6 research outputs found

    Holectypoid echinoids from Cenomanian and Turonian strata in the Mons Basin (Belgium). 1. Discoides

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    Holectypoid specimens belonging to the genus Discoides, from the Cenomanian Tourtia-deposits of Belgium are systematically revised. SMISER'S (1935) identification of the species concerned proves to be erroneous

    The genus Temnocidaris (Echinoidea, Cidaroida) in the Upper Cretaceous and Lower Tertiary of the Maastricht Area (Belgium and The Netherlands)

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    In the chalk-deposits of Limburg (Belgium and the Netherlands) the genus Temnocidaris is represented by two species, T. baylei and T. danica. The former is confined to the Maastrichtian, the latter to the Danian. Temnocidaris is biostratigraphically useful in the Limburg chalk, even when only small coronal fragments or isolated plates are available

    Regular Echinoids from the Turonian and the Coniacian (Upper Cretaceous) of the Mons bassin (Belgium)

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    Three Turonian and two Coniacian species of regular echinoids are described, belonging to three different orders. Two of these species cannot be specifically identified, owing to their state of preservation. One new species is described : Salenia cherei nov. sp

    Hemicidaroid Echinoids from Upper Cretaceous Deposits in the Wadi Qena-Area (Eastern Desert, Egypt)

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    A large number of regular echinoids has been collected by a German expedition in the Upper Cretaceous of Wadi Qena, Egypt. Five species belonging to the order Hemicidaroida are described and discussed in this paper. Hemicidaris bandeli is new