713 research outputs found

    Electronically Tunable Phase Response for Phased array Patches

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    The design and prototyping of radiating elements with tunable phase response, for reconfigurable patch array antennas, is presented. Different options are found in the technical literature to obtain feasible reconfigurable array antennas: placing the active circuitry in the transmission lines or directly over the radiating element, obtaining the desired phase shift for each radiating element of the array. In this reported work, the second option is selected and active radiating elements at 12 GHz are designed and prototyped

    MS-EMC vs. NEGF: A comparative study accounting for transport quantum corrections

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    As electronic devices approach the nanometer scale, quantum transport theories have been recognized as the best option to reproduce their performance. Other possible trend, mainly focused on reducing the computational effort, is the inclusion of quantum effects in semi-classical simulators. This work presents a comparison between a NEGF simulator and a MS-EMC tool including S/D tunneling both applied on a DGSOI transistor

    Effect of Melengestrol Acetate (Mga) on the Metabolic Profile in Heifers

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    AbstractFrom the analysis of 21 Cebu-Swiss heifers healthy, developing, with 235.55 ± 17.81kg of body weight (BW), 118.62 ± 3.97cm and 2.58 ± 0.35 of body condition (BC) scale of 1-5. They were divided into two groups: MGA (n = 10) and control (n = 11). For 55 days were given a constant diet (including 15 days of adaptation), based on concentrate and sorghum straw. The contribution of daily intake was 599.08g of crude protein and 12.18 Mcal. Blood samples were obtained every 5 days. The concentrations of cholesterol, triglyceride, high-density lipoprotein, low-density lipoprotein, urea, total protein and glucose were measured for spectrophotometric using the enzyme-colorimetric technique in plasma. The daily gain was balanced PV of 603.5 to 232.5 grams and height stopped from day 25. The CC did not show significant changes (P> 0.01). The mean concentration of plasma cholesterol was 107.59 ± 13.38 vs. 109.61 ± 11.72mg/dl (MGA and control, respectively) with a downward trend more pronounced from day 25. The concentration of triglycerides was 12.61 ± 6.91 vs. 16.19 ± 8.86mg/dl (MGA and control), no trend in the first 20 days and from day 25 there was an increase compared to the average of the previous days. The concentrations of HDL 63.73 ± 3.26 vs. 63.79 ± 10.27mg/dl (MGA and control) and 43.56 ± 6.24 vs. LDLc. 46.54 ± 14.89mg/dl (MGA and control) were irregular, but within normal ranges. The values of total protein were 5.70 ± 0.40 vs. 5.22 ± 0.31mg/dl (MGA and control), no trend the first 15 days and from day 20 increased in concentration compared to previous surveys. Urea levels were 14.79 ± 5.22 vs. 14.13 ± 4.8mg/dl (MGA and control) with a tendency to discharge. Glucose levels were 60.06 ± 7.62 vs. 58.24 ± 5.43mg/dl (MGA and control), with an irregular behavior in the normal range. The consumption of 0.5mg/dl of MGA for 40 days increased plasma concentrations of triglycerides and total protein, but did not affect cholesterol levels, HDL and LDL cholesterol, urea and glucose

    Magnetostructural coupling, magnetic ordering, and cobalt spin reorientation in metallic P r0.5 S r0.5Co O3 cobaltite

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    In half-doped Pr0.50A0.50CoO3 metallic perovskites, the spin-lattice coupling brings about distinct magnetostructural transitions for A=Ca and A=Sr at temperatures close to ~100 K. However, the ground magnetic properties of Pr0.50Sr0.50CoO3 (PSCO) strongly differ from Pr0.50Ca0.50CoO3 ones, where a partial Pr3+ to Pr4+ valence shift and Co spin transition makes the system insulating below the transition. This paper investigates and describes the relationship between the Imma¿I4/mcm symmetry change [Padilla-Pantoja, García-Muñoz, Bozzo, Jirák, and Herrero-Martín, Inorg. Chem. 53, 12297 (2014)] and the original magnetic behavior of PSCO versus temperature and external magnetic fields. The FM1 and FM2 ferromagnetic phases, above and below the magnetostructural transition (TS1~120K) have been investigated. The FM2 phase of PSCO is composed of [100] FM domains, with magnetic symmetry Im'm'a (mx¿0, mz=0). The magnetic space group of the FM1 phase is Fm'm'm (with mx=my). Neutron data analyses in combination with magnetometry and earlier reports results agrees with a reorientation of the magnetization axis by 45° within the ab plane across the transition, in which the system retains its metallic character. The presence below TS1 of conjugated magnetic domains, both of Fm'm'm symmetry but having perpendicular spin orientations along the diagonals in the xy plane of the tetragonal unit cell, is at the origin of the anomalies observed in the macroscopic magnetization. A relatively small field µ0H[¿z]¿30mT is able to reorient the magnetization within the ab plane, whereas a higher field (µ0H[¿z]¿1.2T at 2 K) is necessary to align the Co moments perpendicular to the ab plane. Such a spin reorientation, in which the orbital and spin components of the Co moment rotate joined by 45°, was not observed previously in analogous cobaltites without praseodymium

    Assessment of Gate Leakage Mechanism Utilizing Multi-Subband Ensemble Monte Carlo

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    The inclusion in advanced device simulators of quantum effects different than standard confinement becomes mandatory to describe device behavior as technology approaches the nanometer scales. This work presents a model to include the gate leakage mechanism considering direct and trap assisted tunneling in Multi-Subband Ensemble Monte Carlo (MS-EMC) simulators. The tool is used for the study of FDSOI and FinFET devices

    Multi-subband Ensemble Monte Carlo Study of Tunneling Leakage mechanisms

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    The reduction of the critical dimensions of transistor architectures makes mandatory the inclusion of quantum effects different than standard confinement becomes in advanced device simulators to describe the electrical behavior. In particular, direct tunneling from source to drain, band-to-band tunneling and gate leakage mechanisms considering direct and trap assisted tunneling are of especial interest. This work presents a study of these inmechanisms in Fully Depleted Silicon-On- Insulator (FDSOI) and FinFET devices using a Multi-Subband Ensemble Monte Carlo (MS-EMC) simulator

    A Little Higgs model of neutrino masses

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    Little Higgs models are formulated as effective theories with a cut-off of up to 100 times the electroweak scale. Neutrino masses are then a puzzle, since the usual see-saw mechanism involves a much higher scale that would introduce quadratic corrections to the Higgs mass parameter. We propose a model that can naturally accommodate the observed neutrino masses and mixings in Little Higgs scenarios. Our framework does not involve any large scale or suppressed Yukawa couplings, and it implies the presence of three extra (Dirac) neutrinos at the TeV scale. The masses of the light neutrinos are induced radiatively, they are proportional to small (\approx keV) mass parameters that break lepton number and are suppressed by the Little Higgs cut-off.Comment: 10 pages, 3 figure

    Quantum Collapse of a Small Dust Shell

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    The full quantum mechanical collapse of a small relativistic dust shell is studied analytically, asymptotically and numerically starting from the exact finite dimensional classical reduced Hamiltonian recently derived by H\'aj{\'\i}\v{c}ek and Kucha\v{r}. The formulation of the quantum mechanics encounters two problems. The first is the multivalued nature of the Hamiltonian and the second is the construction of an appropriate self adjoint momentum operator in the space of the shell motion which is confined to a half line. The first problem is solved by identifying and neglecting orbits of small action in order to obtain a single valued Hamiltonian. The second problem is solved by introducing an appropriate lapse function. The resulting quantum mechanics is then studied by means of analytical and numerical techniques. We find that the region of total collapse has very small probability. We also find that the solution concentrates around the classical Schwarzschild radius. The present work obtains from first principles a quantum mechanics for the shell and provides numerical solutions, whose behavior is explained by a detailed WKB analysis for a wide class of collapsing shells.Comment: 23 pages, 8 figures, Revtex4 fil

    Health providers as bricoleurs:an examination of the adaption of health ecosystems to superdiversity in Europe

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    This article examines the ways in which healthcare providers from a mixed economy of welfare operating in superdiverse neighbourhoods connect and innovate across the healthcare ecosystem to meet diverse and complex needs. Moving beyond a health systems approach which siloes different types of provision, we use the concept of bricolage to make visible the work undertaken by providers across the ecosystem. While we show that public, private and civil society provision all adapt to meet complex and diverse needs to some degree, we highlight the importance of inter-connectedness between providers and note the role of civil society in addressing gaps and cracks in provision. The importance of adopting a whole ecosystem approach and focusing on the actions and interactions which enable the ecosystem to function in complex demographic environments is highlighted before we stress the dangers of over-reliance on civil society.info:eu-repo/semantics/acceptedVersio

    The challenge and response to global tourism in the post-modern era: the commodification, reconfiguration and mutual transformation of Habana Vieja, Cuba

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    There is a growing literature on the symbolic and cultural meanings of tourism and the ways in which cities are increasingly competing for tourists through the promotion of cultural assets and different forms of spectacle in the `tourist bubble'. To date, research on the role and impact of tourism in cities has largely been confined to those in Western, post-industrial economies. This paper examines the growth of cultural tourism in the central area of Havana, Cuba, and explores the range of unique, devolved, state-owned enterprises that are attempting to use tourism as a funding mechanism to achieve improvements in the social and cultural fabric of the city for the benefit of residents. The paper concludes with an assessment of the implications of this example for our understanding of how the pressures for restructuring and commodification can be moderated at the city level. Copyright 2008 SAGE Publications. All rights reserved. Not for commercial use or unauthorized distribution