11 research outputs found

    Demographic faultlines and creativity in diverse groups

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    Social identity patterns and trust in demographically diverse work teams

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    The article presents a model that links trust in a demographically diverse work context to three different social-identity patterns. Trust is considered to be beneficial for interpersonal relationships and work outcomes in diverse teams as well as for a healthy work relationship between minority members and their company. First, imposing a common ingroup identity based on similarities has been put forward as a useful method of creating depersonalized forms of trust among members of different demographic subgroups. However, its usefulness seems to be limited to situations of low identity threat. Alternatively, recent findings support the usefulness of creating a relational identity orientation or a common ingroup identity that explicitly embraces the value of diversity. The latter methods seem to enforce more personalized and more robust forms of identity-based trust in teams. They may also be useful in promoting trust of minority members in the organizational setting as a whole and in its authorities, probably because these identity patterns contribute to feelings of respect among minority members. Practical implications of these findings are discussed

    Norms in Mixed Sex and Mixed Race Work Groups

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    Chapter 4 Team Emotion Recognition Accuracy and Team Performance

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    Organizationally-relevant configurations: the value of modeling local dependence

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    A Multilevel View of Intragroup Conflict

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    Die Anwendung von Radionukliden für Verschleiß- und Schmierungsuntersuchungen

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