32 research outputs found

    Shortcuts to adiabaticity in a time-dependent box

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    A method is proposed to drive an ultrafast non-adiabatic dynamics of an ultracold gas trapped in a box potential. The resulting state is free from spurious excitations associated with the breakdown of adiabaticity, and preserves the quantum correlations of the initial state up to a scaling factor. The process relies on the existence of an adiabatic invariant and the inversion of the dynamical self-similar scaling law dictated by it. Its physical implementation generally requires the use of an auxiliary expulsive potential analogous to those used in soliton control. The method is extended to a broad family of many-body systems. As illustrative examples we consider the ultrafast expansion of a Tonks-Girardeau gas and of Bose-Einstein condensates in different dimensions, where the method exhibits an excellent robustness against different regimes of interactions and the features of an experimentally realizable box potential.Comment: 6 pp, 4 figures, typo in Eq. (6) fixe

    Scattering Theory and PT\mathcal{P}\mathcal{T}-Symmetry

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    We outline a global approach to scattering theory in one dimension that allows for the description of a large class of scattering systems and their P\mathcal{P}-, T\mathcal{T}-, and PT\mathcal{P}\mathcal{T}-symmetries. In particular, we review various relevant concepts such as Jost solutions, transfer and scattering matrices, reciprocity principle, unidirectional reflection and invisibility, and spectral singularities. We discuss in some detail the mathematical conditions that imply or forbid reciprocal transmission, reciprocal reflection, and the presence of spectral singularities and their time-reversal. We also derive generalized unitarity relations for time-reversal-invariant and PT\mathcal{P}\mathcal{T}-symmetric scattering systems, and explore the consequences of breaking them. The results reported here apply to the scattering systems defined by a real or complex local potential as well as those determined by energy-dependent potentials, nonlocal potentials, and general point interactions.Comment: Slightly expanded revised version, 38 page