11 research outputs found

    Molecular mechanics of mineralized collagen fibrils in bone

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    Bone is a natural composite of collagen protein and the mineral hydroxyapatite. The structure of bone is known to be important to its load-bearing characteristics, but relatively little is known about this structure or the mechanism that govern deformation at the molecular scale. Here we perform full-atomistic calculations of the three-dimensional molecular structure of a mineralized collagen protein matrix to try to better understand its mechanical characteristics under tensile loading at various mineral densities. We find that as the mineral density increases, the tensile modulus of the network increases monotonically and well beyond that of pure collagen fibrils. Our results suggest that the mineral crystals within this network bears up to four times the stress of the collagen fibrils, whereas the collagen is predominantly responsible for the material’s deformation response. These findings reveal the mechanism by which bone is able to achieve superior energy dissipation and fracture resistance characteristics beyond its individual constituents.United States. Office of Naval Research (N000141010562)United States. Army Research Office (W991NF-09-1-0541)United States. Army Research Office (W911NF-10-1-0127)National Science Foundation (U.S.) (CMMI-0642545

    Topography of Extracellular Matrix Mediates Vascular Morphogenesis and Migration Speeds in Angiogenesis

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    The extracellular matrix plays a critical role in orchestrating the events necessary for wound healing, muscle repair, morphogenesis, new blood vessel growth, and cancer invasion. In this study, we investigate the influence of extracellular matrix topography on the coordination of multi-cellular interactions in the context of angiogenesis. To do this, we validate our spatio-temporal mathematical model of angiogenesis against empirical data, and within this framework, we vary the density of the matrix fibers to simulate different tissue environments and to explore the possibility of manipulating the extracellular matrix to achieve pro- and anti-angiogenic effects. The model predicts specific ranges of matrix fiber densities that maximize sprout extension speed, induce branching, or interrupt normal angiogenesis, which are independently confirmed by experiment. We then explore matrix fiber alignment as a key factor contributing to peak sprout velocities and in mediating cell shape and orientation. We also quantify the effects of proteolytic matrix degradation by the tip cell on sprout velocity and demonstrate that degradation promotes sprout growth at high matrix densities, but has an inhibitory effect at lower densities. Our results are discussed in the context of ECM targeted pro- and anti-angiogenic therapies that can be tested empirically

    DTAF Dye Concentrations Commonly Used to Measure Microscale Deformations in Biological Tissues Alter Tissue Mechanics

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    Identification of the deformation mechanisms and specific components underlying the mechanical function of biological tissues requires mechanical testing at multiple levels within the tissue hierarchical structure. Dichlorotriazinylaminofluorescein (DTAF) is a fluorescent dye that is used to visualize microscale deformations of the extracellular matrix in soft collagenous tissues. However, the DTAF concentrations commonly employed in previous multiscale experiments (≥2000 µg/ml) may alter tissue mechanics. The objective of this study was to determine whether DTAF affects tendon fascicle mechanics and if a concentration threshold exists below which any observed effects are negligible. This information is valuable for guiding the continued use of this fluorescent dye in future experiments and for interpreting the results of previous work. Incremental strain testing demonstrated that high DTAF concentrations (≥100 µg/ml) increase the quasi-static modulus and yield strength of rat tail tendon fascicles while reducing their viscoelastic behavior. Subsequent multiscale testing and modeling suggests that these effects are due to a stiffening of the collagen fibrils and strengthening of the interfibrillar matrix. Despite these changes in tissue behavior, the fundamental deformation mechanisms underlying fascicle mechanics appear to remain intact, which suggests that conclusions from previous multiscale investigations of strain transfer are still valid. The effects of lower DTAF concentrations (≤10 µg/ml) on tendon mechanics were substantially smaller and potentially negligible; nevertheless, no concentration was found that did not at least slightly alter the tissue behavior. Therefore, future studies should either reduce DTAF concentrations as much as possible or use other dyes/techniques for measuring microscale deformations