8 research outputs found
Prise en charge des voies aériennes – 1re partie – Recommandations lorsque des difficultés sont constatées chez le patient inconscient/anesthésié
- Author
- A Aslani
- A Della Puppa
- A Higgs
- A Honarmand
- A Nishisaki
- A Palanisamy
- A Suzuki
- A Timmermann
- A Vlatten
- AA Matioc
- AC Quinn
- AE Bair
- AE Hamaekers
- AF Turgeon
- AI Brain
- AM Cros
- AM Norris
- AM O’Leary
- AM Taylor
- AR el-Ganzouri
- AR Moore
- AS Habib
- AS Santoro
- B Bein
- B Bein
- B Chiron
- B Depierraz
- B Izci
- B Yee
- BB Abdelmalak
- BK Halaseh
- BS Kodali
- C Byhahn
- C Frerk
- C Keller
- C Rudolph
- C Staikou
- CA Graham
- CA Graham
- CH Maharaj
- CH Maharaj
- CJ Cote
- CJ Newth
- CL Lim
- CV Rosenstock
- D Boisson-Bertrand
- D Braude
- D Cattano
- D Macnair
- DA Rocke
- DA Sun
- David T. Wong
- DB Chandra
- DD Snider
- DE Griesdale
- DE Griesdale
- DE Schwartz
- DK Rose
- DK Rose
- DM Gaba
- DM McKeen
- Donald E. Griesdale
- DP Dorsey
- DS Elliott
- DS Phua
- DT Wong
- DT Wong
- DZ Ferson
- E Cavus
- E Malin
- E Tentillier
- EA Djabatey
- EA Ochroch
- EH Liu
- EL Hartsilver
- ET Crosby
- F Adnet
- F Adnet
- F Agro
- F Hamard
- F Petrini
- FS Xue
- FS Xue
- G Basaranoglu
- G Fletcher
- G Fuchs
- G Guyatt
- G Serocki
- G Serocki
- George Kovacs
- GH Guyatt
- GL Savoldelli
- GN Peterson
- H Schmitt
- HJ Schmitt
- HS Joo
- HY Lai
- I Bathory
- I Calder
- I Calder
- I Murat
- I Ng
- I Ng
- Ian R. Morris
- IF Russell
- II Hochman
- IP Latto
- J Armstrong
- J Arne
- J Marrel
- J. Adam Law
- JC Sakles
- JC Sakles
- JE Fiadjoe
- JE Mazeres
- Jeanette Scott
- JH Bahk
- JH McClure
- JJ Henderson
- JK Dillon
- JK Kim
- JL Apfelbaum
- JL Benumof
- JL Benumof
- JL Bourgain
- JL Hawkins
- JL Parmet
- JL Plummer
- JM Mosier
- JP Nolan
- JS Collins
- JT Kim
- K Harvey
- K Hasegawa
- K Nakazawa
- K Stroumpoulis
- K Yamamoto
- KB Greenland
- KY Rhee
- L Putz
- L Theiler
- L Ye
- Laura V. Duggan
- LC Berkow
- LC Tsen
- LD Martin
- LH Andersen
- LH Lundstrom
- LW Siu
- LW Siu
- M Boutonnet
- M El-Orbany
- M Lange
- M Selim
- M Weiss
- M Weiss
- M Ydemann
- MA Malik
- MA Malik
- ME Sullivan
- ME Wilson
- MF Aziz
- MF Aziz
- Michael F. Murphy
- MJ Douglas
- MW Hubble
- N Haslam
- N He
- N Jagannathan
- N Jagannathan
- Natasha Broemling
- NJ McDonnell
- NP Preussler
- NR Connelly
- O Hung
- O Langeron
- O Langeron
- O Takahata
- OR Hung
- Orlando R. Hung
- P Jabre
- P Jabre
- PA Baker
- Philip M. Jones
- Pierre Drolet
- PJ Baskett
- PS Gataure
- R Amathieu
- R Hignett
- R Komatsu
- R Komatsu
- R Maassen
- R Merchant
- R Mihai
- RB Smith
- Richard M. Cooper
- RM Cooper
- RM Levitan
- RM Levitan
- RM Levitan
- RM Walls
- RM Walls
- Roanne Preston
- RR Noppens
- RS Cormack
- RW Walker
- S Boet
- S Boet
- S Heinrich
- S Jaber
- S Kheterpal
- S Kheterpal
- S Metz
- S Tacon Le
- S Thienthong
- SH Kim
- SH McClelland
- SH Wong
- Shean Stacey
- Simon Massey
- SJ Huang
- SK Ramachandran
- SL Lomax
- SM Auden
- SM Bhananker
- SM Yentis
- T Asai
- T Asai
- T Asai
- T Asai
- T Asai
- T Fukutome
- T Harris
- T Heidegger
- T Heidegger
- T Metterlein
- T Nagaro
- T Noguchi
- T Piepho
- TC Mort
- TC Mort
- TC Mort
- TC Zundert van
- TH Han
- Timothy Mullen
- Timothy P. Turkstra
- TM Cook
- TM Cook
- TM Cook
- TM Cook
- TM Cook
- TM Cook
- TP Turkstra
- TP Turkstra
- TS Yildiz
- U Corbanese
- V Dimitriou
- V Gopalareddy
- Viren N. Naik
- VN Naik
- VR Leblanc
- VS Tayal
- W Erlacher
- W Tao
- WJ Benedetto
- WT Hsiao
- WY Yao
- X Combes
- X Combes
- X Combes
- Y Enomoto
- Y Hirabayashi
- Y Jaquet
- Y Lim
- Y Yildiz
- Z Friedman
- Publication venue
- 'Springer Science and Business Media LLC'
- Publication date
- Field of study
Improved success rates using videolaryngoscopy in unexperienced users: a randomized crossover study in airway manikins
- Author
- Publication venue
- 'Springer Science and Business Media LLC'
- Publication date
- Field of study
- Author
- Publication venue
- 'Springer Science and Business Media LLC'
- Publication date
- Field of study
The treatment of periprosthetic fractures with locking plates: effect of drill and screw type on cement mantles: a biomechanical analysis
- Author
- Publication venue
- 'Springer Science and Business Media LLC'
- Publication date
- Field of study
Dall-miles cable-grip system for periprosthetic fractures of femur
- Author
- Publication venue
- 'Springer Science and Business Media LLC'
- Publication date
- Field of study
Management of Vancouver B2 and B3 femoral periprosthetic fractures using a modular cementless stem without allografting
- Author
- B Fink
- BD Springer
- BM Wroblewski
- Christoph Thaler
- CP Duncan
- Daniel Neumann
- DG Lewallen
- DJ Berry
- DS Garbuz
- DV Stoffelen
- F Gundolf
- H Lindahl
- JE Johansson
- JF Dumez
- JH Serocki
- JS Bethea III
- K Kolstad
- MA Mont
- ML Missakian
- MS Park
- P Adolpson
- P Korovessis
- P Mertl
- PH Cooke
- PS Ko
- RK Beals
- S Mulay
- SH Dysart
- SM Sporer
- SS Kelly
- Ulrich Dorn
- WH Harris
- Publication venue
- 'Springer Science and Business Media LLC'
- Publication date
- Field of study
Periprothetische fracturen, een overzicht
- Author
- A Partridge
- A Partridge
- AC Maury
- AJ Partridge
- AM Pankovich
- BD Springer
- BF Kavanagh
- CC Wu
- CP Duncan
- D Baker
- DG Lewallen
- DJ Berry
- E Fulkerson
- E Tsiridis
- E Tsiridis
- E Tsiridis
- E Tsiridis
- FS Haddad
- GJ McLauchlan
- GR Klein
- H Lindahl
- H Lindahl
- H Lindahl
- H Lindahl
- H Lindahl
- H Lindahl
- H Schmotzer
- HO Fredin
- J Chakravarthy
- J Franklin
- J Parvizi
- JE Johansson
- JH Serocki
- JT Schwartz Jr
- MA Buttaro
- MA Mont
- MJ Kaab
- OH Brady
- PH Cooke
- PV Giannoudis
- R Sarvilinna
- R Sarvilinna
- RA Buxton
- RG Zuurmond
- RG Zuurmond
- RJ Noorda
- S Kallel
- SA Stuchin
- SS Kelley
- SS Tower
- T Bhattacharyya
- TF Parrish
- TH Mallory
- TM Ninan
- VA Ridder De
- WM Mihalko
- WM Ricci
- WM Ricci
- Publication venue
- 'Springer Science and Business Media LLC'
- Publication date
- Field of study
Minimally Invasive Osteosynthes of Periprosthetic Fractures in the Lower Extremity
- Author
- AC McLaren
- AD Hanssen
- B El-Zayat
- C Boldin
- C Collinge
- C Duncan
- C Krettek
- C Krettek
- CA Collinge
- CH Rorabeck
- CW Oh
- D Wilson
- DG Lewallen
- DJ Berry
- DJ Redfern
- E Fulkerson
- E Tsiridis
- EN Kubiak
- ET Su
- G Barfod
- H Chandler
- IL Gitajn
- J Elkins
- J Gliatis
- J Johansson
- J Larson
- J Mast
- J Pike
- J-W Wang
- Jeffrey Mast
- JH Serocki
- JM Haller
- JP Stannard
- LB Bone
- M Berlusconi
- M Bottlang
- M Bottlang
- M Bottlang
- M Ehlinger
- M Ehlinger
- M Khan
- M Schutz
- M Soenen
- MA Ritter
- Michael Bottlang
- MJ Beltran
- MM Taylor
- MP Figgie
- MR Bong
- O Farouk
- OH Brady
- OH Brady
- P Cooke
- P Kregor
- P Kregor
- P Myers
- PJ Duwelius
- PJ Kregor
- PJ Kregor
- PL Althausen
- PV Giannoudis
- R Maniar
- R Sen
- RD Scott
- RE Anakwe
- RK Beals
- RV O'toole
- S Kuptniratsaikul
- S Kurtz
- S Mathes
- S McLachlin
- SM Perren
- SM Perren
- T Gosling
- T Reudi
- TF Parrish
- WA Abdu
- WH Harvin
- WL Healy
- WM Ricci
- WM Ricci
- WM Ricci
- WM Ricci
- Publication venue
- 'Springer Science and Business Media LLC'
- Publication date
- Field of study