20 research outputs found

    Non-Abelian supertubes

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    Classical and quantum aspects of Yang-Baxter Wess-Zumino models

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    We investigate the integrable Yang-Baxter deformation of the 2d Principal Chiral Model with a Wess-Zumino term. For arbitrary groups, the one-loop ÎČ\beta-functions are calculated and display a surprising connection between classical and quantum physics: the classical integrability condition is necessary to prevent new couplings being generated by renormalisation. We show these theories admit an elegant realisation of Poisson-Lie T-duality acting as a simple inversion of coupling constants. The self-dual point corresponds to the Wess-Zumino-Witten model and is the IR fixed point under RG. We address the possibility of having supersymmetric extensions of these models showing that extended supersymmetry is not possible in general

    Black holes and general Freudenthal transformations

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    We study General Freudenthal Transformations (GFT) on black hole solutions in Einstein-Maxwell-Scalar (super)gravity theories with global symmetry of type E7. GFT can be considered as a 2-parameter, a, b ∈ ℝ, generalisation of Freudenthal duality: x→xF=ax+bx~ , where x is the vector of the electromagnetic charges, an element of a Freudenthal triple system (FTS), carried by a large black hole and x~ is its Freudenthal dual. These transformations leave the Bekenstein-Hawking entropy invariant up to a scalar factor given by a2 ± b2. For any x there exists a one parameter subset of GFT that leave the entropy invariant, a2 ± b2 = 1, defining the subgroup of Freudenthal rotations. The Freudenthal plane defined by spanℝ{x, x~ } is closed under GFT and is foliated by the orbits of the Freudenthal rotations. Having introduced the basic definitions and presented their properties in detail, we consider the relation of GFT to the global symmetries or U-dualities in the context of supergravity. We consider explicit examples in pure supergravity, axion-dilaton theories and N = 2, D = 4 supergravities obtained from D = 5 by dimensional reductions associated to (non-degenerate) reduced FTS’s descending from cubic Jordan Algebras