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7 research outputs found
Use of Veterans Health Administration Mental Health and Substance Use Disorder Treatment After Exiting Prison: The Health Care for Reentry Veterans Program
A Geller
A West
+41Â more
AE Wallace
AHS Harris
AHS Harris
AJ Saxon
Alex H. S. Harris
Andrea K. Finlay
BA Williams
CB Clark
Christine Timko
David Smelson
DE McDonough
DW Oslin
E Pullen
HS Wortzel
IA Binswanger
IA Binswanger
IA Binswanger
IA Binswanger
Ingrid Binswanger
J Gryczynski
J McGuire
J Tsai
J Tsai
Jessica Blue-Howells
JH Blue-Howells
Jim McGuire
JM Nally
Joel Rosenthal
LA Marsch
Matthew Stimmel
ML Prendergast
R Saitz
RB Trivedi
S Sreenivasan
SC Sigmon
Susan M. Frayne
SW Hartwell
SW Hartwell
SW Tracy
Tom Bowe
WB Brown
Publication venue
'Springer Science and Business Media LLC'
Publication date
Field of study
No full text
Access to Primary Care for Homeless Veterans with Serious Mental Illness or Substance Abuse: A Follow-up Evaluation of Co-Located Primary Care and Homeless Social Services
AB Bindman
Agency for Healthcare Research Quality
+42Â more
AL Ciaranello
BG Druss
BG Druss
C Sherbourne
C Weisner
CA McHorney
CA McHorney
D Padgett
DW Oslin
EA Bayliss
ED Riley
Institute of Medicine
Institute of Medicine
J McGuire
JA Stein
James McGuire
JE Ware
JE Ware
Jessica Blue-Howells
JH Samet
JJ O’Connell
JP Newhouse
L Gelberg
L Gelberg
L Gelberg
Lillian Gelberg
LJ Drury
M Millman
MM Desai
N Lurie
PA Wood
RA Rosenheck
RA Rosenheck
RJ Jackson
Robert A. Rosenheck
SG Kertesz
SW Hwang
T McClellan
TP O’Toole
US Department of Veterans Affairs
US Preventive Services Task Force
W Katon
Publication venue
'Springer Science and Business Media LLC'
Publication date
Field of study
No full text
Incarceration History and Uncontrolled Blood Pressure in a Multi-Site Cohort
AC Justice
AC Justice
+44Â more
AD Fox
AJ Harzke
Amy C. Justice
BA Howell
Benjamin A. Howell
C Iribarren
D Carroll
DA Figueiredo
David A. Fiellin
David Rimland
E. Jennifer Edelman
EA Wang
EA Wang
EA Wang
EA Wang
Emily A. Wang
HS Wortzel
IA Binswanger
IA Binswanger
IA Binswanger
J Olubodun
J Schnittker
Jessica B. Long
JF Steiner
JH Blue-Howells
JP Meyer
K Bush
KA McGinnis
Kathleen A. McGinnis
LL Yan
MA Horberg
MW Smith
N Redmond
NA Flanagan
PA James
Pew Center on the States
PJ Kelly
RD Fletcher
RL Spitzer
RM Baron
RN Hunter Buskey
S Fazel
SS Franklin
T Lincoln
Publication venue
'Springer Science and Business Media LLC'
Publication date
Field of study
No full text
Coordinating across correctional, community, and VA systems: applying the Collaborative Chronic Care Model to post-incarceration healthcare and reentry support for veterans with mental health and substance use disorders
A Backhaus
A Reddy
+58Â more
A Strauss
AC Tsai
AK Finlay
AK Finlay
AL Chapman
AM Kilbourne
AM Kopak
B Kim
BF Henwood
CA Fullerton
CA Visher
CJ Miller
CP Heard
CT LaBelle
D Newton
DE McDonough
DP Alford
E Badamgarav
E Woltmann
EH Wagner
EH Wagner
G Duwe
G Guest
G Guest
H Swan
HS Wortzel
J Baillargeon
J Draine
J Reichert
JC Blodgett
JH Blue-Howells
JM Baldwin
JP Meyer
K Coleman
K Mallik-Kane
KC Charmaz
M Berghuis
M Massoglia
M Miller
M Sandelowski
M Von Korff
M Wood
MB Miles
ME Noonan
MM Simmons
MR Munetz
MS Bauer
MS Bauer
S Gilbody
S Hartwell
S Kendall
S Wiltsey Stirman
SA Smith
T Bodenheimer
T Bodenheimer
WC Bryson
Y Chang
Publication venue
'Springer Science and Business Media LLC'
Publication date
Field of study
No full text
Barriers to Medications for Opioid Use Disorder Among Veterans Involved in the Legal System: a Qualitative Study
A Dorman
A Russolillo
+55Â more
A Russolillo
AD Fox
AD Rubinsky
AE Montgomery
AK Finlay
AK Finlay
AK Finlay
AK Finlay
AS Huhn
B Johnson
B Johnson
B Larance
CHA Andrilla
D Muthulingam
D Smelson
Department of Veterans Affairs & Department of Defense
DM Coviello
EA Evans
EM Oliva
H Matusow
HS Connery
HS Wortzel
IA Havnes
J Gryczynski
J Reichert
JH Blue-Howells
JK Manuel
JL Sorensen
JR Gallagher
K Dugosh
K Kampman
K McElrath
KA Dolan
KK Dineen
L Amato
L Sordo
LA Uebelacker
LJ Damschroder
LM Westreich
M Harris
MA Yokell
MM Hennink
MR Larochelle
N Gisev
PD Friedmann
RA Rosenblatt
RE Clark
RP Winograd
RP Winograd
S Larney
S Larney
SM Kelly
T Richert
TNA Winkelman
Y Zhu
Publication venue
'Springer Science and Business Media LLC'
Publication date
Field of study
No full text
Receipt of pharmacotherapy for alcohol use disorder by justice-involved women in the Veterans Health Administration
AD Rubinsky
AHS Harris
+47Â more
AK Finlay
Alex H. S. Harris
American Psychiatric Association
Andrea K. Finlay
B Arbaizar
BK Martin
C Bouza
C Lewis
C Sartor
Center for Behavioral Health Statistics and Quality
Christine Timko
CP Thomas
D Oslin
D Satre
DE Jonas
Department of Veterans Affairs. Uniform Mental Health Services in VA Medical Centers and Clinics
EA Evans
EC Williams
Emmeline Taylor
GA Greenberg
H Shahpesandy
HR Kranzler
IA Binswanger
J Olphen van
J Tsai
JD McCall
JH Blue-Howells
K Brewer-Smyth
KJ Hoggatt
KM Keyes
M Slattery
MD Skinner
Mengfei Yu
MW Finigan
N Freudenberg
N Maisel
O Baser
P Voorhis Van
R Kimerling
R Rosenheck
RA Deyo
S Arndt
S Spithoff
SA Alemagno
SW Hartwell
SW Hartwell
The Management of Substance Use Disorders Work Group
Publication venue
'Springer Science and Business Media LLC'
Publication date
Field of study
No full text
Study protocol: a hybrid effectiveness-implementation trial of Moral Reconation Therapy in the US Veterans Health Administration
AD Marshall
AK Finlay
+67Â more
AK Finlay
AT McLellan
Autumn Harnish
C Lindholm
Christine Timko
CJ Mumola
CJ Patrick
CLM Caton
CM Weaver
D Fuller
DA Andrews
DA Andrews
DA Andrews
Daniel M. Blonigen
David Smelson
DB Wilson
DM Blonigen
DP Mackinnon
DW Black
EB Elbogen
GB Bovasso
GD Walters
GD Walters
GD Walters
GL Little
GL Little
GL Little
GL Little
GL Little
GL Little
GL Little
GM Curran
H Milkman
J Bronson
J Forman
J McKay
Jennifer S. Smith
JF Mills
JH Blue-Howells
JL Anderson
Joel Rosenthal
JRP Ogloff
JS Tonigan
K Kroenke
KD Burnette
KD Burnette
L Gilreath
L Rosenthal
Lakiesha Kemp
LC Sobell
LM Ferguson
M Barkham
ME Noonan
ME Olver
Michael A. Cucciare
MJ Bovin
N King
NA Landenberger
ND Kasarabada
R Brame
RE Glasgow
RH Moos
S Aos
S Krueger
S Lash
WL Burnett
ZS Nasreddine
Publication venue
'Springer Science and Business Media LLC'
Publication date
Field of study
No full text