54 research outputs found

    Optimal bispectrum constraints on single-field models of inflation

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    We use WMAP 9-year bispectrum data to constrain the free parameters of an 'effective field theory' describing fluctuations in single-field inflation. The Lagrangian of the theory contains a finite number of operators associated with unknown mass scales. Each operator produces a fixed bispectrum shape, which we decompose into partial waves in order to construct a likelihood function. Based on this likelihood we are able to constrain four linearly independent combinations of the mass scales. As an example of our framework we specialize our results to the case of 'Dirac-Born-Infeld' and 'ghost' inflation and obtain the posterior probability for each model, which in Bayesian schemes is a useful tool for model comparison. Our results suggest that DBI-like models with two or more free parameters are disfavoured by the data by comparison with single parameter models in the same class

    Influence of large local and non-local bispectra on primordial black hole abundance

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    Primordial black holes represent a unique probe to constrain the early universe on small scales - providing the only constraints on the primordial power spectrum on the majority of scales. However, these constraints are strongly dependent on even small amounts of non-Gaussianity, which is unconstrained on scales significantly smaller than those visible in the CMB. This paper goes beyond previous considerations to consider the effects of a bispectrum of the equilateral, orthogonal and local shapes with arbitrary magnitude upon the abundance of primordial black holes. Non-Gaussian density maps of the early universe are generated from a given bispectrum and used to place constraints on the small scale power spectrum. When small, we show that the skewness provides an accurate estimate for how the constraint depends on non-Gaussianity, independently of the shape of the bispectrum. We show that the orthogonal template of non-Gaussianity has an order of magnitude weaker effect on the constraints than the local and equilateral templates.Comment: 11 pages, 4 figures, updated to match published version in JCAP02(2016)029, Journal of Cosmology and Astroparticle Physics, Volume 2016, February 201

    The matter power spectrum in redshift space using effective field theory

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    The use of Eulerian 'standard perturbation theory' to describe mass assembly in the early universe has traditionally been limited to modes with k <= 0.1 h/Mpc at z=0. At larger k the SPT power spectrum deviates from measurements made using N-body simulations. Recently, there has been progress in extending the reach of perturbation theory to larger k using ideas borrowed from effective field theory. We revisit the computation of the redshift-space matter power spectrum within this framework, including for the first time for the full one-loop time dependence. We use a resummation scheme proposed by Vlah et al. to account for damping of the baryonic acoustic oscillations due to large-scale random motions and show that this has a significant effect on the multipole power spectra. We renormalize by comparison to a suite of custom N-body simulations matching the MultiDark MDR1 cosmology. At z=0 and for scales k <~ 0.4 h/Mpc we find that the EFT furnishes a description of the real-space power spectrum up to ~ 2%, for the ell=0 mode up to ~ 5% and for the ell = 2, 4 modes up to ~ 25%. We argue that, in the MDR1 cosmology, positivity of the ell = 0 mode gives a firm upper limit of k ~ 0.74 h/Mpc for the validity of the one-loop EFT prediction in redshift space using only the lowest-order counterterm. We show that replacing the one-loop growth factors by their Einstein-de Sitter counterparts is a good approximation for the ell = 0 mode, but can induce deviations as large as 2% for the ell = 2, 4 modes. An accompanying software bundle, distributed under open source licenses, includes Mathematica notebooks describing the calculation, together with parallel pipelines capable of computing both the necessary one-loop SPT integrals and the effective field theory counterterms

    Influenza Transmission in Preschools: Modulation by contact landscapes and interventions

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    Epidemiologic data suggest that schools and daycare facilities likely play a major role in the dissemination of influenza. Pathogen transmission within such small, inhomogenously mixed populations is difficult to model using traditional approaches. We developed simulation based mathematical tool to investigate the effects of social contact networks on pathogen dissemination in a setting analogous to a daycare center or grade school. Here we show that interventions that decrease mixing within child care facilities, including limiting the size of social clusters, reducing the contact frequency between social clusters, and eliminating large gatherings, could diminish pathogen dissemination. Moreover, these measures may amplify the effectiveness of vaccination or antiviral prophylaxis, even if the vaccine is not uniformly effective or antiviral compliance is incomplete. Similar considerations should apply to other small, imperfectly mixed populations, such as offices and schools

    Effects of mean airway pressure and tidal excursion on lung injury induced by mechanical ventilation in an isolated perfused rabbit lung model.

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    OBJECTIVE: To study the relative contributions of mean airway pressure (mPaw) and tidal excursion (V(T)) to ventilator-induced lung injury under constant perfusion conditions. DESIGN: Prospective, randomized study. SETTING: Experimental animal laboratory. SUBJECTS: Fifteen sets of isolated rabbit lungs. INTERVENTIONS: Rabbit lungs were perfused (constant flow, 500 mL/min; capillary pressure, 10 mm Hg) and randomized to be ventilated at identical peak transpulmonary pressure (pressure control ventilation [30 cm H2O and frequency of 20/min]) with three different ventilatory patterns that differed from each other by either mPaw or V(T): group A (low mPaw [13.4+/-0.2 cm H2O]/large V(T) [55+/-8 mL], n = 5); group B (high mPaw [21.2+/-0.2 cm H2O]/small V(T) [18+/-1 mL], n = 5); and group C (high mPaw [21.8+/-0.5 cm H2O]/large V(T) [53+/-5 mL], n = 5). MEASUREMENTS AND MAIN RESULTS: Continuous weight gain (edema formation), change in ultrafiltration coefficient (deltaKf, vascular permeability index), and histology (lung hemorrhage) were examined. In group A, deltaKf (0.08+/-0.08 g/min/cm H2O/100 g) was less than in group B (0.28+/-0.19 g/min/cm H2O/100 g) or group C (0.41+/-0.29 g/min/cm H2O/100 g) (p = .05). Group A experienced significantly less hemorrhage (histologic score, 5.4+/-2.2) than groups B (10.3+/-2.1) and C (11.1+/-3.0) (p &lt; .05). A similar trend was observed for weight gain. In contrast to tidal excursion, mPaw was found to be a significant factor for lung hemorrhage and increased Kf (two-way analysis of variance; p &lt; .05). Weight gain (r2 = .54, p = .04) and lung hemorrhage (r2 = .65, p = .01) correlated with the mean pulmonary artery pressure changes that resulted from the implementation of the ventilatory strategies. The difference between the changes in mPaw and mean pulmonary artery pressure linearly predicted deltaKf (p = .005 and .05, respectively, r2 = 0.73). CONCLUSIONS: Under these experimental conditions, mPaw contributes more than tidal excursion to lung hemorrhage and permeability alterations induced by mechanical ventilation

    Protective effects of hypercapnic acidosis on ventilator-induced lung injury.

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    To investigate whether respiratory acidosis modulates ventilator-induced lung injury (VILI), we perfused (constant flow) 21 isolated sets of normal rabbit lungs, ventilated them for 20 min (pressure controlled ventilation [PCV] = 15 cm H(2)O) (Baseline) with an inspired CO(2) fraction adjusted for the partial pressure of CO(2) in the perfusate (PCO(2) approximately equal to 40 mm Hg), and then randomized them into three groups. Group A (control: n = 7) was ventilated with PCV = 15 cm H(2)O for three consecutive 20-min periods (T1, T2, T3). In Group B (high PCV/normocapnia; n = 7), PCV was given at 20 (T1), 25 (T2), and 30 (T3) cm H(2)O. The targeted PCO(2) was 40 mm Hg in Groups A and B. Group C (high PCV/hypercapnia; n = 7) was ventilated in the same way as Group B, but the targeted PCO(2) was approximately equal to 70 to 100 mm Hg. The changes (from Baseline to T3) in weight gain (Delta WG: g) and in the ultrafiltration coefficient (Delta K(f) = gr/min/ cm H(2)O/100g) and the protein and hemoglobin concentrations in bronchoalveolar lavage fluid (BALF) were used to assess injury. Group B experienced a significantly greater Delta WG (14.85 +/- 5.49 [mean +/- SEM] g) and Delta K(f) (1.40 +/- 0.49 g/min/cm H(2)O/100 g) than did either Group A (Delta WG = 0.70 +/- 0.43; Delta K(f) = 0.01 +/- 0.03) or Group C (Delta WG = 5.27 +/- 2.03 g; Delta K(f) = 0.25 +/- 0.12 g/min/cm H(2)O/ 100 g). BALF protein and hemoglobin concentrations (g/L) were higher in Group B (11.98 +/- 3.78 g/L and 1.82 +/- 0.40 g/L, respectively) than in Group A (2.92 +/- 0.75 g/L and 0.38 +/- 0.15 g/L) or Group C (5.71 +/- 1.88 g/L and 1.19 +/- 0.32 g/L). We conclude that respiratory acidosis decreases the severity of VILI in this model

    Consequences of vascular flow on lung injury induced by mechanical ventilation.

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    To investigate whether the magnitude of blood flow contributes to ventilator-induced lung injury, 14 sets of isolated rabbit lungs were randomized for perfusion at either 300 (Group A: n = 7) or 900 ml/ min (Group B: n = 7) while ventilated with 30 cm H2O peak static pressure. Control lungs (Group C: n = 7) were ventilated with lower peak static pressure (15 cm H2O) and perfused at 500 ml/min. Weight gain, changes in the ultrafiltration coefficient (DeltaKf) and lung static compliance (CL), and extent of hemorrhage (scored by histology) were compared. Group B had a larger decrease in CL (-13 +/- 11%) than Groups A (2 +/- 6%) and C (5 +/- 5%) (p &lt; 0.05). Group B had more hemorrhage and gained more weight (16.2 +/- 9.5 g) than Groups A (8.7 +/- 3.4 g) and C (1.6 +/- 1.0 g) (p &lt; 0.05 for each pairwise comparison between groups). Finally, Kf (g . min-1 . cm H2O-1 . 100 g-1) increased the most in Group B (DeltaKf = 0.26 +/- 0. 20 versus 0.17 +/- 0.10 in Group A and 0.05 +/- 0.04 in Group C; p &lt; 0.05 for B versus C). We conclude that the intensity of lung perfusion contributes to ventilator- induced lung injury in this model