5 research outputs found

    Homonymous Hemianopia, Dementia and Elevated Sedimentation Rate

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    Distorted visionA 74-year old male with a complaint of distorted vision. Previous history significant for an episode of Bell palsy, recurring abdominal pain, intermittent microscopic hematuria and fever of unknown origin.Left homonomous para-central quadrantanopsiaCTHypodense lesion in right occipital area contributing to visual field defect; Atheromatous plaques in arterial liningsSurgeryN/

    Foster-Kennedy Syndrome

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    Headache; Progressive loss of vision ODA 61-year old female with a 5-year history of diminishing vision associated with headache. Previous history significant for hypertension and congestive heart failure both of which were controlled. Cholecystectomy twenty years earlier.VA: 20/40 OD, 20/20 OS; Exophthalmometry: 18 OD, 16.5 OSCTMitotic plasma cells and lymphocytesCorticosteroidsN/

    Ocular Motility Disorders

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