231 research outputs found

    Strong Tunneling in Double-Island Structures

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    We study the electron transport through a system of two low-capacitance metal islands connected in series between two electrodes. The work is motivated in part by experiments on semiconducting double-dots, which show intriguing effects arising from coherent tunneling of electrons and mixing of the single-electron states across tunneling barriers. In this article, we show how coherent tunneling affects metallic systems and leads to a mixing of the macroscopic charge states across the barriers. We apply a recently formulated RG approach to examine the linear response of the system with high tunnel conductances (up to 8e^2/h). In addition we calculate the (second order) cotunneling contributions to the non-linear conductance. Our main results are that the peaks in the linear and nonlinear conductance as a function of the gate voltage are reduced and broadened in an asymmetric way, as well as shifted in their positions. In the limit where the two islands are coupled weakly to the electrodes, we compare to theoretical results obtained by Golden and Halperin and Matveev et al. In the opposite case when the two islands are coupled more strongly to the leads than to each other, the peaks are found to shift, in qualitative agreement with the recent prediction of Andrei et al. for a similar double-dot system which exhibits a phase transition.Comment: 12 page

    Coulomb blockade of strongly coupled quantum dots studied via bosonization of a channel with a finite barrier

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    A pair of quantum dots, coupled through a point contact, can exhibit Coulomb blockade effects that reflect an oscillatory term in the dots' total energy whose value depends on whether the total number of electrons on the dots is even or odd. The effective energy associated with this even-odd alternation is reduced, relative to the bare Coulomb blockade energy for uncoupled dots, by a factor (1-f) that decreases as the interdot coupling is increased. When the transmission coefficient for interdot electronic motion is independent of energy and the same for all channels within the point contact (which are assumed uncoupled), the factor (1-f) takes on a universal value determined solely by the number of channels and the dimensionless conductance g of each individual channel. This paper studies corrections to the universal value of (1-f) that result when the transmission coefficent varies over energy scales of the size of the bare Coulomb blockade energy. We consider a model in which the point contact is described by a single orbital channel containing a parabolic barrier potential, and we calculate the leading correction to (1-f) for one-channel (spin-split) and two-channel (spin-degenerate) point contacts in the limit where the single orbital channel is almost completely open. By generalizing a previously used bosonization technique, we find that, for a given value of the dimensionless conductance g, the value of (1-f) is increased relative to its value for a zero-thickness barrier, but the absolute value of the increase is small in the region where our calculations apply.Comment: 13 pages, 3 Postscript figure

    Effective action and interaction energy of coupled quantum dots

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    We obtain the effective action of tunnel-coupled quantum dots, by modeling the system as a Luttinger liquid with multiple barriers. For a double dot system, we find that the resonance conditions for perfect conductance form a hexagon in the plane of the two gate voltages controlling the density of electrons in each dot. We also explicitly obtain the functional dependence of the interaction energy and peak-splitting on the gate voltage controlling tunneling between the dots and their charging energies. Our results are in good agreement with recent experimental results, from which we obtain the Luttinger interaction parameter K=0.74K=0.74.Comment: 5 pgs,latex,3 figs,revised version to be publshed in Phys.Rev.

    Fractional plateaus in the Coulomb blockade of coupled quantum dots

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    Ground-state properties of a double-large-dot sample connected to a reservoir via a single-mode point contact are investigated. When the interdot transmission is perfect and the dots controlled by the same dimensionless gate voltage, we find that for any finite backscattering from the barrier between the lead and the left dot, the average dot charge exhibits a Coulomb-staircase behavior with steps of size e/2 and the capacitance peak period is halved. The interdot electrostatic coupling here is weak. For strong tunneling between the left dot and the lead, we report a conspicuous intermediate phase in which the fractional plateaus get substantially altered by an increasing slope.Comment: 6 pages, 4 figures, final versio

    Generalized Weinberg Sum Rules in Deconstructed QCD

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    Recently, Son and Stephanov have considered an "open moose" as a possible dual model of a QCD-like theory of chiral symmetry breaking. In this note we demonstrate that although the Weinberg sum rules are satisfied in any such model, the relevant sums converge very slowly and in a manner unlike QCD. Further, we show that such a model satisfies a set of generalized sum rules. These sum rules can be understood by looking at the operator product expansion for the correlation function of chiral currents, and correspond to the absence of low-dimension gauge-invariant chiral symmetry breaking condensates. These results imply that, regardless of the couplings and F-constants chosen, the open moose is not the dual of any QCD-like theory of chiral symmetry breaking. We also show that the generalized sum rules can be "solved", leading to a compact expression for the difference of vector- and axial-current correlation functions. This expression allows for a simple formula for the S parameter (L_10), which implies that S is always positive and of order one in any (unitary) open linear moose model. Therefore the S parameter is positive and order one in any "Higgsless model" based on the continuum limit of a linear moose regardless of the warping or position-dependent gauge-coupling chosen.Comment: 12 pages, 5 eps figures; reference to overlapping work adde

    Transport in Coupled Quantum Dots: Kondo Effect Versus Anti-Ferromagnetic Correlation

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    The interplay between the Kondo effect and the inter-dot magnetic interaction in a coupled-dot system is studied. An exact result for the transport properties at zero temperature is obtained by diagonalizing a cluster, composed by the double-dot and its vicinity, which is connected to leads. It is shown that the system goes continuously from the Kondo regime to an anti-ferromagnetic state as the inter-dot interaction is increased. The conductance, the charge at the dots and the spin-spin correlation are obtained as a function of the gate potential.Comment: 4 pages, 3 postscript figures. Submitted to PR

    Coulomb Blockade of Tunneling Through a Double Quantum Dot

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    We study the Coulomb blockade of tunneling through a double quantum dot. The temperature dependence of the linear conductance is strongly affected by the inter-dot tunneling. As the tunneling grows, a crossover from temperature-independent peak conductance to a power-law suppression of conductance at low temperatures is predicted. This suppression is a manifestation of the Anderson orthogonality catastrophe associated with the charge re-distribution between the dots, which accompanies the tunneling of an electron into a dot. We find analytically the shapes of the Coulomb blockade peaks in conductance as a function of gate voltage.Comment: 11 pages, revtex3.0 and multicols.sty, 4 figures uuencode

    A lattice NRQCD calculation of the B0Bˉ0B^0-\bar{B}^0 mixing parameter B_B

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    We present a lattice calculation of the B meson B-parameter B_B using the NRQCD action. The heavy quark mass dependence is explicitly studied over a mass range between m_b and 4m_b with the O(1/mQ)O(1/m_Q) and O(1/mQ2)O(1/m_Q^2) actions. We find that the ratios of lattice matrix elements /2/^2 and /2/^2, which contribute to B_B through mixing, have significant 1/mQ1/m_Q dependence while that of the leading operator /2/^2 has little 1/mQ1/m_Q effect. The combined result for B_B(m_b) has small but non-zero mass dependence, and the B_B(m_b) becomes smaller by 10% with the 1/m_Q correction compared to the static result. Our result in the quenched approximation at \beta=5.9 is B_{B_d}(5 GeV) = 0.75(3)(12), where the first error is statistical and the second is a systematic uncertainty.Comment: 20 pages, 11 figures, uses REVTeX, typos correcte

    Scale of fermion mass generation

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    Unitarity of longitudinal weak vector boson scattering implies an upper bound on the scale of electroweak symmetry breaking, ΛEWSB8πv\Lambda_{EWSB}\equiv \sqrt{8\pi}v\approx 1 TeV. Appelquist and Chanowitz have derived an analogous upper bound on the scale of fermion mass generation, proportional to v2/mfv^2/m_f, by considering the scattering of same-helicity fermions into pairs of longitudinal weak vector bosons in a theory without a standard Higgs boson. We show that there is no upper bound, beyond that on the scale of electroweak symmetry breaking, in such a theory. This result is obtained by considering the same process, but with a large number of longitudinal weak vector bosons in the final state. We further argue that there is no scale of (Dirac) fermion mass generation in the standard model. In contrast, there is an upper bound on the scale of Majorana-neutrino mass generation, given by ΛMaj4πv2/mν\Lambda_{Maj}\equiv 4\pi v^2/m_\nu. In general, the upper bound on the scale of fermion mass generation depends on the dimensionality of the interaction responsible for generating the fermion mass. We explore the scale of fermion mass generation in a variety of excursions from the standard model: models with fermions in nonstandard representations, a theory with higher-dimension interactions, a two-Higgs-doublet model, and models without a Higgs boson.Comment: 31 pages, 9 figures; version accepted for publication in Phys. Rev.

    RS1, Custodial Isospin and Precision Tests

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    We study precision electroweak constraints within a RS1 model with gauge fields and fermions in the bulk. The electroweak gauge symmetry is enhanced to SU(2)_L \times SU(2)_R \times U(1)_{B-L}, thereby providing a custodial isospin symmetry sufficient to suppress excessive contributions to the T parameter. We then construct complete models, complying with all electroweak constraints, for solving the hierarchy problem, without supersymmetry or large hierarchies in the fundamental couplings. Using the AdS/CFT correspondence our models can be interpreted as dual to a strongly coupled conformal Higgs sector with global custodial symmetry, gauge and fermionic matter being fundamental fields external to the CFT. This scenario has interesting collider signals, distinct from other RS models in the literature.Comment: 32 pages, 6 figures, latex2e, minor changes, references adde