57 research outputs found

    Telomerase activity in human leukemic cells with or without monosomy 7 or 7q-

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    BACKGROUND: In bone marrow material from patients with various leukemias we noted that samples with either a deletion on the long arm of one chromosome 7 (7q-) or a monosomy 7 had a higher telomerase activity. Considering that introduction of a chromosome 7 into a cancer cell line had been reported to eliminate telomerase activity, that 7q- is a common negative prognostic finding in cancers, and that the deleted segment (band 7q31) contains an unidentified tumor suppressor gene, we wondered if this gene might be a telomerase inhibitor. RESULTS: We found no significant difference in telomerase activity between the three groups of patient samples. In contrast to reports on tumor cell lines we observed no amplification of the telomerase genes. METHODS: We analyzed telomerase activity and copy number of the telomerase genes hTERT and hTR in frozen archival bone marrow samples from leukemia patients with a referral diagnosis of AML, and either a monosomy for chromosome 7, a deletion on the long arm of chromosome 7 (7q-), or none of these aberrations. Telomerase activity was measured with a commercially available kit, and the copy number of the telomerase genes was tested by FISH. CONCLUSIONS: We found no evidence of a telomerase inhibitor in band 7q31. The lack of telomerase gene amplification found in cell lines from solid tumors could reflect that this amplification is a property of solid tumors, not of hematological cancers

    Clinical relevance of genetic instability in prostatic cells obtained by prostatic massage in early prostate cancer

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    We investigated whether genetic lesions such as loss of heterozygosity (LOH) are detected in prostatic cells obtained by prostatic massage during early diagnosis of prostate cancer (CaP) and discussed their clinical relevance. Blood and first urine voided after prostatic massage were collected in 99 patients with total prostate-specific antigen (PSA) between 4 and 10 ng ml−1, prior to prostate biopsies. Presence of prostatic cells was confirmed by quantitative RT–PCR analysis of PSA mRNA. Genomic DNA was analysed for LOH on six chromosomal regions. One or more allelic deletions were found in prostatic fluid from 57 patients analysed, of whom 33 (58%) had CaP. Sensitivity and specificity of LOH detection and PSA free to total ratio <15% for positive biopsy were respectively 86.7 and 44% (P=0.002) for LOH, and 55 and 74% (P=0.006) for PSA ratio <15%. Analysis of LOH obtained from prostatic tumours revealed similar patterns compared to prostatic fluid cells in 86% of cases, confirming its accuracy. The presence of LOH of urinary prostatic cells obtained after prostatic massage is significantly associated with CaP on biopsy and may potentially help to identify a set of patients who are candidates for further prostate biopsies

    Poorly differentiated and anaplastic thyroid carcinomas: chromosomal and oligo-array profile of five new cell lines

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    Information on gene alterations associated to poorly differentiated (PDTC) and anaplastic thyroid carcinomas (ATC) is scarce. Using human cancer cell lines as a tool for gene discovery, we performed a cytogenetic and oligo-array analysis in five new cell lines derived from two PDTC and three ATC. In PDTC we evidenced, as important, the involvement of the MAPK/ERK kinase pathway, and downregulation of a group of suppressor genes that include E-cadherin. In ATC, downregulation of a specific group of oncosuppressor genes was also observed. Our ATC cell lines presented chromosomal markers of gene amplification, and we were able to identify for the first time the nature of the involved amplicon target genes. We found that the main molecular differences between the two cell line types were related to signal transduction pathways, cell adhesion and motility process. TaqMan experiments performed for five amplicon target genes and for two genes, which allowed a clear distinction between ATC and PDTC: CDH13 and PLAU corroborated array results, not only in the cell lines, but also in an additional set of primary 14 PDTC and three ATC. We suggest that our findings may represent new tools for the development of more effective therapies to the hitherto untreatable ATC

    The 3-Base Periodicity and Codon Usage of Coding Sequences Are Correlated with Gene Expression at the Level of Transcription Elongation

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    Background: Gene transcription is regulated by DNA transcriptional regulatory elements, promoters and enhancers that are located outside the coding regions. Here, we examine the characteristic 3-base periodicity of the coding sequences and analyse its correlation with the genome-wide transcriptional profile of yeast. Principal Findings: The analysis of coding sequences by a new class of indices proposed here identified two different sources of 3-base periodicity: the codon frequency and the codon sequence. In exponentially growing yeast cells, the codon-frequency component of periodicity accounts for 71.9 % of the variability of the cellular mRNA by a strong association with the density of elongating mRNA polymerase II complexes. The mRNA abundance explains most of the correlation between the codon-frequency component of periodicity and protein levels. Furthermore, pyrimidine-ending codons of the four-fold degenerate small amino acids alanine, glycine and valine are associated with genes with double the transcription rate of those associated with purine-ending codons. Conclusions: We demonstrate that the 3-base periodicity of coding sequences is higher than expected by the codon usage frequency (CUF) and that its components, associated with codon bias and amino acid composition, are correlated with gene expression, principally at the level of transcription elongation. This indicates a role of codon sequences in maximising the transcription efficiency in exponentially growing yeast cells. Moreover, the results contrast with the common Darwinia

    Loss of heterozygosity (LOH), malignancy grade and clonality in microdissected prostate cancer

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    The aim of the present study was to find out whether increasing malignancy of prostate carcinoma correlates with an overall increase of loss of heterozygosity (LOH), and whether LOH typing of microdissected tumour areas can help to distinguish between multifocal or clonal tumour development. In 47 carcinomas analysed at 25 chromosomal loci, the overall LOH rate was found to be significantly lower in grade 1 areas (2.2%) compared with grade 2 (9.4%) and grade 3 areas (8.3%, P = 0.007). A similar tendency was found for the mean fractional allele loss (FAL, 0.043 for grade 1, 0.2 for grade 2 and 0.23 for grade 3, P = 0.0004). Of 20 tumours (65%) with LOH in several microdissected areas, 13 had identical losses at 1–4 loci within two or three areas, suggesting clonal development of these areas. Markers near RB, DCC, BBC1, TP53 and at D13S325 (13q21–22) showed higher loss rates in grades 2 and 3 (between 25% and 44.4%) compared with grade 1 (0–6.6%). Tumour-suppressor genes (TSGs) near these loci might, thus, be important for tumour progression. TP53 mutations were detected in 27%, but BBC1 mutations in only 7%, of samples with LOH. Evaluation of all 25 loci in every tumour made evident that each prostate cancer has its own pattern of allelic losses. © 1999 Cancer Research Campaig