3 research outputs found
Allogeneic and autologous ovarian orthotopic transplantation without a vascular pedicle: Morphological, endocrinologic and natural pregnancy assessment
- Author
- Publication venue
- 'Wiley'
- Publication date
- Field of study
Lack of dissociation of prolactin responses to thyrotropin releasing hormone and metoclopramide in chronic alcoholic men
- Author
- A Zanoboni
- AE Panerai
- CJ McClain
- D Leroith
- D Muting
- DH Thiel Van
- DH Thiel Van
- DH Thiel Van
- E Mortensen
- G Ramirez
- GB Phillips
- H Michael
- HA Feldman
- JD Parkers
- JE Fischer
- JE Fischer
- JG Posado
- JM Foley
- JR Sowers
- K Ogihara
- LL Havens
- LT Webster Jr.
- M Uribe
- MY Morgan
- NJ Greenberger
- R Dickes
- RJ Baldessarini
- RM Bassiri
- SP Bessman
- TR Harrison
- VS Lim
- WHJ Summerskill
- WV McDermott Jr.
- Publication venue
- 'Springer Science and Business Media LLC'
- Publication date
- Field of study
Parkinson’s disease between internal medicine and neurology
- Author
- A Antonini
- A Bilici
- A Castro-Caldas
- A Elbaz
- A Elenkova
- A Fasano
- A Fasano
- A Gasbarrini
- A Mazza
- A Mesec
- A Natalwala
- A Satoh
- A Steffen
- A Storch
- A Ustione
- AA Ejaz
- AA Lakraj
- AF Manini
- AH Tan
- AH Tan
- AK Bellon
- AM Rosenblum
- AP Sempere
- B Maroy
- B Pinter
- B Ritz
- BC Lund
- BI Hirschowitz
- BK Mondal
- BS Connolly
- C Becker
- C Lim
- C Marras
- C Marras
- C Qiu
- C Remblier
- C Renoux
- C Sachs
- C Schmidt
- C Trenkwalder
- CA Haensch
- CB Forsyth
- CF Orr
- CG Goetz
- CK Firoz
- CL Leibson
- CR Sirtori
- CT Hong
- CW Olanow
- D Bosco
- D Harnod
- D Mehagnoul-Schipper
- DF Graham
- DG Krauser
- DJ Brooks
- DL Blanchard
- DS Bell
- E Cassani
- E Cereda
- E Ilijic
- E Lorenc-Koci
- E Martignoni
- EE Apostolakis
- EG Werner
- EK Heist
- EP Scholz
- F Andersohn
- F Loew
- F Rahman
- F Scheperjans
- F Sprenger
- F Tateno
- F Tateno
- FD Fraunfelder
- FF Richy
- FJ Jiménez-Jiménez
- G Hu
- G Hu
- G Hu
- G Jacob
- G Logroscino
- G Madenci
- G Pagano
- GJ Lammers
- H Alonso Navarro
- H Braak
- H Chen
- H Karasawa
- H Kaufmann
- H Koop
- H Löllgen
- H Morales-Briceño
- HA Teive
- Heinz Reichmann
- HR Malaterre
- HR Malaterre
- HY Sung
- I Biaggioni
- Ilona Csoti
- J Ross
- J Wang
- J Webster
- J Xu
- J Zeng
- JA Bayliss
- JA Santiago
- JA Vale
- JA Zavala
- JD Jones
- JD Parkers
- JG Kalf
- JJ Heidelbaugh
- JL Montastruc
- JM Gorell
- JM Senarda
- JM Sheard
- K Gudala
- K Haasio
- K Kujawa
- K Rees
- K Rees
- K Sato
- K Seppi
- K Tredici Del
- K Undela
- KC Simon
- KM Biglan
- KM Bleasdale-Barr
- L Edwards
- L Feil
- L Makaroff
- L Wang
- LA Pearce
- LJ Melton
- M Gabrielli
- M Guttman
- M Lombard
- M Malik
- M Orama
- M Pierantozzi
- M Rossi
- M Steiger
- MA Leite
- MA Marinella
- MB Gibbs
- MB Potts
- MD Padrell
- MG Cersósimo
- MG Cersósimo
- MJ Rosenthal
- ML Wahlqvist
- MM Mokhles
- MS Troche
- MT Dotti
- N Borges
- N Giladi
- N Giladi
- NA Leopold
- NI Bohnen
- NR Rozgony
- NS Abraham
- O Rascol
- OO Adeyemi
- P Martinez-Martin
- P Srivanitchapoom
- Q Xu
- R Ceravolo
- R Horowski
- R Llorens-Arenas
- R Ou
- R Sakakibara
- R Sandyk
- R Schade
- R Zanettini
- R Zangaglia
- RA Hauser
- RA Vaidya
- RB Jenkins
- RD Abbott
- RF Pfeiffer
- RK Chaudhuri
- RL Rodnitzky
- RR Strang
- RS Dick
- S DuBois
- S Ishida
- S Kaakkola
- S Kaakkola
- S Kang
- S Marrinan
- S Nurko
- S Perez-Lloret
- S Shaunak
- S Sommer
- SA Parashos
- SA Parashos
- SH Isaacson
- SP Patil
- SY Chen
- T Kästenbauer
- T Maeda
- T Simuni
- T Simuni
- T Ziemssen
- TA Zesiewicz
- TH Haapaniemi
- TM Young
- TW Wilson
- U Lertxundi
- V Kotagal
- V Pursiainen
- V Setola
- VW Horadam
- W Birkmayer
- W Poewe
- WH Jost
- WH Jost
- WH Jost
- WJ Kupsky
- Wolfgang H. Jost
- WY Lee
- X Gao
- X Huang
- Y Ben-Shlomo
- Y Doi
- Y Miyake
- Y Sun
- YE Kim
- YS Oh
- Publication venue
- 'Springer Science and Business Media LLC'
- Publication date
- Field of study