4 research outputs found
Human Biological Rhythms: The Search for Ultradians in Movement Activity Behaviour
- Author
- Publication venue
- 'Springer Science and Business Media LLC'
- Publication date
- 01/01/1992
- Field of study
Inversions in Astronomy and the Sola Method
- Author
- A Richichi
- BM Peterson
- BP Wakker
- DH Roberts
- E Brinks
- F Tsumuraya
- FP Pijpers
- FP Pijpers
- FP Pijpers
- FP Pijpers
- FP Pijpers
- FP Pijpers
- GB Rybicki
- GE Backus
- GE Backus
- GE Backus
- J Binney
- J Christensen-Dalsgaard
- J Schou
- J Skilling
- JA Högbom
- JG Brown
- JL Starck
- K Home
- K Hörne
- LB Lucy
- LB Lucy
- LB Lucy
- R Narayan
- RD Blandford
- TR Marsh
- UJ Schwarz
- WH Richardson
- Publication venue
- 'Springer Science and Business Media LLC'
- Publication date
- 01/01/1997
- Field of study
Vigilance and wake EEG architecture in simulated hyperammonaemia: a pilot study on the effects of L-Ornithine-L-Aspartate (LOLA) and caffeine
- Author
- A Bersagliere
- A Bersagliere
- A Delorme
- A Douglass
- AA Modi
- AT Blei
- C Boy
- Daniela Raduazzo
- DJ Buysse
- E Strauss
- EP Casula
- G Apolone
- G Curcio
- G Kircheis
- G Kircheis
- Giuseppe Spinelli
- H Künkel
- H Osswald
- H Vilstrup
- HO Conn
- HR Lieberman
- JA Hörne
- JA Ribeiro
- JE Ware Jr
- Jelena Skorucak
- JL Poo
- JR Huizenga
- K Weissenborn
- M Bai
- M Romero-Gomez
- M Rui De
- M Schmid
- M Turco
- Maria Garrido
- Matteo Turco
- P Amodio
- P Amodio
- P Etevenon
- Paolo Angeli
- Peter Achermann
- Piero Amodio
- R Jalan
- RF Butterworth
- S Holst
- S Montagnese
- S Montagnese
- S Sherlock
- S Stauch
- S Sternberg
- Sara Montagnese
- T Porkka-Heiskanen
- T Porkka-Heiskanen
- T Åkerstedt
- TM Burke
- V Arroyo
- VW Setiawan
- WJ Cash
- Publication venue
- 'Springer Science and Business Media LLC'
- Publication date
- Field of study
- Author
- A J Spielman
- A Kales
- A Kales
- A Kales
- A Kales
- A Kales
- A Kales
- A Kales
- A Kales
- A Kales
- A Kales
- A McGhie
- A Pena de la
- A Pena de la
- A Rechtschaffen
- A Spielman
- AA Borbely
- AA Borbely
- AB Levy
- AD Bertelson
- AH Crisp
- AJ Spielman
- AJ Spielman
- American Psychiatric Assosiation (APA)
- American Sleep Disorders Association (ASDA)
- AN Nicholson
- Association of Sleep Disorders Centers (ASDC)
- B Knab
- B Knab
- B Levin
- BL Frankel
- BT Walsh
- C Ballinger
- CA Espie
- CA Zwart
- CE Thoresen
- CE Thoresen
- CF Reynolds
- CF Reynolds
- CM Morin
- CM Shapiro
- CR Soldatos
- CR Soldatos
- D Meichenbaum
- D Schneider-Helmert
- DE Ford
- DE Sewitch
- DF Kripke
- DF Kripke
- DJ Buysse
- DJ Fletcher
- DO Fogle
- DR Wagner
- E Hartmann
- E Jacobson
- E Lugaresi
- E Piel
- E Rüther
- E Rüther
- EH Haskell
- EJ Marchini
- EK Hermann-Maurer
- EO Bixler
- EO Bixler
- EO Bixler
- F Cirignotta
- F Gnirrs
- F Hohagen
- F Hohagen
- FC Schubert
- FM Kanfer
- G Hajak
- GA Rudolf
- GA Rudolf
- GD Mellinger
- GJ Thiessen
- GS Tune
- GS Tune
- H Agnew
- H Agnew
- H Beckmann
- H Beckmann
- H Dilling
- H Dilling
- H Lindemann
- H Zepelin
- HP Roffwarg
- I Karacan
- J Feinberg
- J Feinberg
- J Gillin
- J Hindmarch
- J Killen
- J Rapaport
- J Trinder
- JA Hörne
- JA Hörne
- JD Parkes
- JJ Hudson
- JL Sugarman
- JM Cleghorn
- K Adam
- K Basler
- K Meier-Ewert
- KL Lichstein
- L Dettli
- L Merlotti
- L Miles
- L Schindler
- LA Berti
- LE Beutler
- LE Miles
- LE Miles
- LM Ascher
- M Parson
- M Partinen
- MA Carskadon
- MA Carskadon
- MB Sterman
- MH Bonnet
- MJ Thorpy
- MK Erman
- MR Goldfried
- MV Vitiello
- MW Church
- N Nedopil
- N Nedopil
- N Sussmann
- National Institute of Mental Health (MIMH)
- P Engel-Sittenfeld
- P Gerard
- P Hoff
- P Lacks
- P Lacks
- P Lacks
- P Lacks
- P Linkowski
- PA Fredrickson
- PJ Hauri
- PJ Hauri
- PJ Hauri
- PJ Hauri
- PJ Hauri
- PJ Hauri
- PJ Hauri
- PJ Hauri
- PJ Hauri
- PJ Hauri
- PJ Hauri
- PJ Hauri
- PJ Hauri
- PJ Hauri
- PM Nicassio
- PM Nicassio
- PM Nicassio
- PM Nicassio
- PN Prinz
- PN Prinz
- QR Regestein
- QR Regestein
- R Degkwitz
- R Freedman
- R Ganguli
- R Görtelmeyer
- R Ladouceur
- R Lund
- R Lund
- R Lund
- R Puder
- R Spiegel
- R Steinberg
- R Steinberg
- R Steinberg
- R Steinberg
- RD Cartwright
- RD Coursey
- RD Coursey
- RL Williams
- RL Williams
- RM Berlin
- RM Turner
- RR Bootzin
- RR Bootzin
- RR Engel
- RR Engel
- RR Freedman
- RR Freedman
- S Dube
- SN Haynes
- SO Hoffmann
- Spiegel R (1981) Sleep and sleeplessness in advanced age. Spectrum New York Spiegel R
- ST Kubicki
- SW Steinmark
- T Insel
- TA Roehrs
- TA Roehrs
- TB Karasu
- TD Borkovec
- TJ Coates
- TL Tan
- TM Berman
- V Faust
- V Zarcone
- WB Mendelson
- WB Mendelson
- WB Mendelson
- WB Mendelson
- WB Mendelson
- WB Mendelson
- WB Mendelson
- WB Webb
- WB Webb
- WC Dement
- WC Dement
- WC Dement
- WHO Center for Classification of Diseases for North America
- Y Hayashi
- Publication venue
- 'Springer Science and Business Media LLC'
- Publication date
- 01/01/1992
- Field of study