8 research outputs found

    Hamiltonian formulation for the classical EM radiation-reaction problem: application to the kinetic theory for relativistic collisionless plasmas

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    A notorious difficulty in the covariant dynamics of classical charged particles subject to non-local electromagnetic (EM) interactions arising in the EM radiation-reaction (RR) phenomena is due to the definition of the related non-local Lagrangian and Hamiltonian systems. The lack of a standard Lagrangian/Hamiltonian formulation in the customary asymptotic approximation for the RR equation may inhibit the construction of consistent kinetic and fluid theories. In this paper the issue is investigated in the framework of Special Relativity. It is shown that, for finite-size spherically-symmetric classical charged particles, non-perturbative Lagrangian and Hamiltonian formulations in standard form can be obtained, which describe particle dynamics in the presence of the exact EM RR self-force. As a remarkable consequence, based on axiomatic formulation of classical statistical mechanics, the covariant kinetic theory for systems of charged particles subject to the EM RR self-force is formulated in Hamiltonian form. A fundamental feature is that the non-local effects enter the kinetic equation only through the retarded particle 4-position, which permits the construction of the related non-local fluid equations. In particular, the moment equations obtained in this way do not contain higher-order moments, allowing as a consequence the adoption of standard closure conditions. A remarkable aspect of the theory concerns the short delay-time asymptotic expansions. Here it is shown that two possible expansions are permitted. Both can be implemented for the single-particle dynamics as well as for the corresponding kinetic and fluid treatments. In the last case, they are performed a posteriori on the relevant moment equations obtained after integration of the kinetic equation over the velocity space. Comparisons with literature are pointed out

    Exact solution of the EM radiation-reaction problem for classical finite-size and Lorentzian charged particles

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    An exact solution is given to the classical electromagnetic (EM) radiation-reaction (RR) problem, originally posed by Lorentz. This refers to the dynamics of classical non-rotating and quasi-rigid finite size particles subject to an external prescribed EM field. A variational formulation of the problem is presented. It is shown that a covariant representation for the EM potential of the self-field generated by the extended charge can be uniquely determined, consistent with the principles of classical electrodynamics and relativity. By construction, the retarded self 4-potential does not possess any divergence, contrary to the case of point charges. As a fundamental consequence, based on Hamilton variational principle, an exact representation is obtained for the relativistic equation describing the dynamics of a finite-size charged particle (RR equation), which is shown to be realized by a second-order delay-type ODE. Such equation is proved to apply also to the treatment of Lorentzian particles, i.e., point-masses with finite-size charge distributions, and to recover the usual LAD equation in a suitable asymptotic approximation. Remarkably, the RR equation admits both standard Lagrangian and conservative forms, expressed respectively in terms of a non-local effective Lagrangian and a stress-energy tensor. Finally, consistent with the Newton principle of determinacy, it is proved that the corresponding initial-value problem admits a local existence and uniqueness theorem, namely it defines a classical dynamical system