25 research outputs found

    Small-Scale Fisheries Bycatch Jeopardizes Endangered Pacific Loggerhead Turtles

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    Background. Although bycatch of industrial-scale fisheries can cause declines in migratory megafauna including seabirds, marine mammals, and sea turtles, the impacts of small-scale fisheries have been largely overlooked. Small-scale fisheries occur in coastal waters worldwide, employing over 99 % of the world’s 51 million fishers. New telemetry data reveal that migratory megafauna frequent coastal habitats well within the range of small-scale fisheries, potentially producing high bycatch. These fisheries occur primarily in developing nations, and their documentation and management are limited or non-existent, precluding evaluation of their impacts on non-target megafauna. Principal Findings/Methodology. 30 North Pacific loggerhead turtles that we satellite-tracked from 1996–2005 ranged oceanwide, but juveniles spent 70 % of their time at a high use area coincident with small-scale fisheries in Baja California Sur, Mexico (BCS). We assessed loggerhead bycatch mortality in this area by partnering with local fishers to 1) observe two small-scale fleets that operated closest to the high use area and 2) through shoreline surveys for discarded carcasses. Minimum annual bycatch mortality in just these two fleets at the high use area exceeded 1000 loggerheads year 21, rivaling that of oceanwide industrial-scale fisheries, and threatening the persistence of this critically endangered population. As a result of fisher participation in this study and a bycatch awareness campaign, a consortium of local fishers and other citizens are working to eliminate their bycatch and to establish a national loggerhea

    Growth and Demography of the Solitary Scleractinian Coral Leptopsammia pruvoti along a Sea Surface Temperature Gradient in the Mediterranean Sea

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    The demographic traits of the solitary azooxanthellate scleractinian Leptopsammia pruvoti were determined in six populations on a sea surface temperature (SST) gradient along the western Italian coasts. This is the first investigation of the growth and demography characteristics of an azooxanthellate scleractinian along a natural SST gradient. Growth rate was homogeneous across all populations, which spanned 7 degrees of latitude. Population age structures differed between populations, but none of the considered demographic parameters correlated with SST, indicating possible effects of local environmental conditions. Compared to another Mediterranean solitary scleractinian, Balanophyllia europaea, zooxanthellate and whose growth, demography and calcification have been studied in the same sites, L. pruvoti seems more tolerant to temperature increase. The higher tolerance of L. pruvoti, relative to B. europaea, may rely on the absence of symbionts, and thus the lack of an inhibition of host physiological processes by the heat-stressed zooxanthellae. However, the comparison between the two species must be taken cautiously, due to the likely temperature differences between the two sampling depths. Increasing research effort on determining the effects of temperature on the poorly studied azooxanthellate scleractinians may shed light on the possible species assemblage shifts that are likely to occur during the current century as a consequence of global climatic change

    Variation in adult annual survival probability and remigration intervals of sea turtles

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    We analyzed a large dataset to quantify adult annual survival probability and remigration intervals for the Tortuguero, Costa Rica green turtle population. Annual survival probability was estimated at 0.85 (95% CI 0.75-0.92) using a recovery model and at 0.85 (95% CI 0.83-0.87) using an open robust design model. The two most common modes of remigration are 2 and 3 years. Annual survival probability is lower and remigration intervals are shorter than for other green turtle populations. Explanations for short remigration intervals include reproductive compensation due to historic population declines, availability of better quality food items, favorable environmental conditions, and short distance to the main foraging grounds. Variation in survival and remigration intervals have profound consequences for management and life history evolution. The short remigration intervals of Tortuguero green turtles partly offset mortality caused by turtle fishing in Nicaragua and mean that low juvenile survival represents a more urgent threat to the population than low adult survival. Low adult survival probability could result in selective pressure for earlier age at maturity

    The persistence of biofilm-associated antibiotic resistance of Staphylococcus aureus isolated from clinical bovine mastitis cases in Australia

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    The aim of this investigation was to determine the persistence of biofilm-associated antibiotic resistance developed by methicillin-sensitive Staphylococcus aureus (MSSA), of different capsular types, during biofilm formation. Because of superiority of the tissue culture plate (TCP) over the Congo Red Agar (CRA) method for measuring biofilm formation, it was used to determine the persistence of the antibiotic resistance developed by the isolates in biofilms. The antibiotic resistance was found to persist for 3-4 wk post-propagation as planktonic subcultures. Interestingly, some strains even developed resistance to vancomycin and/or teicoplanin. However, no association of either biofilm formation or persistent antibiotic resistance with the major capsular phenotype was observed. These observations highlight the potential significance of (a) determining the antibiograms of S. aureus subcultured from biofilms developed in vitro using the TCP method as well as from planktonic cultures for formulation of an optimal therapeutic strategy, and (b) continuing to identify predominant non-capsular antigens contributing to biofilm formation, regardless of the capsular phenotype for the development of an effective potentially broad-spectrum vaccine for prevention of bovine mastitis caused by S. aureus