7 research outputs found
Evolution of Atrial Signals from a Single Lead VDD Pacemaker
- Author
- Publication venue
- 'Wiley'
- Publication date
- Field of study
Single lead atrial synchronised ventricular (VDD) pacing
- Author
- Publication venue
- 'Springer Science and Business Media LLC'
- Publication date
- 01/01/1996
- Field of study
Usefulness of Echocardiography to Predict Inappropriate Atrial Sensing in Single-Lead VDD Pacing
- Author
- Publication venue
- 'Wiley'
- Publication date
- Field of study
The Development of Sinoatrial Dysfunction in Pacemaker Patients with Isolated Atrioventricular Block
- Author
- Publication venue
- 'Wiley'
- Publication date
- Field of study
Experimental study for single-pass lead DDD pacing
- Author
- Publication venue
- 'Springer Science and Business Media LLC'
- Publication date
- Field of study
Cell Communication and Growth
- Author
- A Radu
- A Yee
- AB Pardee
- AC Burton
- AC Burton
- AL Zimmerman
- AR Goldberg
- AW Murray
- C Ghang
- C Peracchia
- C Pietropaolo
- CM Corsaro
- CM Corsaro
- D Preus
- D Preus
- DC Spray
- DC Spray
- DD Potter
- DF Albertini
- DF Hülser
- DJ Fitzgerald
- DJ Meyer
- DL Friedman
- E Anderson
- E Rivedal
- E Wang
- EA Bornslaeger
- EJ Furshpan
- EL Hertzberg
- F Crick
- FB Merk
- G Zampighi
- GJ Todaro
- GM Burgess
- GV Vitkauskas
- H Goodall
- H Iba
- H Yamasaki
- H Yamasaki
- I Berenblum
- IG Macara
- J Folkman
- J Neyton
- J-P Revel
- JA Smith
- JA Wyke
- JC Saez
- JD Pitts
- JD Pitts
- JD Pitts
- JD Sheridan
- JD Sheridan
- JD Sheridan
- JD Sheridan
- JD Sheridan
- JD Sheridan
- JD Sheridan
- JE Trosko
- JJ Eppig
- JL Flagg-Newton
- JL Flagg-Newton
- JM Mitchison
- JP MacManus
- JS Murphy
- K Willecke
- KL Gould
- KR Johnson
- LG Spangoli
- LM Brown
- LP Yotti
- M Lubin
- MC Willingham
- MH Schneiderman
- MJ Berridge
- MLS Ledbetter
- MM Atkinson
- MM Atkinson
- MM Atkinson
- MP Stoker
- MP Stoker
- MS Collett
- N Dekel
- N Dekel
- NB Gilula
- NG Goldberg
- P O’Lague
- P O’Lague
- P Pinto da Silva
- PD Minor
- PP Mehta
- PR Brink
- PSG Goldfarb
- PW Rossow
- R Azarnia
- R Azarnia
- R Azarnia
- R Johnson
- R Shields
- RD Veenstra
- RE Garfield
- RH Michell
- RJ Wieser
- RM Bell
- RM Schultz
- RP Biegon
- RP Biegon
- RW Holley
- RW Jackman
- RW Jackman
- RW Jackman
- S Ito
- S Weidmann
- SA Murray
- SB Yancey
- SB Yancey
- SJ Socolar
- SM Schwartz
- SW Kuffler
- T Enomoto
- T Enomoto
- T Enomoto
- T Enomoto
- T Enomoto
- T Hunter
- T Yada
- T-F Liu
- TJ Slaga
- US Ryan
- WB Anderson
- WE Seifert
- WH Beers
- WJ Larsen
- WR Loewenstein
- WR Loewenstein
- WR Loewenstein
- WR Loewenstein
- WR Loewenstein
- WR Lowenstein
- Y Kanno
- Y Nishizuka
- Y Sugimoto
- Publication venue
- 'Springer Science and Business Media LLC'
- Publication date
- 01/01/1987
- Field of study
Neural correlates of consciousness: progress and problems
- Author
- A Cowey
- A Damasio
- A Del Cul
- A Gallace
- A Gökyiğit
- A Kepecs
- A Maier
- A Polonsky
- A Revonsuo
- A Selimbeyoglu
- A Tzovara
- A Zadra
- AD Milner
- AG Casali
- AG Hudetz
- AM Owen
- AY Sklar
- B Kotchoubey
- B Libet
- BA Baars
- BA Vogt
- BB Theyel
- BF Westmoreland
- BG Breitmeyer
- BH Silverstein
- BJ He
- BR Postle
- C Bagattini
- C Bassetti
- C Butti
- C Fischer
- C Koch
- C Koch
- C Kunimoto
- C Mazzi
- C Merrick
- C Schnakers
- C Sergent
- Christof Koch
- CM Funk
- CM Gray
- CM Torgerson
- CS Konen
- D Caparros-Lefebvre
- D Edelman
- D Fernandez-Espejo
- D Hermes
- D Marinazzo
- D Pins
- DA Leopold
- DA Leopold
- DA McCormick
- DA Pollen
- DJ Kravitz
- DO Hebb
- DR Griffin
- E Rodriguez
- E Tagliazucchi
- EA Buffalo
- EF Wijdicks
- EG Jones
- EM Reingold
- EN Brown
- ES Lutkenhoff
- F Crick
- F Crick
- F Faugeras
- F Imamoglu
- F Siclari
- F Yu
- FA Mettler
- FC Crick
- G Francis
- G Moruzzi
- G Northoff
- G Rees
- G Solovey
- G Tononi
- G Tononi
- GE Alexander
- GG Supp
- Giulio Tononi
- H Blumenfeld
- H Lagercrantz
- H Railo
- H Super
- H Tang
- HA Berlin
- HJ Markowitsch
- HO Karnath
- I Timofeev
- J Aru
- J Aru
- J Hohwy
- J Parvizi
- J Parvizi
- J Silvanto
- JB Posner
- JC Arezzo
- JC Horton
- JC Sigl
- JD Haynes
- JD Sitt
- JE Bogen
- JF Fulton
- JG McHaffie
- JR King
- JR King
- JT Giacino
- JW Langston
- K Grill-Spector
- K Kaskinoro
- K Meyer
- K Sandberg
- K Sandberg
- K Wiegand
- KD Harris
- KK Kaisti
- KP Bhatia
- L Melloni
- L Melloni
- L Mudrik
- L Nobili
- L Weiskrantz
- L Weiskrantz
- LJ Cauller
- LJ Cauller
- LJ Velly
- M Arthuis
- M Boly
- M Boly
- M Desmurget
- M Giurfa
- M Koivisto
- M Koivisto
- M Larkum
- M Magnin
- M Massimini
- M Mataró
- M Oizumi
- M Sara
- M Snodgrass
- M Steriade
- M Steriade
- M Steriade
- M Steriade
- M Terzaghi
- M Wilke
- MA Goodale
- MA Pitts
- MA Pitts
- Marcello Massimini
- MD Kertai
- Melanie Boly
- MH Munk
- MJ Murphy
- MM Monti
- MM Monti
- MS Dawkins
- MS Livingstone
- MT Alkire
- MZ Koubeissi
- N Faivre
- N Kajimura
- N Noy
- N Schiff
- N Tsuchiya
- N Tsuchiya
- ND Schiff
- ND Schiff
- ND Schiff
- NK Logothetis
- NT Markov
- O Baumann
- O Gosseries
- O Gosseries
- OA Imas
- P Barttfeld
- P Fries
- P Maquet
- P Maquet
- P Vuilleumier
- PB Forgacs
- PL Purdon
- PM Fuller
- PR Roelfsema
- Q Luo
- R Auksztulewicz
- R Blake
- R Straussberg
- R VanRullen
- RD Fitzgerald
- RE Brown
- RJ Douglas
- RM Brickner
- RN Lemon
- RR Hassin
- RR Hassin
- S Achard
- S Chennu
- S Dehaene
- S Dehaene
- S Frässle
- S He
- S Herculano-Houzel
- S Herculano-Houzel
- S Kouider
- S Kouider
- S Laureys
- S Laureys
- S Laureys
- S Laureys
- S Miller
- S Pockett
- S Ray
- S Sachidhanandam
- S Safavi
- S Sakata
- S Sarasso
- S Sutton
- S Zeki
- S Zhang
- SA Harrison
- SH Lee
- SK Jain
- SM Fleming
- SM Miller
- SR Lehky
- SW Ku
- T Binzegger
- T Schmidt
- TA de Graaf
- TH Donner
- TI Panagiotaropoulos
- V Coltheart
- V Rangarajan
- V Wyart
- VA Lamme
- VAF Lamme
- VM Synek
- W Singer
- WL Shew
- X Bai
- Y Holler
- Y Jiang
- Y Nir
- Y Nir
- YD Van der Werf
- Publication venue
- 'Springer Science and Business Media LLC'
- Publication date
- Field of study