25 research outputs found

    Second order semiclassics with self-generated magnetic fields

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    We consider the semiclassical asymptotics of the sum of negative eigenvalues of the three-dimensional Pauli operator with an external potential and a self-generated magnetic field BB. We also add the field energy βB2\beta \int B^2 and we minimize over all magnetic fields. The parameter β\beta effectively determines the strength of the field. We consider the weak field regime with βh2const>0\beta h^{2}\ge {const}>0, where hh is the semiclassical parameter. For smooth potentials we prove that the semiclassical asymptotics of the total energy is given by the non-magnetic Weyl term to leading order with an error bound that is smaller by a factor h^{1+\e}, i.e. the subleading term vanishes. However, for potentials with a Coulomb singularity the subleading term does not vanish due to the non-semiclassical effect of the singularity. Combined with a multiscale technique, this refined estimate is used in the companion paper \cite{EFS3} to prove the second order Scott correction to the ground state energy of large atoms and molecules.Comment: Small typos corrected on Sep 24, 201

    Scott correction for large atoms and molecules in a self-generated magnetic field

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    We consider a large neutral molecule with total nuclear charge ZZ in non-relativistic quantum mechanics with a self-generated classical electromagnetic field. To ensure stability, we assume that Z\al^2\le \kappa_0 for a sufficiently small κ0\kappa_0, where \al denotes the fine structure constant. We show that, in the simultaneous limit ZZ\to\infty, \al\to 0 such that \kappa =Z\al^2 is fixed, the ground state energy of the system is given by a two term expansion c1Z7/3+c2(κ)Z2+o(Z2)c_1Z^{7/3} + c_2(\kappa) Z^2 + o(Z^2). The leading term is given by the non-magnetic Thomas-Fermi theory. Our result shows that the magnetic field affects only the second (so-called Scott) term in the expansion

    Gradient corrections for semiclassical theories of atoms in strong magnetic fields

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    This paper is divided into two parts. In the first one the von Weizs\"acker term is introduced to the Magnetic TF theory and the resulting MTFW functional is mathematically analyzed. In particular, it is shown that the von Weizs\"acker term produces the Scott correction up to magnetic fields of order BZ2B \ll Z^2, in accordance with a result of V. Ivrii on the quantum mechanical ground state energy. The second part is dedicated to gradient corrections for semiclassical theories of atoms restricted to electrons in the lowest Landau band. We consider modifications of the Thomas-Fermi theory for strong magnetic fields (STF), i.e. for BZ3B \ll Z^3. The main modification consists in replacing the integration over the variables perpendicular to the field by an expansion in angular momentum eigenfunctions in the lowest Landau band. This leads to a functional (DSTF) depending on a sequence of one-dimensional densities. For a one-dimensional Fermi gas the analogue of a Weizs\"acker correction has a negative sign and we discuss the corresponding modification of the DSTF functional.Comment: Latex2e, 36 page

    Scaling Limits for the System of Semi-Relativistic Particles Coupled to a Scalar Bose Field

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    In this paper the Hamiltonian for the system of semi-relativistic particles interacting with a scalar bose field is investigated. A scaled total Hamiltonian of the system is defined and its scaling limit is considered. Then the semi-relativistic Schrodinger operator with an effective potential is derived

    The excitation spectrum for weakly interacting bosons in a trap

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    We investigate the low-energy excitation spectrum of a Bose gas confined in a trap, with weak long-range repulsive interactions. In particular, we prove that the spectrum can be described in terms of the eigenvalues of an effective one-particle operator, as predicted by the Bogoliubov approximation.Comment: LaTeX, 32 page

    Unique Solutions to Hartree-Fock Equations for Closed Shell Atoms

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    In this paper we study the problem of uniqueness of solutions to the Hartree and Hartree-Fock equations of atoms. We show, for example, that the Hartree-Fock ground state of a closed shell atom is unique provided the atomic number ZZ is sufficiently large compared to the number NN of electrons. More specifically, a two-electron atom with atomic number Z35Z\geq 35 has a unique Hartree-Fock ground state given by two orbitals with opposite spins and identical spatial wave functions. This statement is wrong for some Z>1Z>1, which exhibits a phase segregation.Comment: 18 page

    Renormalization and asymptotic expansion of Dirac's polarized vacuum

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    We perform rigorously the charge renormalization of the so-called reduced Bogoliubov-Dirac-Fock (rBDF) model. This nonlinear theory, based on the Dirac operator, describes atoms and molecules while taking into account vacuum polarization effects. We consider the total physical density including both the external density of a nucleus and the self-consistent polarization of the Dirac sea, but no `real' electron. We show that it admits an asymptotic expansion to any order in powers of the physical coupling constant \alphaph, provided that the ultraviolet cut-off behaves as \Lambda\sim e^{3\pi(1-Z_3)/2\alphaph}\gg1. The renormalization parameter $

    A new approach to the modelling of local defects in crystals: the reduced Hartree-Fock case

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    This article is concerned with the derivation and the mathematical study of a new mean-field model for the description of interacting electrons in crystals with local defects. We work with a reduced Hartree-Fock model, obtained from the usual Hartree-Fock model by neglecting the exchange term. First, we recall the definition of the self-consistent Fermi sea of the perfect crystal, which is obtained as a minimizer of some periodic problem, as was shown by Catto, Le Bris and Lions. We also prove some of its properties which were not mentioned before. Then, we define and study in details a nonlinear model for the electrons of the crystal in the presence of a defect. We use formal analogies between the Fermi sea of a perturbed crystal and the Dirac sea in Quantum Electrodynamics in the presence of an external electrostatic field. The latter was recently studied by Hainzl, Lewin, S\'er\'e and Solovej, based on ideas from Chaix and Iracane. This enables us to define the ground state of the self-consistent Fermi sea in the presence of a defect. We end the paper by proving that our model is in fact the thermodynamic limit of the so-called supercell model, widely used in numerical simulations.Comment: Final version, to appear in Comm. Math. Phy

    The Second Order Upper Bound for the Ground Energy of a Bose Gas

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    Consider NN bosons in a finite box Λ=[0,L]3R3\Lambda= [0,L]^3\subset \mathbf R^3 interacting via a two-body smooth repulsive short range potential. We construct a variational state which gives the following upper bound on the ground state energy per particle limˉρ0limˉL,N/L3ρ(e0(ρ)4πaρ(4πa)5/2(ρ)3/2)1615π2,\bar\lim_{\rho\to0} \bar \lim_{L \to \infty, N/L^3 \to \rho} (\frac{e_0(\rho)- 4 \pi a \rho}{(4 \pi a)^{5/2}(\rho)^{3/2}})\leq \frac{16}{15\pi^2}, where aa is the scattering length of the potential. Previously, an upper bound of the form C16/15π2C 16/15\pi^2 for some constant C>1C > 1 was obtained in \cite{ESY}. Our result proves the upper bound of the the prediction by Lee-Yang \cite{LYang} and Lee-Huang-Yang \cite{LHY}.Comment: 62 pages, no figure

    Monotonicity of quantum ground state energies: Bosonic atoms and stars

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    The N-dependence of the non-relativistic bosonic ground state energy is studied for quantum N-body systems with either Coulomb or Newton interactions. The Coulomb systems are "bosonic atoms," with their nucleus fixed, and the Newton systems are "bosonic stars". In either case there exists some third order polynomial in N such that the ratio of the ground state energy to the respective polynomial grows monotonically in N. Some applications of these new monotonicity results are discussed