6 research outputs found

    Quantitative Comparison of Sinc-Approximating Kernels for Medical Image Interpolation

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    Abstract. Interpolation is required in many medical image processing operations. From sampling theory, it follows that the ideal interpolation kernel is the sinc function, which is of infinite extent. In the attempt to obtain practical and computationally efficient image processing al-gorithms, many sinc-approximating interpolation kernels have been de-vised. In this paper we present the results of a quantitative comparison of 84 different sinc-approximating kernels, with spatial extents ranging from 2 to 10 grid points in each dimension. The evaluation involves the application of geometrical transformations to medical images from dif-ferent modalities (CT, MR, and PET), using the different kernels. The results show very clearly that, of all kernels with a spatial extent of 2 grid points, the linear interpolation kernel performs best. Of all kernels with an extent of 4 grid points, the cubic convolution kernel is the best (28 %- 75 % reduction of the errors as compared to linear interpolation). Even better results (44 %- 95 % reduction) are obtained with kernels of larger extent, notably the Welch, Cosine, Lanczos, and Kaiser windowed sinc kernels. In general, the truncated sinc kernel is one of the worst performing kernels.

    A Linked Data Recommender System Using a Neighborhood-Based Graph Kernel

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    Abstract. The ultimate mission of a Recommender System (RS) is to help users discover items they might be interested in. In order to be really useful for the end-user, Content-based (CB) RSs need both to harvest as much information as possible about such items and to effectively han-dle it. The boom of Linked Open Data (LOD) datasets with their huge amount of semantically interrelated data is thus a great opportunity for boosting CB-RSs. In this paper we present a CB-RS that leverages LOD and profits from a neighborhood-based graph kernel. The proposed ker-nel is able to compute semantic item similarities by matching their local neighborhood graphs. Experimental evaluation on the MovieLens dataset shows that the proposed approach outperforms in terms of accuracy and novelty other competitive approaches.

    Quantitative comparison of sinc-approximating kernels for medical image interpolation

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    Interpolation is required in many medical image processing operations. From sampling theory, it follows that the ideal interpolation kernel is the sinc function, which is of infinite extent. In the attempt to obtain practical and computationally efficient image processing algorithms, many sinc-approximating interpolation kernels have been devised. In this paper we present the results of a quantitative comparison of 84 different sinc-approximating kernels, with spatial extents ranging from 2 to 10 grid points in each dimension. The evaluation involves the application of geometrical transformations to medical images from different modalities (CT, MR, and PET), using the different kernels. The results show very clearly that, of all kernels with a spatial extent of 2 grid points, the linear interpolation kernel performs best. Of all kernels with an extent of 4 grid points, the cubic convolution kernel is the best (28% – 75% reduction of the errors as compared to linear interpolation). Even better results (44% – 95% reduction) are obtained with kernels of larger extent, notably the Welch, Cosine, Lanczos, and Kaiser windowed sinc kernels. In general, the truncated sinc kernel is one of the worst performing kernels