819 research outputs found

    Moduli of vortices and Grassmann manifolds

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    We use the framework of Quot schemes to give a novel description of the moduli spaces of stable n-pairs, also interpreted as gauged vortices on a closed Riemann surface with target Mat(r x n, C), where n >= r. We then show that these moduli spaces embed canonically into certain Grassmann manifolds, and thus obtain natural Kaehler metrics of Fubini-Study type; these spaces are smooth at least in the local case r=n. For abelian local vortices we prove that, if a certain "quantization" condition is satisfied, the embedding can be chosen in such a way that the induced Fubini-Study structure realizes the Kaehler class of the usual L^2 metric of gauged vortices.Comment: 22 pages, LaTeX. Final version: last section removed, typos corrected, two references added; to appear in Commun. Math. Phy

    Design and realization of a miniature capacitive silicon force sensor for loads up to 500 kg

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    In this paper, a micromachined silicon load cell (force sensor) is presented for measuring loads up to 500 kg. The load cell has been realized and tested. Measurement results show a hysteresis error of ±0.02 % of full-scale. Creep at 500 kg after 30 minutes is within 0.01 %. These measurements show that the performance has improved by a factor of 10 compared to the previous design

    NS5-branes on an ellipsis and novel marginal deformations with parafermions

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    We consider NS5-branes distributed along the circumference of an ellipsis and explicitly construct the corresponding gravitational background. This provides a continuous line of deformations between the limiting cases, considered before, in which the ellipsis degenerates into a circle or into a bar. We show that a slight deformation of the background corresponding to a circle distribution into an ellipsoidal one is described by a novel non-factorizable marginal perturbation of bilinears of dressed parafermions. The latter are naturally defined for the circle case since, as it was shown in the past, the background corresponds to an orbifold of the exact conformal field theory coset model SU(2)/U(1) times SL(2,R)/U(1). We explore the possibility to define parafermionic objects at generic points of the ellipsoidal families of backgrounds away from the circle point. We also discuss a new limiting case in which the ellipsis degenerates into two infinitely stretched parallel bars and show that the background is related to the Eguchi-Hanson metric, via T-duality.Comment: 24 page

    Non-Critical String Duals of N=1 Quiver Theories

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    We construct N=1 non-critical strings in four dimensions dual to strongly coupled N=1 quiver gauge theories in the Coulomb phase, generalizing the string duals of Argyres-Douglas points in N=2 gauge theories. They are the first examples of superstrings vacua with an exact worldsheet description dual to chiral N=1 theories. We identify the dual of the non-critical superstring using a brane setup describing the field theory in the classical limit. We analyze the spectrum of chiral operators in the strongly coupled regime and show how worldsheet instanton effects give non-perturbative information about the gauge theory. We also consider aspects of D-branes relevant for the holographic duality.Comment: JHEP style; 40 pages, 3 figures; v2: minor corrections, refs added, version to appear in JHE

    Quantum Mass and Central Charge of Supersymmetric Monopoles - Anomalies, current renormalization, and surface terms

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    We calculate the one-loop quantum corrections to the mass and central charge of N=2 and N=4 supersymmetric monopoles in 3+1 dimensions. The corrections to the N=2 central charge are finite and due to an anomaly in the conformal central charge current, but they cancel for the N=4 monopole. For the quantum corrections to the mass we start with the integral over the expectation value of the Hamiltonian density, which we show to consist of a bulk contribution which is given by the familiar sum over zero-point energies, as well as surface terms which contribute nontrivially in the monopole sector. The bulk contribution is evaluated through index theorems and found to be nonvanishing only in the N=2 case. The contributions from the surface terms in the Hamiltonian are cancelled by infinite composite operator counterterms in the N=4 case, forming a multiplet of improvement terms. These counterterms are also needed for the renormalization of the central charge. However, in the N=2 case they cancel, and both the improved and the unimproved current multiplet are finite.Comment: 1+40 pages, JHEP style. v2: small corrections and additions, references adde

    Assessing the effect of beard hair lengths on face masks used as personal protective equipment during the COVID-19 pandemic

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    Background Globally, a large percentage of men keep a beard at least occasionally. Workplace regulations prohibit beards with N95 respirators, but there is little information on the effect of beards with face masks worn by the public for protection against SARS-CoV-2. Methods and findings We examined the fitted filtration efficiency (FFE) of five commonly worn protective face masks as a function of beard length following the US Occupational Safety and Health Administration Quantitative Fit Test: N95 (respirator), KF94 and KN95, surgical/procedure, and cloth masks. A comparison using N95 respirators was carried out in shaven and bearded men. A detailed examination was conducted for beard lengths between 0 and 10 mm (0.5 mm increments). The effect of an exercise band covering the beard on FFE was also tested. Although N95 respirators showed considerable variability among bearded men, they had the highest FFE for beard lengths up to 10 mm. KF94 and KN95 masks lost up to 40% of their FFE. Procedure and cotton masks had poor performance even on bare skin (10–30% FFE) that did not change appreciably with beard length. Marked performance improvements were observed with an exercise band worn over the beard. Conclusions Though variable, N95 respirators offer the best respiratory protection for bearded men. While KF94 and KN95 FFE is compromised considerably by increasing beard length, they proved better options than procedure and cotton face masks. A simple exercise band improves FFE for face masks commonly used by bearded men during the COVID-19 pandemic

    D1-D5 on ALE Space

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    We construct a two-dimensional N=(0,4) quiver gauge theory on D1-brane probing D5-branes on ALE space, and study its IR behavior. This can be thought of as a gauged linear sigma model for the NS5-branes on ALE space.Comment: 17 pages, 1 figure, lanlmac; v2: reference adde

    Notes on Non-Critical Superstrings in Various Dimensions

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    We study non-critical superstrings propagating in d≤6d \le 6 dimensional Minkowski space or equivalently, superstrings propagating on the two-dimensional Euclidean black hole tensored with d-dimensional Minkowski space. We point out a subtlety in the construction of supersymmetric theories in these backgrounds, and explain how this does not allow a consistent geometric interpretation in terms of fields propagating on a cigar-like spacetime. We explain the global symmetries of the various theories by using their description as the near horizon geometry of wrapped NS5-brane configurations. In the six-dimensional theory, we present a CFT description of the four-dimensional moduli space and the global O(3) symmetry. The worldsheet action invariant under this symmetry contains both the N=2 sine-Liouville interaction and the cigar metric, thereby providing an example where the two interactions are naturally present in the same worldsheet lagrangian already at the non-dynamical level.Comment: 33 pages, harvma
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