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16 research outputs found
Performance, abdominal fat deposition and bone characteristics of broilers fed diets containing different lipid sources
A Potença
AE Murakami
+17 more
Bligh EG
Crespo N
Crespo N
EL Nakagawa
Garcia ERM
JIM Fernandes
Lara JCL
Liu D
M Matsushita
Noy Y
Ntambi JM
Rostagno HS
Sanz M
Sanz M
Seedor JG
Watkins BA
Watkins BA
Publication venue
Publication date
Field of study
Full text link
Quality parameters of the tibiae and femora of ostriches
A Balog
AA Mendes
+23 more
Almeida Paz ICL
Almeida Paz ICL
Banks WJ.
Carrer CC
Carvalho M.
CM Komiyama
Gomes FP.
Howlet CR.
ICL Almeida
ICL Almeida Paz
Kestin SC
Kim WK
LC Vulcano
Lima DL.
Louzada MJQ.
Macari M
Mendes AA.
MRFB Martins
Orban JI
Rath NC
Rennie JS
Seedor JG.
Thorp BH.
Publication venue
Publication date
Field of study
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Effect of 17ß-estradiol or alendronate on the bone densitometry, bone histomorphometry and bone metabolism of ovariectomized rats
Ammann P
Beek EV
+43 more
Belena R
Chavassieux PM
Colucci S
Cosman F
Delmas PD
Frost HM
Giuliani N
Griffin MG
Ito M
Kalu DN
Kalu DN
Kanis JA
L.H.B.C. da Paz
L.M. dos Reis
Lane NE
Lindsay R
Miller SC
Mitlak BH
Mohamed S
Mosekilde LI
N.C. Teng
Nishikawa M
Parfitt AM
Pastoriau P
Plotkin LI
R.M.R. Pereira
Rodan GA
Rodgers BJ
Rozemberg S
Sahni M
Sato M
Sato M
Seedor JG
Thompson DD
Tobias JH
V. de Falco
V. Jorgetti
Vitté C
Wronski TJ
Wronski TJ
Wronski TJ
Yamaguchi H
Yamazaki I
Publication venue
Publication date
Field of study
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Effect of Zinc Level and Source (Zinc Oxide Vs. Zinc Glycine) on Bone Mechanical and Geometric Parameters, and Histomorphology in Male Ross 308 Broiler Chicken
A Wawrzyniak
A Winiarska-Mieczan
+52 more
Ashmead HD
Brandão-Neto J
Cao J
Cook ME
E Tomaszewska
El-Husseiny OM
Ferretti JL
Fudge AM
Hambride KM
Huang YL
I Świetlicka
Kienholz EW
Kwiecien M
Lesson S
Lowe NM
M Kwiecień
Maret W
Molokwu C
P Dobrowolski
Park SY
Rath NC
Root AW
Rossi P
S Muszyński
Sahraei M
Salim HM
Scrimgeour AG
Seedor JG
Seo HJ
Skrivan M
Sliwa E
Starcher BC
Suttle NF
Swiatkiewicz S
Tatara MR
Tomaszewska E
Tomaszewska E
Tomaszewska E
Tomaszewska E
Tomaszewska E
Tomaszewska E
Towers NR
Vieira S L
Wang X
Webster AB
Wedekind KJ
Yamaguchi M
Ziaie H
Ziaie H
Žilic SM
Publication venue
Publication date
Field of study
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Oral Alendronate in the Treatment of Postmenopausal Osteoporosis
Balena R
Freedholm D
+4 more
Guy JA
Liberman UA
Sato M
Seedor JG
Publication venue
'Informa UK Limited'
Publication date
Field of study
No full text
Histomorphometrical analysis of the effects of the bisphosphonate alendronate on bone loss caused by experimental periodontitis in monkeys
Brecx MC
Brunsvold MA
+19 more
Carano A
Fleisch H
Hoberman D
Holt SC
Kiel RA
Kornman KS
Kornman KS
O'Doherty DP
Sato M
Sato M
Seedor JG
Thiebaud D
Thiebaud D
Thompson DD
Thompson DD
Weinreb M
Williams RC
Williams RC
Wronski TJ
Publication venue
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Field of study
No full text
The effects of the aminobisphosphonate alendronate on thyroid hormone-induced osteopenia in rats
AM Parfitt
B Ongphiphadhanakul
+27 more
BP Lukert
DD Thompson
DD Thompson
DJ Hosking
EF Eriksen
F Melsen
H Fleisch
HM Frost
HM Perry III
J Radl
JA Franklyn
JA Friedland
JG Seedor
JH Lin
JM Coindre
L Mosekilde
MD Fallon
P Minaire
PJ Meunier
R Baron
R Schenk
RI Gregerman
RR Martodam
SE Papapoloulos
SH Toh
ST Kozak
Y Weisman
Publication venue
'Springer Science and Business Media LLC'
Publication date
Field of study
No full text
Effects of unilateral sciatic neurectomy on growing rat femur as assessed by peripheral quantitative computed tomography, Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy and bending test
Augat P Reeb H, Claes LE
Carter DR Heys WC
+12 more
Fuse H Fukumoto S, Sone H, Miyata
Gasser JA
Kusy RP Peng TC, Hirsh PF, Garner
Molster AO
Nyaruba MM Yamamoto I, Kimura H, M
Ortoft G Oxlund H
Rey C Renugopalakrishnan V, Collin
Thompson DD Seedor JG, Weinreb M,
Tuukkanen J Jaiovaara P
Wakley GK Portwood JS, Turner RT
Weinreb M Rodan GA, Thompson DD
Weinreb M Rodan GA, Thompson DD
Publication venue
'University of Tokushima Faculty of Medicine'
Publication date
Field of study
No full text
Dietary nutrient manipulation to improve the performance and tibia characteristics of broilers fed oak acorn (Quercus Brantii Lindl)
Aftab U
Ahmed AE
+31 more
Armstrong WD
Bouderoua K
Bouderoua K
Butler LG
Chang IS
Elkin RG
F Hojati
Hassan IAG
Jansman AJM
Kaushal NA
Kekos D
M Houshmand
Makkar HPS
Makkar HPS
Medugu CI
Monteagudo MD
Nyachoti CM
Ortiz LT
Park SY
Potter DK
Rao SK
Rath NC
Rayudu GVN
Reisenfeld A
Rostagno HS
S Parsaie
Seedor JG
Sell DR
Sharif M
Shimada T
Wareham CN
Publication venue
Publication date
Field of study
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Use of radiograph optical densitometry to monitor bone quality in broiler breeders
A Balog
AA Mendes
+31 more
Araújo CSS
AW Ballarin
Bruno LDG
Castelló JAC
CM Komiyama
FS Wescheler
Geraldo A
Geraldo A
Gomes FP
ICL Almeida Paz
Julian RJ
K Pelícia
LC Vulcano
Leeson S
Lott BD
Louzada MJQ
Luquetti BC
Macari M
Macari M
Maggioni R
Mahmoud KZ
Orban JI
Peebles ED
PSO Scudeller
RG Garcia
Rios JNF
RR Quinterio
SE Takahashi
Seedor JG
Vilar da Silva JH
Wilson HR
Publication venue
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Field of study
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