3 research outputs found

    Patterns of multimorbidity in working Australians

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    Background: Multimorbidity is becoming more prevalent. Previously-used methods of assessing multimorbidity relied on counting the number of health conditions, often in relation to an index condition (comorbidity), or grouping conditions based on body or organ systems. Recent refinements in statistical approaches have resulted in improved methods to capture patterns of multimorbidity, allowing for the identification of nonrandomly occurring clusters of multimorbid health conditions. This paper aims to identify nonrandom clusters of multimorbidity.Methods: The Australian Work Outcomes Research Cost-benefit (WORC) study cross-sectional screening dataset (approximately 78,000 working Australians) was used to explore patterns of multimorbidity. Exploratory factor analysis was used to identify nonrandomly occurring clusters of multimorbid health conditions.Results: Six clinically-meaningful groups of multimorbid health conditions were identified. These were: factor 1: arthritis, osteoporosis, other chronic pain, bladder problems, and irritable bowel; factor 2: asthma, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, and allergies; factor 3: back/neck pain, migraine, other chronic pain, and arthritis; factor 4: high blood pressure, high cholesterol, obesity, diabetes, and fatigue; factor 5: cardiovascular disease, diabetes, fatigue, high blood pressure, high cholesterol, and arthritis; and factor 6: irritable bowel, ulcer, heartburn, and other chronic pain. These clusters do not fall neatly into organ or body systems, and some conditions appear in more than one cluster.Conclusions: Considerably more research is needed with large population-based datasets and a comprehensive set of reliable health diagnoses to better understand the complex nature and composition of multimorbid health conditions

    Evaluating comorbidities in total hip and knee arthroplasty: available instruments

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    Each year millions of patients are treated for joint pain with total joint arthroplasty, and the numbers are expected to rise. Comorbid disease is known to influence the outcome of total joint arthroplasty, and its documentation is therefore of utmost importance in clinical evaluation of the individual patient as well as in research. In this paper, we examine the various methods for obtaining and assessing comorbidity information for patients undergoing joint replacement. Multiple instruments are reliable and validated for this purpose, such as the Charlson Index, Index of Coexistent Disease, and the Functional Comorbidity Index. In orthopedic studies, the Charnley classification and the American Society of Anesthesiologists physical function score (ASA) are widely used. We recommend that a well-documented comorbidity index that incorporates some aspect of mental health is used along with other appropriate instruments to objectively assess the preoperative status of the patient