8 research outputs found


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    The water quality used for irrigation should meet the prescribed criteria. The most commonly determined indicators are electrical conductivity (EC), total dissolved salts (TDS), residual sodium carbonate (RSC) and sodium absorption ratio (SAR). Water can also contain harmful substances, regardless of whether irrigation is carried out from surface water or groundwater. The origin of the pollution can be waste, untreated wastewater or saltwater intrusion. The use of poor water quality can cause soil problems such as alkalinity, salinity, increased sodium concentration, toxicity, etc. In Korivnica-Križevci county (KKŽ) and throughout Croatia, irrigation is currently poorly represented in agriculture. Given the climate change and the trends of very dry and hot seasons, the implementation of irrigation is of increasing importance. According to the results of determining the groundwater quality for irrigation in KKŽ, the values of the indicators are satisfactory (EC = <0.7 dS/m; TDS = <450 mg/l; RSC = <1.25 meq/l; SAR = <3.0 meq/l) for use in agriculture. However, since there are no standards and criteria in Croatian regulations that would define water quality, the results are compared with European/world standards. Water quality testing and the adoption of standards/criteria in Croatia could contribute to the future development of agriculture in increasingly unfavorable climatic conditions and prevent environmental pollution. This would ensure more efficient cultivation of plants, which also contributes to production in our own food industry

    Monitoring of waters status on the area of the waste landfill – case study Piškornica

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    The remediation of the municipal waste landfill reduces the harmful effects of inadequately disposed waste in the environment and reduce the risks on human health. The aim of this paper is to evaluate the efficiency of the remediation (2005 to 2012) of waste landfill of Piškornica. Groundwater from piezometers (P2, P3, P4 and P5) at Piškornica and surface water from the Gliboki stream (upstream and downstream) were analyzed, before and after the remediation. The results of the analyzed parameters (KPK, BPK5, electroconductivity, iron) showed significant decrease in values (p <0.05) and up to 82% (BPK5 in P5) after remediation. The most significant decrease in the value of the indicators was determined in the P5, which is nearest and downstream from the landfill body. Significant difference (p <0.05) was not found at the upstream and downstream locations of the Gliboki stream basin before and after remediation. The numerical model of the groundwater flow shows that groundwater pollution will not occur even in the worst scenario (the largest possible pumping of 420 l/s) of the current capacity of the Ivanščak source. The results contributed to decisions on water management and further monitoring of water plans on landfill area


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    Prema Nitratnoj direktivi EU poljoprivreda je izvor onečišćenja pitke podzemne vode nitratima. Na području Koprivničko-križevačke županije, podzemna voda koristi se kao jedini izvor vode za piće pa je od iznimnog interesa spoznaja o koncentraciji nitrata s obzirom na mogućnost štetnog djelovanja na ljudsko zdravlje. Prema literaturi, prekomjerni unos nitrata u organizam može doprinijeti pojavnosti methemoglobinemije, tumora, spontanih abortusa te poremećaju intrauterinog rasta. U razdoblju od 2002. do 2007. godine na području Koprivničko-križevačke županije, uzorkovano je 1170 uzoraka vode za piće iz plitkih bunara u kojima je utvrđena koncentracija nitrata metodom ionske kromatografije (HRN EN ISO 10304-1:1998). Od svih ispitanih uzoraka, u 25% (N=294), utvrđena je koncentracija nitrata iznad maksimalno dopustive, propisane Pravilnikom o zdravstvenoj ispravnosti vode za piće. Na području Križevaca utvrđeno je 38% (N=382) neispravnih uzoraka u vodi za piće iz domaćinstava, na području Koprivnice 23% (N=613), dok je na području Đurđevca utvrđeno 6% (N=175) neispravnih uzoraka. U radu je dokazano onečišćenje pitke vode iz točkastih izvora poljoprivrednog porijekla. Utvrđena je pozitivna ili negativna korelacija između povišene koncentracije nitrata i količine oborina. Na području Koprivničko-križevačke županije postoje razlike u kvaliteti podzemne vode koje mogu biti posljedica i različitog intenziteta utjecaja poljoprivrede na onečišćenje vode.Aims: The aim of the study was to establish nitrate concentrations in drinking water originating from shallow wells across Koprivnica- Križevci County, to assess the influence of agricultural point sources on nitrate water contamination, and to explore the correlations between water nitrate concentrations and agro-ecologic factors. Methods: During the 2002-2007 period, a total of 1170 potable water samples were taken from 104 shallow wells across Koprivnica-Križevci County. Given the geographical and developmental determinants, the investigated area was divided into three sections: Koprivnica, Križevci and urđevac areas. Potable water was sampled throughout the 6-year, all season-period conformant to the HRN ISO 5667-3 standard. Nitrate concentrations in potable water samples were established using ion chromatography (HRN EN ISO 10304-1:1998). The total amount of downfalls subsequently correlated to nitrate concentrations was determined by summing up individual metric values provided by the State Meteorological and Hydrological Service. Data were analyzed in a descriptive manner and compared to the maximal allowable concentrations (MAC) stipulated under the Ordinance on Potable Water Safety, as well as to the limit values recommended under the Nitrates Directive. The _2-test produced statistically significant differences. Results: In 25% (n=294) of water samples, nitrate concentration exceeded MAC. The majority of unsafe samples were recovered in Križevci area (38%; n=382), followed by Koprivnica (23%; n=613) and urđevac area (6%; n=175). The mean range spanned from 0.1 to 279.0 mg/L, while the total mean nitrate concentration was 41.7 mg/L. The highest mean nitrate concentration of 53.9 mg/L was measured in Križevci area, followed by 38.8 mg/L in Koprivnica and the lowest 24.9 mg/L in urđevac area. Out of 75% of safe water samples, the measured nitrate concentration was below 25 mg/L limit value recommended under the Directive in as much as 52% of samples. Given the detected nitrate concentrations in the sampled well water, the wells were classified as satisfactory, occasionally unsatisfactory and unsatisfactory. The influence of point sources was assessed based on their distance. In roughly 50% of samples taken from occasionally or definitely unsatisfactory wells, point sources were located up to 10 meters away, while in as much as 93% of samples taken from satisfactory wells the point sources were situated over 20 meters away (p<0.01). For some of the wells, statistically significant positive (r=0.45 to 0.87) or negative (r=-0.30 to -0.66) correlations between the amount of downfalls and nitrate concentrations were established, while in the third well group this correlation (r=-0.14 to -0.24) was lacking. Discussion and Conclusions: The results obtained are comparable to those of similar studies undertaken in regions having a similar agro-ecological and agricultural profile. Across the Koprivnica-Križevci County, differences in the underground water quality may arise as a consequence of water contamination due to distinctive agricultural activities. The range of the mean nitrate concentrations established in potable water samples recovered from shallow wells was wide; the total mean nitrate concentration was relatively high (41.7 mg/L). The distribution of relative concentrations revealed 25% of samples to have nitrate concentrations higher than MAC under the Ordinance. Spatial distribution revealed the majority of unsafe water samples to stem from Križevci area (38%), consistent with the majority of large husbandries situated therein. Contaminating point sources located not farther than 10 meters from shallow wells significantly influence the quality of drawn water. Respective of correlations between the amount of downfalls and water nitrate concentrations, both negative and positive links were established


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    Arsenic content in surface layer (0-25 cm) varies from 0.9 mg/kg soil to almost implausible 490 mg/kg. The reason for the highest content in hydromorphic soils should probably be sought in recent history. It is less probable that the reason for the increased arsenic content in hydromorphic soils is the geological origin of rocks in river valleys. It is more probable that the reason for the increased arsenic content is river flooding and changes in river flows in the recent past. Based on 208 groundwater samples from 12 locations of Koprivnica-križevci county during 2009-2012, the range of arsenic concentration from <0.1 μg/l to 25.4 μg/l was determined. The concentrations are, generally, very low (<0.1-6.9 μg/l) on the most of locations. The values in Vratno and Kolarec locations indicate an increase in arsenic concentration above the permitted values. Groundwater that is rich with arsenic is result of the natural mineral weathering of rocks

    Vorbeugende maßnahmen zur bekämpfung von Legionellen in wasserversorgungssystemen während der pandemie

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    U ovom su članku opisane i sažete strategije i mjere koje bi se trebale primjenjivati u Hrvatskoj u svrhu sprječavanja kontaminacije bakterijom Legionella vodoopskrbnih sustava različitih ustanova tijekom pandemije COVID-a19. Kolonizacija bakterije Legionella u vodovodnim instalacijama povećava rizik od zaraze ljudi, stoga je važno istaknuti da je ovaj problem javnog zdravstva još veći tijekom drugih epidemija. Legionella može uzrokovati vrlo ozbiljne vrste upale pluća, tzv. legionarsku bolest i manje opasnu pontijačku groznicu. Hrvatska će u svoje zakonodavstvo transponirati preinaku EU Direktive 2020/2184 o kvaliteti vode za ljudsku potrošnju koja po prvi puta uključuje obvezu procjene rizika od bakterije Legionella. To bi trebalo pomoći u smanjenju zdravstvenih rizika ili komplikacija respiratornih infekcija (teške upale pluća) i smrtnosti tijekom drugih epidemija (COVID-a19 ili sl.).This paper describes and summarizes the strategies and measures that should be applied in Croatia to prevent Legionella contamination in drinking water systems in buildings during the COVID-19 epidemic. Legionella colonisation in drinking water installations increases the risk of infection for humans and it is important to point out that this public health problem is even greater during other epidemics. Legionella can cause very severe types of pneumonia called Legionnaires’ disease and less serious illness Pontiac fever. Therefore, Croatia will implement the new EU Directive 2020/2184 on the quality of water intended for human consumption into its legislation, which for the first time includes an obligation to assess the risk of Legionella. This should help reduce the health risk or complications of respiratory infections (severe pneumonia) and mortality during other epidemics (COVID-19 and similar).In diesem Beitrag werden die Strategien und Maßnahmen beschrieben und zusammengefasst, die in Kroatien angewendet werden sollen zum Zwecke der Vorbeugung der Kontamination von Wasserversorgungssystemen verschiedener Institutionen mit Legionella-Bakterien während der COVID-19-Pandemie. Die Ansiedlung von Legionella-Bakterien in Wasserinstallationen erhöht das Infektionsrisiko beim Menschen, deswegen ist es wichtig darauf hinzuweisen, dass dieses Problem des öffentlichen Gesundheitswesens noch größer während anderer Epidemien ist. Legionellen können sehr schwere Arten von Lungenentzündungen verursachen, die sgn. Legionärskrankheit und das weniger gefährliche Pontiac-Fieber. Kroatien wird durch seine Gesetze die Richtlinie (EU) 2020/2184 über die Qualität von Wasser für den menschlichen Gebrauch umsetzen, die zum ersten Mal die Anforderung der Risikobewertung eines Versorgungssystems in Bezug auf Legionellen enthält. Das sollte helfen, die Gesundheitsrisiken oder Komplikationen von Atemweginfektionen (schwere Lungenentzündungen) sowie die Sterblichkeit während anderer Epidemien (COVID-19 und ähnliche) zu reduzieren


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    Prema Nitratnoj direktivi EU poljoprivreda je izvor onečišćenja pitke podzemne vode nitratima. Na području Koprivničko-križevačke županije, podzemna voda koristi se kao jedini izvor vode za piće pa je od iznimnog interesa spoznaja o koncentraciji nitrata s obzirom na mogućnost štetnog djelovanja na ljudsko zdravlje. Prema literaturi, prekomjerni unos nitrata u organizam može doprinijeti pojavnosti methemoglobinemije, tumora, spontanih abortusa te poremećaju intrauterinog rasta. U razdoblju od 2002. do 2007. godine na području Koprivničko-križevačke županije, uzorkovano je 1170 uzoraka vode za piće iz plitkih bunara u kojima je utvrđena koncentracija nitrata metodom ionske kromatografije (HRN EN ISO 10304-1:1998). Od svih ispitanih uzoraka, u 25% (N=294), utvrđena je koncentracija nitrata iznad maksimalno dopustive, propisane Pravilnikom o zdravstvenoj ispravnosti vode za piće. Na području Križevaca utvrđeno je 38% (N=382) neispravnih uzoraka u vodi za piće iz domaćinstava, na području Koprivnice 23% (N=613), dok je na području Đurđevca utvrđeno 6% (N=175) neispravnih uzoraka. U radu je dokazano onečišćenje pitke vode iz točkastih izvora poljoprivrednog porijekla. Utvrđena je pozitivna ili negativna korelacija između povišene koncentracije nitrata i količine oborina. Na području Koprivničko-križevačke županije postoje razlike u kvaliteti podzemne vode koje mogu biti posljedica i različitog intenziteta utjecaja poljoprivrede na onečišćenje vode.Aims: The aim of the study was to establish nitrate concentrations in drinking water originating from shallow wells across Koprivnica- Križevci County, to assess the influence of agricultural point sources on nitrate water contamination, and to explore the correlations between water nitrate concentrations and agro-ecologic factors. Methods: During the 2002-2007 period, a total of 1170 potable water samples were taken from 104 shallow wells across Koprivnica-Križevci County. Given the geographical and developmental determinants, the investigated area was divided into three sections: Koprivnica, Križevci and urđevac areas. Potable water was sampled throughout the 6-year, all season-period conformant to the HRN ISO 5667-3 standard. Nitrate concentrations in potable water samples were established using ion chromatography (HRN EN ISO 10304-1:1998). The total amount of downfalls subsequently correlated to nitrate concentrations was determined by summing up individual metric values provided by the State Meteorological and Hydrological Service. Data were analyzed in a descriptive manner and compared to the maximal allowable concentrations (MAC) stipulated under the Ordinance on Potable Water Safety, as well as to the limit values recommended under the Nitrates Directive. The _2-test produced statistically significant differences. Results: In 25% (n=294) of water samples, nitrate concentration exceeded MAC. The majority of unsafe samples were recovered in Križevci area (38%; n=382), followed by Koprivnica (23%; n=613) and urđevac area (6%; n=175). The mean range spanned from 0.1 to 279.0 mg/L, while the total mean nitrate concentration was 41.7 mg/L. The highest mean nitrate concentration of 53.9 mg/L was measured in Križevci area, followed by 38.8 mg/L in Koprivnica and the lowest 24.9 mg/L in urđevac area. Out of 75% of safe water samples, the measured nitrate concentration was below 25 mg/L limit value recommended under the Directive in as much as 52% of samples. Given the detected nitrate concentrations in the sampled well water, the wells were classified as satisfactory, occasionally unsatisfactory and unsatisfactory. The influence of point sources was assessed based on their distance. In roughly 50% of samples taken from occasionally or definitely unsatisfactory wells, point sources were located up to 10 meters away, while in as much as 93% of samples taken from satisfactory wells the point sources were situated over 20 meters away (p<0.01). For some of the wells, statistically significant positive (r=0.45 to 0.87) or negative (r=-0.30 to -0.66) correlations between the amount of downfalls and nitrate concentrations were established, while in the third well group this correlation (r=-0.14 to -0.24) was lacking. Discussion and Conclusions: The results obtained are comparable to those of similar studies undertaken in regions having a similar agro-ecological and agricultural profile. Across the Koprivnica-Križevci County, differences in the underground water quality may arise as a consequence of water contamination due to distinctive agricultural activities. The range of the mean nitrate concentrations established in potable water samples recovered from shallow wells was wide; the total mean nitrate concentration was relatively high (41.7 mg/L). The distribution of relative concentrations revealed 25% of samples to have nitrate concentrations higher than MAC under the Ordinance. Spatial distribution revealed the majority of unsafe water samples to stem from Križevci area (38%), consistent with the majority of large husbandries situated therein. Contaminating point sources located not farther than 10 meters from shallow wells significantly influence the quality of drawn water. Respective of correlations between the amount of downfalls and water nitrate concentrations, both negative and positive links were established

    Vorbeugende maßnahmen zur bekämpfung von Legionellen in wasserversorgungssystemen während der pandemie

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    U ovom su članku opisane i sažete strategije i mjere koje bi se trebale primjenjivati u Hrvatskoj u svrhu sprječavanja kontaminacije bakterijom Legionella vodoopskrbnih sustava različitih ustanova tijekom pandemije COVID-a19. Kolonizacija bakterije Legionella u vodovodnim instalacijama povećava rizik od zaraze ljudi, stoga je važno istaknuti da je ovaj problem javnog zdravstva još veći tijekom drugih epidemija. Legionella može uzrokovati vrlo ozbiljne vrste upale pluća, tzv. legionarsku bolest i manje opasnu pontijačku groznicu. Hrvatska će u svoje zakonodavstvo transponirati preinaku EU Direktive 2020/2184 o kvaliteti vode za ljudsku potrošnju koja po prvi puta uključuje obvezu procjene rizika od bakterije Legionella. To bi trebalo pomoći u smanjenju zdravstvenih rizika ili komplikacija respiratornih infekcija (teške upale pluća) i smrtnosti tijekom drugih epidemija (COVID-a19 ili sl.).This paper describes and summarizes the strategies and measures that should be applied in Croatia to prevent Legionella contamination in drinking water systems in buildings during the COVID-19 epidemic. Legionella colonisation in drinking water installations increases the risk of infection for humans and it is important to point out that this public health problem is even greater during other epidemics. Legionella can cause very severe types of pneumonia called Legionnaires’ disease and less serious illness Pontiac fever. Therefore, Croatia will implement the new EU Directive 2020/2184 on the quality of water intended for human consumption into its legislation, which for the first time includes an obligation to assess the risk of Legionella. This should help reduce the health risk or complications of respiratory infections (severe pneumonia) and mortality during other epidemics (COVID-19 and similar).In diesem Beitrag werden die Strategien und Maßnahmen beschrieben und zusammengefasst, die in Kroatien angewendet werden sollen zum Zwecke der Vorbeugung der Kontamination von Wasserversorgungssystemen verschiedener Institutionen mit Legionella-Bakterien während der COVID-19-Pandemie. Die Ansiedlung von Legionella-Bakterien in Wasserinstallationen erhöht das Infektionsrisiko beim Menschen, deswegen ist es wichtig darauf hinzuweisen, dass dieses Problem des öffentlichen Gesundheitswesens noch größer während anderer Epidemien ist. Legionellen können sehr schwere Arten von Lungenentzündungen verursachen, die sgn. Legionärskrankheit und das weniger gefährliche Pontiac-Fieber. Kroatien wird durch seine Gesetze die Richtlinie (EU) 2020/2184 über die Qualität von Wasser für den menschlichen Gebrauch umsetzen, die zum ersten Mal die Anforderung der Risikobewertung eines Versorgungssystems in Bezug auf Legionellen enthält. Das sollte helfen, die Gesundheitsrisiken oder Komplikationen von Atemweginfektionen (schwere Lungenentzündungen) sowie die Sterblichkeit während anderer Epidemien (COVID-19 und ähnliche) zu reduzieren