2,523 research outputs found

    Dealing with Difference: Building Culturally Responsive Classrooms

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    Australia continues to develop as a multicultural society with levels of immigration increasing significantly in recent years. The current financial turmoil, continuing threats from terrorism and environmental concerns, have all intensified the challenges of dealing with difference in our society. In response, schools continue to face the challenges of the impact of a range of different cultures, languages and religions among their student and school communities. How effectively schools deal with difference and how well they are supported in their endeavours to build culturally responsive classrooms is a perennial issue for policy makers, teachers and teacher educators. A major challenge for teachers in particular, is to at a minimum, understand cultural differences as they manifest in their particular school settings. Also to draw on approaches that support student learning in culturally appropriate ways so to assist them to better realise their full potential. In this paper we will consider cultural diversity in the context of current school policies, and highlight a number of frameworks for addressing cultural diversity in the classroom. We draw on the findings from a recent qualitative study of representations of cultural diversity in a number of Sydney schools to discuss the need for greater resource and policy support for progressive and innovative teaching approaches that will support the development of inclusive communities

    Making sense of teaching through shared observation and conversation

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    How do early career teachers value different types of support? A scale-adjusted latent class choice model

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    © 2015 Elsevier Ltd. Using a discrete choice experimental approach and associated Scale-Adjusted Latent Class Model (SALCM), we quantify the relative value early career teachers (ECTs) place on various types of support in the form of affirmation, resources, collegial opportunities, mentoring, and professional development. ECTs with intentions to depart the profession, place greater relative value on the sharing of resources, cooperative teaching and planning, offsite discussions about classroom management and programming with mentors, and having a greater professional voice. In contrast, those with intentions to remain, place greater value on observation from and conversations about teaching with more experienced teachers at their school

    A laboratory-based, low-energy, multi-modal x-ray microscope with user-defined resolution

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    We report on the development of a low-energy x-ray phase-based microscope using intensity-modulation masks for single-shot retrieval of three contrast channels: transmission, refraction, and ultra-small-angle scattering or dark field. The retrieval method is based on beam tracking, an incoherent and phase-based imaging approach. We demonstrate that the spatial resolution of this imaging system does not depend on focal spot size nor detector pixel pitch, as opposed to conventional and propagation-based x-ray imaging, and it is only dependent on the mask aperture size. This result enables the development of a multi-resolution microscope where multi-scale samples can be explored on different length scales by adjusting only the mask aperture size, without other modifications. Additionally, we show an extended capability of the system to resolve periodic structures below the resolution limit imposed by the mask apertures, which potentially extends dark-field imaging beyond its conventional use

    The transition from refraction to Ultra-Small-Angle X-ray Scattering (USAXS) in a laboratory phase-based X-ray microscope for soft tissue imaging

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    We report on a laboratory-based x-ray microscope allowing for phase-contrast imaging of soft tissue samples. The used beam tracking approach allows retrieval of Ultra-Small-Angle X-ray Scattering (USAXS) or dark field alongside attenuation and differential phase. We show the dependence of the refraction and dark field signal on the size of the imaged features. The application of the technique to a biological sample is also demonstrated

    An Assessment of the Impact of Hafting on Paleoindian Point Variability

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    It has long been argued that the form of North American Paleoindian points was affected by hafting. According to this hypothesis, hafting constrained point bases such that they are less variable than point blades. The results of several studies have been claimed to be consistent with this hypothesis. However, there are reasons to be skeptical of these results. None of the studies employed statistical tests, and all of them focused on points recovered from kill and camp sites, which makes it difficult to be certain that the differences in variability are the result of hafting rather than a consequence of resharpening. Here, we report a study in which we tested the predictions of the hafting hypothesis by statistically comparing the variability of different parts of Clovis points. We controlled for the potentially confounding effects of resharpening by analyzing largely unused points from caches as well as points from kill and camp sites. The results of our analyses were not consistent with the predictions of the hypothesis. We found that several blade characters and point thickness were no more variable than the base characters. Our results indicate that the hafting hypothesis does not hold for Clovis points and indicate that there is a need to test its applicability in relation to post-Clovis Paleoindian points

    A Morphometric Assessment of the Intended Function of Cached Clovis Points

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    A number of functions have been proposed for cached Clovis points. The least complicated hypothesis is that they were intended to arm hunting weapons. It has also been argued that they were produced for use in rituals or in connection with costly signaling displays. Lastly, it has been suggested that some cached Clovis points may have been used as saws. Here we report a study in which we morphometrically compared Clovis points from caches with Clovis points recovered from kill and camp sites to test two predictions of the hypothesis that cached Clovis points were intended to arm hunting weapons: 1) cached points should be the same shape as, but generally larger than, points from kill/camp sites, and 2) cached points and points from kill/camp sites should follow the same allometric trajectory. The results of the analyses are consistent with both predictions and therefore support the hypothesis. A follow-up review of the fit between the results of the analyses and the predictions of the other hypotheses indicates that the analyses support only the hunting equipment hypothesis. We conclude from this that cached Clovis points were likely produced with the intention of using them to arm hunting weapons
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