6 research outputs found

    A hierarchical generative model of recurrent ObjectBased attention in the visual cortex

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    Abstract. In line with recent work exploring Deep Boltzmann Machines (DBMs) as models of cortical processing, we demonstrate the potential of DBMs as models of object-based attention, combining generative principles with attentional ones. We show: (1) How inference in DBMs can be related qualitatively to theories of attentional recurrent processing in the visual cortex; (2) that deepness and topographic receptive fields are important for realizing the attentional state; (3) how more explicit attentional suppressive mechanisms can be implemented, depending crucially on sparse representations being formed during learning.

    Coherence fields for 3D saliency prediction

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    In the coherence theory of attention [26] a coherence field is defined by a hierarchy of structures, supporting the activities across the different stages of visual attention. At the interface between low level and mid level attention processing stages are the proto-objects, generated in parallel and collecting features of the scene at specific location and time. These structures fade away if the region is not further attended by attention. We introduce a method to computationally model these structures on the basis of experiments made in dynamic 3D environments, where the only control is due to the Gaze Machine, a gaze measurement framework that can record pupil motion at the required speed and project the point of regard in the 3D space [25],[24]. We show also how, from these volatile structures, it is possible to predict saliency in 3D dynamic environments. © 2013 Springer-Verlag