7 research outputs found

    Network simulations to study seed exchange for agrobiodiversity conservation

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    International audienceCrop diversity is essential for sustainable development because diverse crops cope better with disease and climate change. A way to maintain crop diversity is to sustain seed exchange among farmers. Network simulations help in establishing which network properties promote crop diversity conservation. Here, we modelled the likelihood that an introduced crop variety will spread in a seed exchange network. The network model is based on published data on a directed network of barley seed flows in seven villages of Northern Ethiopia. Results show that the number of households that can be reached when introducing a new variety depends on the number of outgoing links of the household that first received the new variety. The distribution of the number of both incoming and outgoing links shows a departure from a normal distribution. This trend is explained by the presence of a minority of highly connected households and of a majority of weakly connected households. For the whole network, there is no significant correlation between the number of incoming and outgoing links of households. The findings explain the common observation that individual farmers do not cultivate all varieties present in a seed system. Absence of reciprocal exchange makes such networks less vulnerable to wholesale displacement of farmer varieties by improved ones

    Advances in winter pulse pathology research in Australia

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    Control of foliar diseases in barley:towards an integrated approach

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    Barley is one of the world's most important crops providing food and related products for millions of people. Diseases continue to pose a serious threat to barley production, despite the use of fungicides and resistant varieties, highlighting the impact of fungicide resistance and the breakdown of host plant resistance on the efficacy of control measures. This paper reviews progress towards an integrated approach for disease management in barley in which new methods may be combined with existing measures to improve the efficacy of control in the long-term. Advances have been made in genetic mapping of resistance (R) genes and in identifying novel sources of genes in wild barley populations and land races. Marker assisted selection techniques are being used to pyramid R genes to increase the durability of resistance. Elicitors to induce host resistance used in combination with fungicides can provide effective disease control in the field and could delay the evolution of fungicide insensitivity. Traits that may contribute to disease tolerance and escape have been identified and the extent of genetic variation within barley germplasm is being determined. Tools are being developed to integrate the above methods via an assessment of the risk of economic injury occurring from disease to guide decisions on the requirement for fungicide treatment. Barriers exist to the adoption of integrated management approaches from growers and end-users further down the supply chain (e. g. acceptance of variety mixtures) and policy incentives from government may be required for it to be taken up in practice. © 2012 KNPV

    Breeding for biotic stress resistance in chickpea: progress and prospects

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