19 research outputs found

    Le conseil post-test encourage-t-il les PVVIH &#224 partager leur statut s&#233rologique? Pratiques et suggestions des conseillers au Burkina Faso

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    Full Title:Le conseil post-test encourage-t-il les PVVIH à partager leur statut sérologique? Pratiques et suggestions des conseillers au Burkina Faso (Does post-test counseling support PLHIV in disclosing their HIV status? Practices and propositions by counselors in Burkina Faso)Le partage du rèsultat du test VIH est, selon les normes, abordé lors du counseling post-test. Cependant, alors que les obstacles au partage d’un résultat VIH positif sont attestés, la littérature reste peu abondante sur la maniére dont les directives sont appliquées sur le terrain. L’objectif de cet article est d’examiner les pratiques de conseil concernant le partage du résultat avec l’entourage rapportées par les clients et les prestataires du conseil et test VIH (CTV) au Burkina Faso. Une enquête transversale a été conduite en milieu urbain et en milieu rural en 2008. Un questionnaire intégrant des questions semi-ouvertes a été utilisé. Un nombre total de 542 personnes qui ont réalisé le test depuis 2007 et 111 prestataires de services de conseil et test VIH ont été interviewés. Les données ont été analysées sur SPSS 12. Seulement 29 % des personnes testées déclarent que le théme du partage du résultat avec l’entourage a été discuté avec elles lors du counseling post-test. Ce résultat s’explique par les incertitudes et les inquiétudes des prestataires sur la maniére de partager et sur les risques de conséquences défavorables du partage. Des stratégies sont développées par les prestataires pour soutenir les personnes dont la séropositivité a été dépistée à partager cette information avec l’entourage mais ils reconnaissent que ces actions sont insuffisantes. Les suggestions des prestataires pour améliorer la situation incluent la lutte contre la stigmatisation vis-à-vis des personnes vivant avec le VIH, le renforcement des compétences des prestataires et l’adoption de textes juridiques pour rendre obligatoire le partage du résultat avec le partenaire. En conclusion, l’étude a identifié plusieurs pistes pour améliorer les pratiques de conseil concernant le partage des résultats au Burkina Faso. Ces observations pourraient avoir une portée globale pour la région Afrique.Mots cle´: partage résultat VIH, rôle des prestataires, conseil post-test, MATCH, Burkina Fas

    Nutrition rehabilitation of undernourished children utilizing Spiruline and Misola

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    BACKGROUND: Malnutrition constitutes a public health problem throughout the world and particularly in developing countries. AIMS: The objective of the study is to assess the impact of an elementary integrator composed of Spiruline (Spirulina platensis) and Misola (millet, soja, peanut) produced at the Centre Medical St Camille (CMSC) of Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso, on the nutritional status of undernourished children. MATERIALS AND METHODS: 550 undernourished children of less than 5 years old were enrolled in this study, 455 showed severe marasma, 57 marasma of medium severity and 38 kwashiorkor plus marasma. We divided the children randomly into four groups: 170 were given Misola (731 ± 7 kcal/day), 170 were given Spiruline plus traditional meals (748 ± 6 kcal/day), 170 were given Spiruline plus Misola (767 ± 5 kcal/day). Forty children received only traditional meals (722 ± 8 kcal/day) and functioned as the control group. The duration of this study was eight weeks. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION: Anthropometrics and haematological parameters allowed us to appreciate both the nutritional and biological evolution of these children. The rehabilitation with Spiruline plus Misola (this association gave an energy intake of 767 ± 5 kcal/day with a protein assumption of 33.3 ± 1.2 g a day), both greater than Misola or Spiruline alone, seems to correct weight loss more quickly. CONCLUSION: Our results indicate that Misola, Spiruline plus traditional meals or Spiruline plus Misola are all a good food supplement for undernourished children, but the rehabilitation by Spiruline plus Misola seems synergically favour the nutrition rehabilitation better than the simple addition of protein and energy intake

    Malaria and anemia prevention in pregnant women of rural Burkina Faso

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    BACKGROUND: Pregnant women are a major risk group for malaria in endemic areas. Only little information exists on the compliance of pregnant women with malaria and anaemia preventive drug regimens in the rural areas of sub-Saharan Africa (SSA). In this study, we collected information on malaria and anaemia prevention behaviour in pregnant women of rural Burkina Faso. METHODS: Cross-sectional qualitative and quantitative survey among 225 women of eight villages in rural northwestern Burkina Faso. Four of the villages had a health centre offering antenatal care (ANC) services while the other four were more than five kilometers away from a health centre. RESULTS: Overall ANC coverage (at least one visit) was 71% (95% in health centre villages vs 50% in remote villages). Malaria and anaemia were considered as the biggest problems during pregnancy in this community. ANC using women were quite satisfied with the quality of services, and compliance with malaria and anaemia prevention regimens (chloroquine and iron/folic acid) was high in this population. Knowledge on the benefit of bed nets and good nutrition was less prominent. Distance, lack of money and ignorance were the main reasons for women to not attend ANC services. CONCLUSIONS: There is an urgent need to improve access of rural SSA women to ANC services, either through increasing the number of rural health centres or establishing functioning outreach services. Moreover, alternative malaria and anaemia prevention programmes such as intermittent preventive treatment with effective antimalarials and the distribution of insecticide-treated bed nets need to become implemented on a large scale

    HIV testing and care in Burkina Faso, Kenya, Malawi and Uganda: ethics on the ground

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