP Nitsch
- JP Nitsch
- JP Nitsch
- JP Nitsch
- JP Nitsch
- JP Nitsch
- JP Nitsch
- JP Nitsch
- JP Nitsch
- JP Nitsch
- JP Nrrscn
- JP Nrrscn
- JP Nrrscn
- JP Nrrscn
- JP Nrrscn
- JP Nrrscn
- JP Nrrscn
- JR Furr
- JR Mauney
- JR Warner
- JT Rosa
- JW Cameron
- JW Macarthur
- JW Mitchell
- JW Mitchell
- JW Mitchell
- JWV Goethe
- K Afzelius
- K Herrmann
- K Kano
- K Kimura
- K Marushige
- K Mothes
- K Mottles
- K Nappzinn
- K Nappzinn
- K Nappzinn
- K Nappzinn
- K Nappzinn
- K Nappzinn
- K Okuniixi
- K Okuniixi
- K Paech
- K Post
- K Post
- K Sax
- K Stissengotml
- K Tanaka
- K Verkeerk
- K Watanabe
- K Watanabe
- K-D Dano
- K-W Tan
- KA Clendennino
- KA Longman
- KC Hamner
- KC Hamner
- KC Hamner
- KC Hamner
- KC Hamner
- KC Hamner
- KC Hamner
- KD Brase
- KGM Shene
- KK Nanda
- KK Nanda
- KK Pandey
- KL Jones
- KN Seshagiriah
- KR Stino
- KS Wilson
- KV Thmiann
- KV Titmann
- L Algera
- L Bernstein
- L Bogorad
- L Duhamet
- L Duhamet
- L Evans
- L Gatet
- L Guignard
- L Mangin
- L Rappaport
- L Tombesi
- L Weinstein
- LB Singh
- LC Luckwill
- LC Luckwill
- LC Luckwill
- LC Luckwill
- LC Luckwill
- LC Luckwill
- LC Luckwill
- LC Luckwill
- LC Luckwill
- LC Luckwrll
- LCP Kerling
- LD Tukey
- LF Randolph
- LG Nichell
- LH Macdaniels
- LH Weinstein
- LH Weinstein
- Libbert
- Linnaeus (Linne) C.
- LK Mann
- LK Mann
- LK Mann
- LL Jansen
- LP Batjer
- LP Breslavetz
- LP Zhdanova
- LR Fnncir
- LT Evans
- LT Evans
- LT Evans
- LT Evans
- LT Evans
- LT Evans
- L’azione dell’acido gibberellicc sull’ accrescimento caulinare di talune piante erbacee in condizioni esterne controllate
- M Hayashi
- M Holdsworth
- M Holdsworth
- M Kondo
- M Kopp
- M Michniewicz
- M Molliard
- M Okada
- M Okada
- M Okada
- M Okuda
- M Okuda
- M Radley
- M Snoop
- M Snow
- M Stout
- M Stout
- M Stroun
- M Thomas
- M Tresrow
- M Varga
- M Westergaard
- M. G. Mes
- MA Joslyn
- MAH Tincker
- Maheshwari
- MB Crane
- MB Gott
- ME Sanders
- MG Mes
- MG Mes
- MH Carre
- MHF Wilkins
- MHT Silva
- MJ Biikovac
- MJ Bukovac
- MJ Howell
- MJ Howell
- MK Brakke
- MK Chailakeyan
- MK Chailakhyan
- MK Chailakhyan
- MK Chailakhyan
- MK Chailakhyan
- MKH Chailakhyan
- MKH Chailakhyan
- MKH Chailakhyan
- MKH Chailakhyan
- MKH Chailakhyan
- MKH Chailakhyan
- MKH Chailakhyan
- MKR Chailakhyan
- MKR Chatlarhvan
- ML Champigny
- ML Peterson
- ML Stfasel
- MR Corcoran
- MS Buttrose
- MV Prosser
- MW Onslow
- MW Onslow
- MW Parker
- MW Parker
- MW Parker
- MYA Shkolnik
- MYA Shkolnik
- N Maheshwarr
- N Maheshwarr
- N Ugolik
- N Wassilieff
- NA Kozlova
- Nasatir. M., A. M. Bryan and A. Bake
- NE Searle
- NE Tolbert
- NF Sommer
- NG Cholodny
- NI James
- NI Volodarskij
- NI Volodarskij
- Nikifobov
- NO Bathurst
- NP Krenke
- NS Rangaswaasy
- NW Simmonds
- NW Stuart
- O Biddulph
- O Lilleland
- O Lilleland
- O Lilleland
- O Lilleland
- O Oltmanns
- OH Caso
- ON Purvis
- ON Purvis
- ON Purvis
- ON Purvis
- ON Purvis
- ON Purvis
- ON Purvis
- ON Purvis
- ON Purvis
- OS Zhukov
- OW Harris
- O’Kelley J.
- P Arens
- P Chocard
- P Chocard
- P Chocard
- P Chocard
- P Chocard
- P Chocard
- P Chocard
- P Chocard
- P Chocard
- P Cnouarn
- P Crete
- P Curth
- P Curth
- P Jaeger
- P Laboureur
- P Larsen
- P Larsen
- P Masesawari
- P Maseshwari
- PA Thompson
- PC Reece
- PD Alvim
- PD Alvim
- PE Pilet
- PE Pilet
- PE Primer
- PE Stokes
- PF Wareing
- PH Heinze
- PL Goldacre
- PR Bell
- PR Jennings
- PR White
- PR Wycherley
- PW Zimmerman
- PW Zimmerman
- QB Zielinski
- R Best
- R Best
- R Bournu
- R Bournu
- R Bournu
- R Brown
- R Btinsow
- R Buvat
- R Buvat
- R Buxsow
- R Combes
- R Combes
- R Combes
- R David
- R Domal
- R Harder
- R Harder
- R Harder
- R Harder
- R Harder
- R Harder
- R Harder
- R Harder
- R Harder
- R Harder
- R Harder
- R Harder
- R Harder
- R Harder
- R Harder
- R Harder
- R Harder
- R Harder
- R Herich
- R Kandeler
- R Kandeler
- R Knapp
- R Koblet
- R Popham
- R Porteres
- R Stoppel
- R Stoppel
- R Ukrich
- R Ukrich
- R Ukrich
- R Ukrich
- R Ukrich
- R Ukrich
- R Ukrich
- R Ukrich
- R Ukrich
- R Ukrich
- R Ukrich
- R Ukrich
- R Ulrich
- R Ulrich
- R-C Huang
- R. H. Roberts
- RA Popham
- RA Scott
- RA Scott
- RA Wetmore
- Rappaport
- RB Tukey
- RB Withxow
- RB Witnxow
- RB Wrrauow
- RB Wrrhuow
- RC Bean
- RC Huang
- RC Sachar
- RC Sachar
- RC Sachar
- RC Sachar
- RC Sachar
- RE Dorland
- RE Duncan
- RE Duncan
- RE Duncan
- RG Bqtenko
- RG Butenkko
- RG Lincoln
- RG Lincoln
- RG Lincoln
- RG Lincoln
- RG Lincoln
- RG Martin
- RG Thomas
- RG Thomas
- RG Thomas
- RH Roberts
- RH Roberts
- RH Wetmore
- RJ Downs
- RJ Downs
- RJ Weaver
- RJ Weaver
- RJ Weaver
- RJ Weaver
- RJ Weaver
- RJ Weaver
- RJ Weaver
- RJ Weaver
- RM Brooks
- RM Davison
- RM Fulford
- RM Muir
- RM Muir
- RM Sachs
- RM Sachs
- RM Sachs
- RM Sachs
- RM Sachs
- RM Sachs
- RM Zacharius
- RM Zacharius
- RO Erickson
- RO Erickson
- RS Croudrri
- RS Deropp
- RS Lindstrom
- RS Lindstrom
- RS Rabin
- RS Young
- RW Harris
- RW Nixon
- S Emerson
- S Herrmann
- S Imamura
- S Imamura
- S Imamura
- S Imamura
- S Imamura
- S Imamura
- S Imamura
- S Imamura
- S Kiyosawa
- S Matsubara
- S Naxata
- S Rehm
- S Sarkar
- S Satina
- S Satina
- S Shinano
- S Spiegelman
- S Spiegelman
- S Toyama
- S Toyama
- S Wright
- S Yasuda
- S Yasuda
- S-L Lam
- S-L Lam
- Sachar
- SB Hendricks
- SB Hendricks
- SB Hendricks
- SB Hendricks
- SC Chakravarti
- Schmitz
- SH Nakayama
- SH Nakayama
- SH Wittwer
- SH Wittwer
- SH Wittwer
- SH Wittwer
- SH Wittwer
- SH Wittwer
- SH Wittwer
- SH Wrrtwer
- SH Wrrtwer
- SH Wrrtwer
- SH Wrrtwer
- SI Koryuxaeva
- SJ Wellensiek
- SJ Wellensiek
- SJ Wellensiek
- SJ Wellensiek
- SJ Wellensiek
- SJ Wellensiek
- SJ Wellensiek
- SJ Wellensiek
- SJ Werrensieg
- SL Lam
- SM Caplin
- Sosa-Bourdouil C., A. Brunel et A. Sosa
- SP Johnson
- SP Naithani
- Sroehit. H. A.
- SS Nakayama
- SS Nakayama
- SS Nakayama
- SS Nakayama
- SS Pawar
- SS Teaotia
- STC Wright
- STC Wright
- T Egucar
- T Hemberg
- T Hom
- T Inagaei
- T Kanosueoka
- T Loo
- T Saito
- T Saito
- T Schmucker
- T Schmucker
- T Schmucker
- T Sugawara
- T Tamaoki
- T Visser
- T-HT Hsiang
- T-HT Hsiang
- TA Bell
- TAA Nase
- TAA Nase
- TB Mcclelland
- TD Lysenko
- TG Mason
- TG Phillips
- The effect of photoperiodic régime on vernalization of winter wheat
- The influence of leaves and the root system on flower-bud differentiation and growth of seedlings of biennial plants. [Russ.] Dokl
- TR Alexander
- TS Foster
- TV Olejnikova
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- U Clever
- U Neumann
- U Tetley
- V Evreinoff
- V Gregoire
- V Raghavan
- V Raghavan
- VA Greulach
- VA Novixov
- VA Novixov
- VA Tiedjens
- VB Youngner
- VG Allfrey
- VG Grif
- VG Konarev
- VI Razumov
- VI Razumov
- VI Razumov
- VI Razumov
- VI Razumov
- VI Razumov
- VI Razumov
- VN Katunskij
- vThe second report on the behavior of the pollen tubes in the production of seedless fruits caused by interspecific pollination. Jap
- W Engelmann
- W Haurt
- W Haurt
- W Haurt
- W Haurt
- W Haurt
- W Haurt
- W Haurt
- W Heinze
- W Junges
- W Junges
- W Junges
- W Junges
- W Konitz
- W Pfeffer
- W Pfeffer
- W Rauh
- W Runger
- W Runger
- W Runger
- W Runger
- W Runger
- W Runger
- W Runger
- W Seifriz
- W Seifriz
- W Seifriz
- W Seifriz
- W Seifriz
- W Stone
- Walur.Abe E.
- WB Sinclair
- WB Srxclair
- WC Cooper
- WC Galinat
- WC Gregory
- WC Hall
- WC Hall
- WD Bigelow
- WE Martin
- WE Snyder
- WE Snyder
- WG Rosen
- WH Camp
- WH Gbaggs
- WH Powers
- WH Schopfer
- WH Smith
- WJ Lord
- WK Purves
- WL Butler
- WL Woodburn
- WM Bayliss
- WN Dannenburo
- WO Griesel
- WP Jacobs
- WP Jacobs
- WR Tulecke
- WR Tulecke
- WR Tulecke
- WS Hillman
- WS Hillman
- WS Hillman
- WS Hillman
- WS Hillman
- WS Hillman
- WS Hillman
- WS Stewart
- WS Stewart
- WS Stewart
- WS Stewart
- WW Garner
- WW Garner
- WW Schwabe
- WW Schwabe
- WW Schwabe
- WW Schwabe
- WW Schwabe
- WW Schwabe
- WW Schwabe
- WW Schwabe
- WW Schwabe
- WW Schwabe
- Y Hotta
- Y Hotta
- Y Iwanami
- Y Kato
- Y Murakami
- Y Murakami
- Y Murakami
- Y Ogawa
- Y Ogawa
- Y Ogawa
- Y Ogawa
- Y Ogawa
- Y Tashima
- Y Tashima
- Y Tashima
- Y Tashima
- Y Tsukamoto
- Y Tsukamoto
- Y Tsukamoto
- Y Tsukamoto
- Y Tsukamoto
- Y Tsukamoto
- Z Kasai
- ZM Shvedskaya
- Publication venue
- 'Springer Science and Business Media LLC'
- Publication date
- 01/01/1965
- Field of study