4 research outputs found
Comparison of some wind turbine noise emission models coupled to BEM aerodynamics
- Author
- Publication venue
- 'IOP Publishing'
- Publication date
- Field of study
The Potential of Vertical Wind Turbines in the Context of Growing Land use Conflicts and Acceptance Problems of the Wind Energy Sector
- Author
- A Betz
- A Dessoky
- A Tadamasa
- BJ Gemmell
- C Pearson
- D Twardella
- D Weston
- Dena
- E Möllerström
- E Möllerström
- Fachagentur-Windenergie
- Fachagentur-Windenergie
- Fraunhofer
- G Hübner
- H Arbey
- I Brownstein
- I Hui
- J Botha
- Jan Schlüter
- JDM Botha
- JO Dabiri
- JO Dabiri
- JO Dabiri
- JO Dabiri
- Johann Valentin Seebaß
- KJ Ryan
- L Pagnini
- LfU
- Lukas Kern
- LW Carr
- M Agatz
- M Ghasemian
- M Islam
- M Kinzel
- S Eriksson
- S Oerlemans
- SH Hezaveh
- T Brooks
- TA Lärm
- Umweltbundesamt
- Umweltbundesamt
- V Rolin
- VG Stuttgart
- Windspire
- Publication venue
- 'Springer Science and Business Media LLC'
- Publication date
- Field of study
Influence of Exit-Recovery Coefficient on the Leakage and Dynamic Characteristics of Annular Seal
- Author
- A Chertock
- A Karimipour
- A Muszynska
- A Muszynska
- AO Pugachev
- DW Childs
- DW Childs
- DZ Wu
- E Storteig
- F Mortazavi
- H Zhang
- HR Vosoughifar
- HR Wyssmam
- J Liu
- JA Carrillo
- JDM Botha
- L Wang
- L Zhai
- L Zhai
- LA San Andres
- M Arghir
- M Arghir
- M Atmaca
- M Khoshvaght-Aliabadi
- M Sayed
- PJ Migliorini
- Q Ding
- Q Jiang
- R Das
- R Das
- R Das
- RZ Gong
- S Florjancic
- S Nørgaard
- S Subramanian
- SC Mishra
- T Iwatsubo
- T Soulas
- TW Ha
- TW Ha
- W Li
- W Zhou
- WJ Zhou
- WJ Zhou
- X Shen
- X Yan
- Z Li
- Z Lulu
- Publication venue
- 'Springer Science and Business Media LLC'
- Publication date
- Field of study
Prevention of pulmonary embolism and deep vein thrombosis with low dose aspirin: Pulmonary Embolism Prevention (PEP) trial
- Author
- Adamson J
- Aguila A
- Ainscow DAP
- Aldana C
- Allen V
- Anderson J
- Angus P
- Arbid M
- Archer J
- Ashwell J
- Atkinson D
- Aughton J
- Bainbridge D
- Baird P
- Banan H
- Bannister G
- Bath P
- Bauze R
- Bayliss NC
- Beaumont D
- Beck T
- Bedford A
- Beighton A
- Bell P
- Best A
- Beverly M
- Blake K
- Blakeway C
- Blayney JDM
- Board T
- Botha M
- Boyce A
- Bradley J
- Brenkel I
- Briggs P
- Broad J
- Broome G
- Brown A
- Brownlee D
- Bulstrode C
- Butler-Manuel A
- Cameron M
- Campbell C
- Campbell P
- Campbell T
- Carden DG
- Catto P
- Chadwick CJ
- Chilcott R
- Churchland M
- Clark T
- Clarke D
- Clarke DS
- Clay D
- Clements P
- Clifford I
- Collins R
- Courtenay B
- Cousins L
- Cowley G
- Crawford W
- Crawshaw C
- Culling J
- Danesh J
- Dare J
- Davies J
- Davis S
- Davison J
- Dawe C
- Day G
- Dayaram P
- Dickinson J
- Dixon P
- Doughty R
- Douglas D
- Douglas J
- Duncan H
- Dunn C
- Ebizie AO
- Einoder B
- El-Deen M
- Ellis A
- Elvy M
- Evans J
- Everding T
- Facey T
- Fail B
- Farrell B
- Ferris B
- Fisch G
- Fishburn J
- Flanagan M
- Forester AJ
- Fou R
- Fowler W
- Foy MA
- Francis J
- Frank J
- Gantz D
- Gerrard T
- Ghabrial J
- Gillham N
- Goldwasser M
- Golele R
- Gordon G
- Gray H
- Gray P
- Greatrex K
- Green M
- Gregg P
- Greiss M
- Griffith I
- Griffith M
- Grizzle M
- Grover ML
- Guinane F
- Hadjichristofis S
- Handley R
- Hargraves R
- Harper WM
- Harris I
- Harrison A
- Hawe C
- Hefner T
- Henderson A
- Henderson M
- Hensley L
- Heron K
- Hirst P
- Hodgson E
- Hodkinson S
- Hooper J
- Hope P
- Howard PW
- Howells S
- Howlett I
- Hubbard MJS
- Hucker J
- Hullin M
- Hunt M
- Irvine G
- Iyer V
- Jeffery K
- Jeffries T
- Johnson P
- Jones W
- Jordan A
- Joseph H
- Kanagavel N
- Keech A
- Kelman I
- Keyworth S
- Khan M
- Kilgour M
- King P
- Kinninmonth A
- Kirsh G
- Knebel R
- Knox S
- Ko C
- Kruger S
- Kuzel R
- Lamb G
- Lander R
- Lawson D
- Lawton J
- Le Roy L
- Leese K
- Leitl S
- Lemon GJ
- Lennox CME
- Lewis C
- Lewis V
- Livingstone B
- Locke R
- Logan L
- Macdonald D
- Macdonald DA
- MacDowell C
- MacMahon S
- MacMillan C
- Mani G
- Manning M
- Martin G
- Mason M
- Maxwell R
- May S
- McBride D
- McCulloch A
- McDonald RJM
- McGuiness M
- McKillan J
- McMahon L
- McNeil S
- McSweeney L
- Medlicott P
- Mendes L
- Menzies J
- Mibus M
- Milburn C
- Miles C
- Mills J
- Minhas H
- Mollan RAB
- Morrissey A
- Morton J
- Murch K
- Murrell T
- Nade S
- Neal B
- Nelson I
- Nevelos A
- Newcombe J
- Newth S
- Newton C
- Nojoko L
- Norton R
- Nyunt B
- O'Brien J
- O'Dwyer K
- Ockleford P
- Ogden AS
- Outhred J
- Overton M
- Palmer N
- Panting A
- Parker MJ
- Parnell E
- Peacock A
- Perera T
- Peto R
- Phipps S
- Pianta R
- Pitts A
- Plewes JL
- Ploschke H
- Pollitt A
- Porter BB
- Prasad R
- Prentice C
- Prodan L
- Quaill W
- Rahmaty A
- Ramdeholl P
- Ramsden T
- Randall AM
- Rankin J
- Ratnam KR
- Ratnasabapathy Y
- Redden J
- Rehfisch P
- Reissis N
- Robbins J
- Robertson P
- Rodgers A
- Rolleston B
- Rothwell A
- Rowden N
- Rush J
- Russell R
- Rutland M
- Sadique T
- Salter T
- Sanderson M
- Sanderson P
- Saunders C
- Schofield S
- Senior J
- Sernbo I
- Shamy S
- Shanahan MDG
- Sharman D
- Sharpe N
- Simes J
- Simm R
- Skirving A
- Sleight P
- Smallbones K
- Smith A
- Smith J
- Smith K
- Smith M
- Snowdowne R
- Spratt C
- Stahl TJ
- Steele V
- Stefanotti M
- Stevenson T
- Steyn S
- Stilwell J
- Stirrat A
- Sudhakar J
- Swailes P
- Taine W
- Tanham D
- Taylor D
- Tello E
- Thurston A
- Tibrewal S
- Tri PEP
- Tuite JD
- Tzanetos P
- Umar M
- Upton J
- van der Merwe S
- Waldron R
- Walker K
- Walker N
- Wallace ME
- Walters J
- Warwick D
- Watkiss A
- Weeber A
- Wheatley D
- Williams D
- Williams R
- Williams S
- Wilson D
- Winfield P
- Wood D
- Wood M
- Woods T
- Woolnough S
- Wright V
- Wuttke R
- Youll J
- Zavattaro D
- Zwar J
- Publication venue
- Publication date
- 01/01/2000
- Field of study