338 research outputs found

    Sistema de Decisión Borroso para la aplicación del Análisis Modal de Fallos y Efectos (AMFE).

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    En este trabajo se presenta una alternativa para la aplicación del Análisis Modal de Fallos y Efectos (AMFE) a cualquier tipo de problema. Se presenta una metodología basada en un sistema de decisión borroso que apoyado en reglas cualitativas permite est

    La interpretación del mundo contemporáneo en Huntington: una relectura crítica de “El choque de civilizaciones”

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    La teoría de “El choque de civilizaciones” fue expuesta inicialmente en un artículo de “Foreign Affairs” de 1993. El autor de la tesis afirma que Huntington no dice que los conflictos sean inevitables, sino que siempre han producido por diversos motivos y que ahora es más probable que se den entre países pertenecientes a civilizaciones distintas –especialmente si son muy diferentes- que entre aquellos que son de una misma civilización. Con todo, las civilizaciones han de aprender a tolerarse y colaborar entre sí. Además Occidente debe estrechar los lazos que ya tiene con las civilizaciones más cercanas a la suya. Se realiza un estudio de las características que Huntington atribuye a cada civilización y se estudia la Filosofía de la Historia subyacente al libro del 96, poniéndolo en relación con los de otros autores, como Popper, Aron, Ortega, Fukuyama, Spengler y Toynbee. Además se analiza el debate que se produjo.Departamento de Filosofía (Filosofía, Lógica y Filosofía de la Ciencia, Teoría e Hisotria de la Educación, Filosofía Moral, Estética y Teoría de las Artes

    Traveling light: Health status of Red Kites wintering in Spain

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    Trabajo presentado al II Congreso Internacional de Milano Real celebrado en Binaced (Huesca, España) entre el 30 de octubre y 1 de noviembre de 2015.Apoyo económico de la Diputación Provincial de Huesca y de la Comarca del Cinca Medio.Peer Reviewe

    Aplicación de un modelo de gestión logística para incrementar la productividad en una empresa Procesadora de Alimentos, Callao 2017

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    La investigación denominada “Aplicación de un modelo de gestión logística para incrementar la productividad en una empresa procesadora de alimentos, Callao 2017”. Fue planteada con el objetivo de determinar cómo la aplicación de la gestión logística, incrementará la productividad en una empresa procesadora de alimentos, Callao 2017. Esta investigación tiene un enfoque cuantitativo, es aplicada y explicativa, con diseño cuasi experimental. La población estuvo constituida por los datos numéricos de la gestión logística desde el mes de junio del 2017 hasta mayo del 2018 del área en mención. Se empleó las técnicas de análisis documentario, observación de campo y experimental. En conclusión, se obtuvo un incremento de la productividad de 18,83%, así como la eficiencia en 12,16% y la eficacia en 9,5%. El resultado del análisis inferencial de la variable dependiente, productividad, se demostró con la prueba t student, rechazando la hipótesis nula (H0) y se aceptando la hipótesis del investigador (H1) con una significancia de 0.028

    Spatial ecology of the Red Kite (Milvus milvus) during the breeding period in Spain

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    Studies focusing on the spatial ecology of the Red Kite (Milvus milvus) during the breeding season are scarce, despite this season having major importance in its conservation. Spain has one of the largest breeding populations of this species, but it is very threatened in this country. Here, 28 Red Kites were tagged in Spain with GPS satellite transmitters to study the movements of breeding adults during the breeding season (March-June), evaluating the differences according to sex, and investigating the habitat selection. The area used by females was smaller than the used by males (95% KDE = 4.48 vs. 3.30 km2). Females also traveled less distance per hour and remained closer to the nest. Thus, females had a higher frequency of locations at distances 1 km. Distances recorded at >5 km were scarce for both sexes, and maximum distances reached were usually (61% of seasons) less than 15 km. Both sexes increased the frequency of movements between 1–3 km during the central hours of the day. Red Kites mainly used areas occupied by non-irrigated arable land, forests, scrubs, and herbaceous vegetation. The selection of certain types of crops highlights the importance of the agroforestry landscape for the conservation of the species. On the other hand, we documented for the first time how part of the Spanish breeding population is a short-distance migrant within the Iberian Peninsula while other part of the population makes post-breeding movements during summer

    Valorization of Polyolefins Dissolved in Light Cycle Oil over HY Zeolites under Fluid Catalytic Cracking Unit Conditions

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    A study has been made of the valorization of polyolefins, PE (polyethylene) and PP (polypropylene), dissolved in LCO [light cycle oil obtained as a product stream in a fluid catalytic cracking (FCC) unit] by their cracking on three catalysts prepared based on HY zeolites of different acidity and different porous structure. The reaction has been studied in the 450−550 °C range and under conditions similar to those of the FCC. The determining factor in the performance of the catalyst is the accessibility of the acid sites by the dissolved macromolecular chains, where a moderate acidity of the zeolite is sufficient. Whereas a feed of dissolved PE contributes to a decrease of the yield of coke with respect to that corresponding to the cracking of LCO, a feed of PP increases the yield of coke. The optimum temperature for maximizing the yield of gasoline, and minimizing that of coke, is 450 °C. The gasoline fraction (C5−C12) is mainly aromatic with C8+ components. The stream of gaseous products is largely made up of propylene and butenes.Fil: Arandes, José M.. Universidad del País Vasco; EspañaFil: Ereña, Javier. Universidad del País Vasco; EspañaFil: Bilbao, Javier Ignacio. Universidad del País Vasco; EspañaFil: López Valerio, Danilo. Universidad Nacional de Ingeniería; NicaraguaFil: de la Puente, Gabriela. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Santa Fe. Instituto de Investigaciones en Catálisis y Petroquímica ; Argentin

    Seasonal differences in migration strategies of Red Kites (Milvus milvus) wintering in Spain

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    Red Kite shows a great variability in its migration strategies: most individuals in north-eastern Europe are migrants, but there is also a growing number of sedentary individuals. Here, we tagged 49 Red Kites wintering in Spain with GPS/satellite transmitters between 2013 and 2020 to study the autumn and spring migration between the breeding or summering areas in Central Europe and the wintering quarters in Spain. In first place, differences between immatures and adults were found for spring migration. Adults began the spring migration towards the northeast in February–March while the immature individuals began to migrate significantly later and showing a wider date range (February-June). Adults also takes significantly less days to arrive at their destinations (12 ± 5 days) and cover more distance per day (134.2 ± 37.1 km/day) than immatures (19 ± 11 days and 98.9 ± 21.2 km/day). In second place, we also found differences between spring and autumn migration (excluding immatures). Spring migrations were clearly faster and with less stopovers days than autumn migrations. Autumn migration began between mid-October and late November and two different behaviours were observed: most birds made a quick migration direct to the wintering areas with only some days of stopovers, but others prolonged the migration with long stops along the route. These results highlight a great variation in the migratory movements of Red Kite, not only according to age but also between individuals and seasons.Funding for the tagging was provided by Fundación Iberdrola España, Gobierno del País Vasco, Fundación Biodiversidad, Grupo Ornitológico SEO-Monticola, FAB and Binaced townhall. NorthStar donated two GPS-GSM prototype units to deploy on Kites. J. Vidal-Mateo is supported by a FPU grant of Spanish Ministry of Education (reference FPU014/04671)

    Spatial ecology and habitat use of adult Booted eagles (Aquila pennata) during the breeding season: implications for conservation.

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    Fast-moving technological advances, such as satellite tracking technologies, are providing in-depth information of aspects of avian ecology hitherto unknown. In fact, detailed information about movement ecology and ranging behaviour of birds is important not only from the perspective of the basic ecology, but also from the conservation point of view. This is particularly important in European countries where agricultural intensification, land abandonment and the withdrawal of traditional management agro-forestry practices pose a threat to biodiversity. The Booted Eagle, likewise other forest raptors, is an adequate bioindicator of human-dominated agro-forestry Mediterranean landscapes in which low-intensity traditional agricultural practices still persist. Here, using a combination of an unbiased technology (i.e., GPS telemetry), a wide geographic extension of marked birds (all over Spain), and much larger sample size than in previous works, we provide the first quantitative assessment of the home range size and space use of the Booted Eagle by means of GPS satellite telemetry during the breeding season. Interestingly, our results revealed different levels of space use over the breeding season and showed that eagles perform long distance foraging movements (i.e., >20 km) from the nest throughout the breeding season. This resulted in larger home ranges than reported thus far, and, more interestingly, in an extremely eccentric topology of territories. Hence, management measures for conservation of forest raptors based on setting restrictions around nesting sites using buffer areas of arbitrary radii clearly results in large areas of eagles' home ranges laying outside 'restriction' areas. Therefore, conservation measures should take into account the full range of agro-forestry habitats encompassed within the home range. Finally, our results support the claim that a large-scale management approach beyond the establishment of a closed network of protected areas such as the Natura 2000 network is necessary for the conservation of Mediterranean raptors

    Erosiverainfall in the Sierra de la Ventana (Buenos Aires, Argentina)

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    La finalidad del presente trabajo es realizar unanálisis descriptivo de la ocurrencia de precipitaciones erosivasy caracterizar su potencial erosivo en el Sistema de Ventania(Buenos Aires, Argentina). Para ello, se trabajó con datos de10 estaciones meteorológicas de la zona y se aplicaron índicesque miden el grado de agresividad (Fournier (IF), modificado deFournier (IMF), erosividad total de precipitaciones (IET), factorR y la concentración de las precipitaciones (ICP).El análisis mensual indica que los meses de marzo – abrily noviembre – diciembre (2020) fueron los bimestres queacumularon precipitaciones mayores a 80 mm y para enero,abril y noviembre – diciembre (2021). De modo que, en estosmeses se concentra el 53% y 60 % de las precipitaciones anualesrespectivamente. Los eventos de lluvias erosivas se presentaronmayormente en las estaciones de otoño, primavera e inicios delverano, correspondiendo con los meses con mayores registros delluvias. Por otra parte, los mayores montos anuales y cantidad deeventos de lluvias erosivas se concentran en la zona de sierras y elsector noreste del Sistema de Ventania.El IF e IMF indican que la mayor parte de la zona deestudio se encuentra en el rango de baja a muy baja agresividadclimática y presenta condiciones de erosividad total baja yconcentración de precipitaciones moderadamente estacionales. Elfactor R de erosividad de precipitaciones varía entre 256 a 498MJ×mm×ha-1h-1 por lo que se clasifica para el total del área comomoderada erosividad de las precipitaciones.De esta forma, los resultados obtenidos permitieron identificarlos momentos críticos para tener en consideración el cuidadodel suelo en sectores de pendientes como el piedemonte serranomediante la implementación de prácticas de protección yconservación del suelo.The purpose of this work is to perform a descriptive analysis of the occurrence of erosive precipitation and to characterize its erosive potential in the Ventania System (Buenos Aires, Argentina). For this purpose, we worked with data from 10 meteorological stations in the area and applied indexes that measure the degree of aggressiveness (Fournier (IF), modified Fournier (IMF), total erosivity of precipitation (IET), R factor and precipitation concentration (ICP).The monthly analysis indicates that the months of March - April and November - December (2020) were the bimonths that accumulated rainfall greater than 80 mm and for January, April and November - December (2021). is means that 53% and 60% of the annual rainfall is concentrated in these months, respectively. Erosive rainfall events occurred mostly in the autumn, spring and early summer, corresponding to the months with the highest rainfall records. Also, the highest annual amounts and number of erosive rain events are concentrated in the area of hills and the northeastern sector of the Ventania System. The IF and IMF indicate that most of the study area is in the range of low to very low climatic aggressiveness and presents conditions of low total erosivity and moderately seasonal rainfall concentration. The R factor of precipitation erosivity varies between 256 to 498 MJ×mm×ha-1h-1, which classifies the total area as moderate precipitation erosivity. So, the results obtained made it possible to identify the critical moments for taking into consideration soil care in slope sectors such as the mountain foothills through the implementation of soil protection and conservation practices.Fil: Beron de la Puente, Federico Javier. Universidad Nacional del Sur. Departamento de Geografía y Turismo; Argentina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Bahía Blanca; ArgentinaFil: Gil, Veronica. Universidad Nacional del Sur. Departamento de Geografía y Turismo; Argentina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Bahía Blanca; Argentin