22 research outputs found
Modified minimally invasive transforaminal lumbar interbody fusion using a trans-multifidus approach: a safe and effective alternative to open-TLIF
- Author
- CJ Neal
- CP DiPaola
- CV Powell
- CW Kim
- CW Peng
- D Rouben
- EJ Gallagher
- Feng Zhang
- JA Youssef
- JC Noggle
- JH Oppenheimer
- JS Roh
- KH Bridwell
- KH Lee
- L Hnenny
- Liqun Duan
- M Krishna
- M Pumberger
- NF Tian
- PM Arnold
- R Vialle
- Rui He
- S Fujibayashi
- S Kotwal
- S Lauber
- S Palmer
- SC Yson
- T Tjardes
- W Senker
- Wenzhi Zhang
- Xiang Xu
- Xiaodong Ling
- Xifu Shang
- Xu Li
- Yefeng Hu
- YS Fu
- ZN Irwin
- Publication venue
- 'Springer Science and Business Media LLC'
- Publication date
- Field of study
Language impairment among patients with different types of cancer. Comparison with healthy adults
- Author
- Publication venue
- 'Springer Science and Business Media LLC'
- Publication date
- Field of study
Polluted Rain and Plant Growth
- Author
- Publication venue
- 'Springer Science and Business Media LLC'
- Publication date
- 01/01/1980
- Field of study
Enantiomeric Identification of Pregabalin by GCâMS via Methylation and SâTPC Chiral Derivatization
- Author
- Publication venue
- 'Wiley'
- Publication date
- Field of study
The Effects of the Surface on the Mechanical Properties of Metals
- Author
- A Lawley
- AJ McEvily
- AK Head
- C Feng
- CC Law
- CS Barrett
- D Kuhlman-Wilsdorf
- DF Watt
- DH Bradhurst
- FE Fujita
- FRN Nabarro
- FW Young Jr.
- GH Conners
- H Suzuki
- H Wilsdorf
- IR Kramer
- IR Kramer
- IR Kramer
- IR Kramer
- IR Kramer
- IR Kramer
- J Garstone
- J Takamura
- JC Fisher
- JC Grosskreutz
- JC Grosskreutz
- JF Prins
- JJ Gilman
- JJ Gilman
- JT Fourie
- JV Sharp
- JW Beams
- JW Mitchell
- MB McNeil
- MS Paterson
- PC Paris
- PR Swann
- PW Kingman
- RE Peterson
- RK MacCrone
- RW Hoffman
- S Mendelson
- T Mukai
- TS Noggle
- WA Wood
- WG Johnston
- Publication venue
- 'Springer Science and Business Media LLC'
- Publication date
- 01/01/1968
- Field of study
Hemispheres of the Brain, Lateralization of
- Author
- Publication venue
- 'Springer Science and Business Media LLC'
- Publication date
- 01/01/2011
- Field of study
Teachersâ and Parentsâ Perspectives on a Curricular Subject of âReligion and Spiritualityâ for Indian Schools: A Pilot Study Toward School Mental Health Program
- Author
- AK Chen
- Andrew Baccari
- C Crammer
- C Wu
- CM Puchalski
- CM Puchalski
- CM Puchalski
- D Neely
- DR Hoge
- E Warnecke
- F Menniti-Ippolito
- FA Curlin
- FA Curlin
- FA Curlin
- G Lucchetti
- G Lucchetti
- GW Allport
- H Bang
- Harold G. Koenig
- HG Koenig
- HG Koenig
- J Penrod
- JC Aggarwal
- JC Felver
- JJ Noggle
- JQ Bostic
- JS Gordon
- JS Levin
- JY Tan
- M Hojat
- M Ring
- M Szumilas
- MS Atkins
- NC Hvidt
- P Hall
- P Ramakrishnan
- P Ramakrishnan
- P Ramakrishnan
- P Ramakrishnan
- P Ramakrishnan
- Parameshwaran Ramakrishnan
- PL Dobkin
- S Li
- SJ Slavin
- Syed Faiz Ahmed
- Uma Ramachandran
- Publication venue
- 'Springer Science and Business Media LLC'
- Publication date
- Field of study
Yoga in Public School Improves Adolescent Mood and Affect
- Author
- A Joyce
- A Ross
- A Saltzman
- AM Lane
- AW Li
- C Rothon
- Collaborative for Academic Social, and Emotional Learning
- CS Chong
- DA Bothe
- G Gumora
- G Kirkwood
- GS Birdee
- J Case-Smith
- J Cohen
- JA Durlak
- JC Felver
- JJ Noggle
- JK Sethi
- JP Tangney
- K Pilkington
- LA Clark
- LA Conboy
- LC Kaley-Isley
- LS White
- LS White
- M Ehud
- M Hagins
- M Klatt
- M Sharma
- M Thompson
- ML Galantino
- ML Serwacki
- MT Greenberg
- PA Jennings
- PC Broderick
- RJ Davidson
- S Telles
- SB Khalsa
- SM Weinstein
- T Mendelson
- WB Britton
- Publication venue
- 'Springer Science and Business Media LLC'
- Publication date
- Field of study
- Author
- A Kylin
- A Kylin
- AA Bedri
- AB Hope
- AC Mason
- AD Bradshaw
- AD Mclaren
- BC Loughman
- CR Hill
- D Hovland
- DJ Carr
- DJ Greenland
- E Boken
- E Epstein
- E Epstein
- E Hase
- E Latzko
- EA Stein
- EAN Greenwood
- EG Hallsworth
- EG Scott
- EK Gabrielsen
- G Dersch
- G Ochs
- G Scholz
- G Swenson
- GGJ Bange
- GW Welkie
- GW Welkie
- H Burström
- H Marel
- H Marschner
- HD Chapman
- HJ Evans
- HM Habermann
- HM Vines
- HM Vines
- IH Rorison
- IR Macdonald
- IS Edelman
- J Ashida
- J Dainty
- J Dainty
- JB Hanson
- JC Brown
- JC Brown
- JC Noggle
- JE Amoore
- JE Leggett
- JF Cline
- JF Sutcliffe
- JJ Oertli
- JK Hammes
- JM Lowenstein
- KL Bhan
- L Bernstein
- L Jacobson
- L Schmidt
- LJ Middleton
- LO Tiffin
- LO Tiffin
- LO Tiffin
- LO Tiffin
- MC Williams
- MC Williams
- MJ Canny
- O Biddulph
- OVS Heath
- PK Maitra
- PML Tammes
- PML Tammes
- R Cleland
- R Handley
- R Peters
- R Tröger
- R Tröger
- RC Doney
- RC Smith
- RF Black
- RG Hurd
- RL Bieleski
- RM Chasson
- RN Robertson
- RT Wedding
- RT Wedding
- RW Eppley
- S Ahmed
- S Ahmed
- S Petters-Son
- T Ingestad
- T Savioja
- TC Tso
- TF Neales
- TF Neales
- TW Walker
- TW Walker
- W Bussler
- W Franke
- WA Rhoads
- WC Ashby
- WC Ashby
- WH Arisz
- WH Arisz
- WJ Mcilrath
- WL Stern
- WM Dugger
- Publication venue
- 'Springer Science and Business Media LLC'
- Publication date
- 01/01/1961
- Field of study
Crystal Growth from the Melt
- Author
- A Acrivos
- A Muller
- A Trainor
- A Trainor
- AB Chase
- AE Goldberg
- AE Zinnes
- AF Witt
- AF Witt
- AF Witt
- AJ Goss
- AL Gentile
- AS Jordan
- AV Stepanov
- B Chalmers
- B Chalmers
- B Cockayne
- B Cockayne
- B Cockayne
- B. Chalmers
- BA Scott
- BN Savelâev
- BW Mott
- C Brehon
- C Huh
- C. D. Brandie
- CA Miller
- CA Wallace
- CS Cheng
- D Giest
- D Mateika
- D. F. OâKane
- D. T. J. Hurle
- DB Gasson
- DC Miller
- DF OâKane
- DJ Hurle
- DJ Hurle
- DM Roy
- DO Morantz
- DT Hurle
- DT Hurle
- DT Hurle
- DT Hurle
- E Billig
- E Buehler
- E von Gompertz
- E. Jakeman
- EJ Harp
- EP Metz
- F Schmid
- F Weinberg
- FA Kroger
- FA Kroger
- FA Trumbore
- FA Trumbore
- FR Nash
- FW Young
- GA Rozgonyi
- GA Rozgonyi
- GE Peterson
- GE Peterson
- GK Teal
- GR Blackwell
- H Rau
- HA Bowman
- HD Pruett
- HE Labelle
- HE Labelle
- HF Sterling
- HL Glass
- HT Parfitt
- IN Belyaev
- J Goorisen
- JA Burton
- JB Mullin
- JB Mullin
- JC Brice
- JC Brice
- JC Brice
- JC Brice
- JC Brice
- JD Verhoeven
- JF Padday
- JJ Brissot
- JL Shay
- JM Dickhoff
- JP Dismukes
- JR Carruthers
- JR Carruthers
- JR Carruthers
- JR Carruthers
- JR Carruthers
- JR Carruthers
- JR Carruthers
- JR Carruthers
- JR Carruthers
- JR Carruthers
- JR Carruthers
- JR Carruthers
- JR Carruthers
- K Morizane
- K Morizane
- K. J. Gartner
- KE Benson
- KE Benson
- KG Davis
- KJ Bachmann
- KJ Gartner
- KM Kim
- L Northcott
- LM Hocking
- LO Svaasand
- LR Morris
- M Lichtensteiger
- N Chou
- NY Shushlebina
- P Guinet
- P. Lerner
- PA Whiffin
- PI Baranskii
- PM Bridenbaugh
- R Genders
- R Roy
- R Singh
- R Singh
- RA Laudise
- RC Linares
- RD Gillette
- RF Belt
- RF Brebrick
- RF Brebrick
- RL Barns
- RL Barns
- RL Burns
- RL Byer
- RM Sharp
- RN Hall
- RN Hall
- RR Zupp
- RS Wagner
- RV Birikh
- S Howe
- SE Bradshaw
- SN Dermatis
- SV Airapetyants
- T Abe
- T Abe
- T Iizuka
- TC Harman
- TF Ciszek
- TF Ciszek
- TR Kyle
- TS Noggle
- TS Plaskett
- VG Levich
- VV Karataev
- W Albers
- W Bardsley
- W Heywang
- W. Bardsley
- WA Tiller
- WC Cochran
- WC Dash
- WC Johnston
- WC Johnston
- WF Leverton
- WG Pfann
- WG Pfann
- WW Mullins
- Publication venue
- 'Springer Science and Business Media LLC'
- Publication date
- 01/01/1975
- Field of study