27 research outputs found

    Inboard and outboard radial electric field wells in the H- and I-mode pedestal of Alcator C-Mod and poloidal variations of impurity temperature

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    We present inboard (HFS) and outboard (LFS) radial electric field (Er) and impurity temperature (Tz) measurements in the I-mode and H-mode pedestal of Alcator C-Mod. These measurements reveal strong Er wells at the HFS and the LFS midplane in both regimes and clear pedestals in Tz, which are of similar shape and height for the HFS and LFS. While the H-mode Er well has a radially symmetric structure, the Er well in I-mode is asymmetric, with a stronger ExB shear layer at the outer edge of the Er well, near the separatrix. Comparison of HFS and LFS profiles indicates that impurity temperature and plasma potential are not simultaneously flux functions. Uncertainties in radial alignment after mapping HFS measurements along flux surfaces to the LFS do not, however, allow direct determination as to which quantity varies poloidally and to what extent. Radially aligning HFS and LFS measurements based on the Tz profiles would result in substantial inboard-outboard variations of plasma potential and electron density. Aligning HFS and LFS Er wells instead also approximately aligns the impurity poloidal flow profiles, while resulting in a LFS impurity temperature exceeding the HFS values in the region of steepest gradients by up to 70%. Considerations based on a simplified form of total parallel momentum balance and estimates of parallel and perpendicular heat transport time scales seem to favor an approximate alignment of the Er wells and a substantial poloidal asymmetry in impurity temperature

    The physics mechanisms of the weakly coherent mode in the Alcator C-Mod Tokamak

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    The weakly coherent mode (WCM) in I-mode has been studied by a six-field two-fluid model based on the Braginskii equations under the BOUT++ framework for the first time. The calcula- tions indicate that a tokamak pedestal exhibiting a WCM is linearly unstable to drift Alfven wave (DAW) instabilities and the resistive ballooning mode. The nonlinear simulation shows promis- ing agreement with the experimental measurements of the WCM. The shape of the density spec- tral and location of the spectral peak of the dominant toroidal number mode n = 20 agrees with the experimental data from reflectometry. The simulated mode propagates in electron diamag- netic direction is consistent with the results from the magnetic probes in the laboratory frame, a large ratio of particle to heat diffusivity is consistent with the distinctive experimental feature of I-mode, and the value of the simulated chi_e at the edge is in the range of experimental errors of chi_eff from the experiment. The prediction of the WCM shows that free energy is mainly provided by the electron pressure gradient, which gives guidance for pursuing future I-mode studies

    Edge-localized mode avoidance and pedestal structure in I-mode plasmas

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    I-mode is a high-performance tokamak regime characterized by the formation of a temperature pedestal and enhanced energy confinement, without an accompanying density pedestal or drop in particle and impurity transport. I-mode operation appears to have naturally occurring suppression of large Edge-Localized Modes (ELMs) in addition to its highly favorable scalings of pedestal structure and overall performance. Extensive study of the ELMy H-mode has led to the development of the EPED model, which utilizes calculations of coupled peeling-ballooning MHD modes and kinetic-ballooning mode (KBM) stability limits to predict the pedestal structure preceding an ELM crash. We apply similar tools to the structure and ELM stability of I-mode pedestals. Analysis of I-mode discharges prepared with high-resolution pedestal data from the most recent C-Mod campaign reveals favorable pedestal scalings for extrapolation to large machines—pedestal temperature scales strongly with power per particle P_net/n_e, and likewise pedestal pressure scales as the net heating power (consistent with weak degradation of confinement with heating power). Matched discharges in current, field, and shaping demonstrate the decoupling of energy and particle transport in I-mode, increasing fueling to span nearly a factor of two in density while maintaining matched temperature pedestals with consistent levels of P_net/n_e. This is consistent with targets for increased performance in I-mode, elevating pedestal beta_p and global performance with matched increases in density and heating power. MHD calculations using the ELITE code indicate that I-mode pedestals are strongly stable to edge peeling-ballooning instabilities. Likewise, numerical modeling of the KBM turbulence onset, as well as scalings of the pedestal width with poloidal beta, indicates that I-mode pedestals are not limited by KBM turbulence—both features identified with the trigger for large ELMs, consistent with the observed suppression of large ELMs in I-mode

    Lower hybrid wave edge power loss quantification on the Alcator C-Mod tokamak

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    For the first time, the power deposition of Lower Hybrid RF waves into the edge plasma of a diverted tokamak has been systematically quantified. Edge deposition represents a parasitic loss of power that can greatly impact the use and efficiency of Lower Hybrid Current Drive (LHCD) at reactor-relevant densities. Through the use of a unique set of fast time resolution edge diagnostics, including innovative fast-thermocouples, an extensive set of Langmuir probes, and a Ly? ionization camera, the toroidal, poloidal and radial structure of the power deposition has been simultaneously determined. Power modulation was used to directly isolate the RF effects due to the prompt (t 1.0 1020 [m?3]). Results will be shown addressing the distribution of power within the SOL, including the toroidal symmetry and radial distribution. These characteristics are important for deducing the cause of the reduced LHCD efficiency at high density and motivates the tailoring of wave propagation to minimize SOL interaction, for example, through the use of high-field-side launch