6 research outputs found

    On the ballistic capture of asteroids for resource utilisation

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    This paper investigates the concept of capturing in the Earth’s neighbourhood Earth-approaching objects such as asteroids and comets. These objects may provide access to potential resources, as well as be potential scientific mission opportunities. A statistical approach is used to assess the fraction of the near-Earth object population with a given set of Keplerian elements. This is used to estimate the number of objects with the potential to fly-by the Earth with low relative velocities. The circular restricted three-body problem is then used to show that objects approaching Earth at low hyperbolic excess velocities can potentially be gravitationally captured at Earth. The Tisserand parameter, used as an approximation of the Jacobi constant, can be used to delimit the orbital regions from were low-energy transfers should be expected to exist and asteroids could possibly be transported at a minimum expenditure of energy. Finally, a semi-analytical approximation of the gravitational perturbation in the CR3BP is used to assess the feasible asteroid transport fluxes of capturable material that could be achieved by judicious use of Earth gravitational perturbations

    Asteroid hazard mitigation: deflection models and mission analysis

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    Small celestial bodies such as Near Earth Objects (NEOs) have become a common subject of study because of their importance in uncovering the mysteries of the composition, formation and evolution of the solar system. Among all asteroids, NEOs have stepped into prominence because of two important aspects: they are among the easiest celestial bodies to reach from Earth, in some cases with less demanding trajectories than a simple Earth-Moon trajectory and, even more meaningful, they may pose a threat to our planet. The purpose of this thesis is to provide a comprehensive insight into the asteroid hazard problem and particularly to its mitigation. Six different concepts are fully described; specifically models for nuclear interceptor, kinetic impactor, low-thrust propulsion, mass driver, solar collector and gravity tug are developed and their efficiency is assessed for a complete set of different types of hazardous celestial objects. A multi-criteria optimization is then used to construct a set of Pareto-optimal asteroid deflection missions. The Pareto-optimality is here achieved not only by maximizing the deflection of the threatening object, but also by minimizing the total mass of the deflection mission at launch and the warning time required to deflect the asteroid. A dominance criterion is also defined and used to compare all the Pareto sets for all the various mitigation strategies. The Technology Readiness Level for each strategy is also accounted for in the comparison. Finally, this thesis will also show that impulsive deflection methods may easily catastrophically disrupt an asteroid if the required energy for a deflection reaches a certain limit threshold. A statistical model is presented to approximate both the number and size of the fragments and their initial dispersion of velocity and then used to assess the potential risk to Earth posed by the fragmentation of an asteroid as a possible outcome of a hazard mitigation mission

    Orbit control of asteroids in libration point orbits for resource exploitation

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    The fascinating idea of shepherding asteroids for science and resource utilisation is being considered as a very credible concept in a not too distant future. Past studies have identified asteroids which could be injected into manifolds which wind onto periodic orbits around collinear Lagrangian points of the Sun-Earth system, by means of a low-cost manoeuvre. However, the periodic orbits as well as the manifolds are highly unstable, and small errors in the capture manoeuvre would bring to complete mission failure, with potential danger of collision with the Earth itself. The main source of injection error in position and velocity is the epistemic uncertainty of the asteroid mass, which cannot be measured directly. For this reason, asteroid orbit control will be a strict requirement for such mission. This paper investigates the controllability of some asteroids during the transfer and along the period orbits, assuming the use of a solar-electric low-thrust engine. The control scheme is based on a linear quadratic regulator. A stochastic simulation with a Monte Carlo approach is used to simulate a range of different perturbed initial conditions. Results show that only a small subset of the considered combinations of trajectories/asteroids are reliably controllable, and therefore controllability must be taken into account in the selection of potential targets

    Micro-to-macro: astrodynamics at extremes of lengths-scale

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    This paper investigates astrodynamics at extremes of length-scale, ranging from swarms of future `smart dust' devices to the capture and utilisation of small near Earth asteroids. At the smallest length-scales families of orbits are found which balance the energy gain from solar radiation pressure with energy dissipation due to air drag. This results in long orbit lifetimes for high area-to-mass ratio `smart dust' devices. High area-to-mass hybrid spacecraft, using both solar sail and electric propulsion, are then considered to enable `pole-sitter' orbits providing a polar-stationary vantage point for Earth observation. These spacecraft are also considered to enable displaced geostationary orbits. Finally, the potential material resource available from captured near Earth asteroids is considered which can underpin future large-scale space engineering ventures. The use of such material for geo-engineering is investigated using a cloud of unprocessed dust in the vicinity of the Earth-Sun L1L_1 point to fractionally reduce solar insolation

    On the deflection of asteroids with mirrors

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    This paper presents an analysis of an asteroid deflection method based on multiple solar concentrators. A model of the deflection through the sublimation of the surface material of an asteroid is presented, with simulation results showing the achievable orbital deflection with, and without, accounting for the effects of mirror contamination due to the ejected debris plume. A second model with simulation results is presented analyzing an enhancement of the Yarkovsky effect, which provides a significant deflection even when the surface temperature is not high enough to sublimate. Finally the dynamical model of solar concentrators in the proximity of an irregular celestial body are discussed, together with a Lyapunov-based controller to maintain the spacecraft concentrators at a required distance from the asteroid

    Heliotropic dust rings for Earth climate engineering

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    This paper examines the concept of a Sun-pointing elliptical Earth ring comprised of dust grains to offset global warming. A new family of non-Keplerian periodic orbits, under the effects of solar radiation pressure and the Earth’s <i>J<sub>2</sub></i> oblateness perturbation, is used to increase the lifetime of the passive cloud of particles and, thus, increase the efficiency of this geoengineering strategy. An analytical model is used to predict the orbit evolution of the dust ring due to solar-radiation pressure and the <i>J<sub>2</sub></i> effect. The attenuation of the solar radiation can then be calculated from the ring model. In comparison to circular orbits, eccentric orbits yield a more stable environment for small grain sizes and therefore achieve higher efficiencies when the orbit decay of the material is considered. Moreover, the novel orbital dynamics experienced by high area-to-mass ratio objects, influenced by solar radiation pressure and the <i>J<sub>2</sub></i> effect, ensure the ring will maintain a permanent heliotropic shape, with dust spending the largest portion of time on the Sun facing side of the orbit. It is envisaged that small dust grains can be released from a circular generator orbit with an initial impulse to enter an eccentric orbit with Sun-facing apogee. Finally, a lowest estimate of 1 × 10<sup>12</sup> kg of material is computed as the total mass required to offset the effects of global warming