6 research outputs found

    Bioavailability of Orally Administered rhGM-CSF: A Single-Dose, Randomized, Open-Label, Two-Period Crossover Trial

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    BACKGROUND: Recombinant human granulocyte-macrophage colony-stimulating factor (rhGM-CSF) is usually administered by injection, and its oral administration in a clinical setting has been not yet reported. Here we demonstrate the bioavailability of orally administered rhGM-CSF in healthy volunteers. The rhGM-CSF was expressed in Bombyx mori expression system (BmrhGM-CSF). METHODS AND FINDINGS: Using a single-dose, randomized, open-label, two-period crossover clinical trial design, 19 healthy volunteers were orally administered with BmrhGM-CSF (8 microg/kg) and subcutaneously injected with rhGM-CSF (3.75 microg/kg) respectively. Serum samples were drawn at 0.0h, 0.5h ,0.75h,1.0h,1.5h,2.0h ,3.0h,4.0h,5.0h,6.0h,8.0h,10.0h and 12.0h after administrations. The hGM-CSF serum concentrations were determined by ELISA. The AUC was calculated using the trapezoid method. The relative bioavailability of BmrhGM-CSF was determined according to the AUC ratio of both orally administered and subcutaneously injected rhGM-CSF. Three volunteers were randomly selected from 15 orally administrated subjects with ELISA detectable values. Their serum samples at the 0.0h, 1.0h, 2.0h, 3.0h and 4.0h after the administrations were analyzed by Q-Trap MS/MS TOF. The different peaks were revealed by the spectrogram profile comparison of the 1.0h, 2.0h, 3.0h and 4.0h samples with that of the 0.0h sample, and further analyzed using both Enhanced Product Ion (EPI) scanning and Peptide Mass Fingerprinting Analysis. The rhGM-CSF was detected in the serum samples from 15 of 19 volunteers administrated with BmrhGM-CSF. Its bioavailability was observed at an average of 1.0%, with the highest of 3.1%. The rhGM-CSF peptide sequences in the serum samples were detected by MS analysis, and their sizes ranging from 2,039 to 7,336 Da. CONCLUSIONS: The results demonstrated that the oral administered BmrhGM-CSF was absorbed into the blood. This study provides an approach for an oral administration of rhGM-CSF protein in clinical settings. TRIAL REGISTRATION: www.chictr.orgChiCTR-TRC-00000107

    The first knock-in rat model for glutaric aciduria type I allows further insights into pathophysiology in brain and periphery

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    Glutaric aciduria type I (GA-I, OMIM # 231670) is an inborn error of metabolism caused by a deficiency of glutaryl-CoA dehydrogenase (GCDH). Patients develop acute encephalopathic crises (AEC) with striatal injury most often triggered by catabolic stress. The pathophysiology of GA-I, particularly in brain, is still not fully understood. We generated the first knock-in rat model for GA-I by introduction of the mutation p.R411W, the rat sequence homologue of the most common Caucasian mutation p.R402W, into the Gcdh gene of Sprague Dawley rats by CRISPR/CAS9 technology. Homozygous Gcdhki/ki rats revealed a high excretor phenotype, but did not present any signs of AEC under normal diet (ND). Exposure to a high lysine diet (HLD, 4.7%) after weaning resulted in clinical and biochemical signs of AEC. A significant increase of plasmatic ammonium concentrations was found in Gcdhki/ki rats under HLD, accompanied by a decrease of urea concentrations and a concomitant increase of arginine excretion. This might indicate an inhibition of the urea cycle. Gcdhki/ki rats exposed to HLD showed highly diminished food intake resulting in severely decreased weight gain and moderate reduction of body mass index (BMI). This constellation suggests a loss of appetite. Under HLD, pipecolic acid increased significantly in cerebral and extra-cerebral liquids and tissues of Gcdhki/ki rats, but not in WT rats. It seems that Gcdhki/ki rats under HLD activate the pipecolate pathway for lysine degradation. Gcdhki/ki rat brains revealed depletion of free carnitine, microglial activation, astroglyosis, astrocytic death by apoptosis, increased vacuole numbers, impaired OXPHOS activities and neuronal damage. Under HLD, Gcdhki/ki rats showed imbalance of intra- and extracellular creatine concentrations and indirect signs of an intracerebral ammonium accumulation. We successfully created the first rat model for GA-I. Characterization of this Gcdhki/ki strain confirmed that it is a suitable model not only for the study of pathophysiological processes, but also for the development of new therapeutic interventions. We further brought up interesting new insights into the pathophysiology of GA-I in brain and periphery