702 research outputs found

    Pseudogap Formation in the Symmetric Anderson Lattice Model

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    We present self-consistent calculations for the self-energy and magnetic susceptibility of the 2D and 3D symmetric Anderson lattice Hamiltonian, in the fluctuation exchange approximation. At high temperatures, strong f-electron scattering leads to broad quasiparticle spectral functions, a reduced quasiparticle band gap, and a metallic density of states. As the temperature is lowered, the spectral functions narrow and a pseudogap forms at the characteristic temperature TxT_x at which the width of the quasiparticle spectral function at the gap edge is comparable to the renormalized activation energy. For T<<TxT << T_x , the pseudogap is approximately equal to the hybridization gap in the bare band structure. The opening of the pseudogap is clearly apparent in both the spin susceptibility and the compressibility.Comment: RevTeX - 14 pages and 7 figures (available on request), NRL-JA-6690-94-002

    First normal stress difference and crystallization in a dense sheared granular fluid

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    The first normal stress difference (N1{\mathcal N}_1) and the microstructure in a dense sheared granular fluid of smooth inelastic hard-disks are probed using event-driven simulations. While the anisotropy in the second moment of fluctuation velocity, which is a Burnett-order effect, is known to be the progenitor of normal stress differences in {\it dilute} granular fluids, we show here that the collisional anisotropies are responsible for the normal stress behaviour in the {\it dense} limit. As in the elastic hard-sphere fluids, N1{\mathcal N}_1 remains {\it positive} (if the stress is defined in the {\it compressive} sense) for dilute and moderately dense flows, but becomes {\it negative} above a critical density, depending on the restitution coefficient. This sign-reversal of N1{\mathcal N}_1 occurs due to the {\it microstructural} reorganization of the particles, which can be correlated with a preferred value of the {\it average} collision angle θav=π/4±π/2\theta_{av}=\pi/4 \pm \pi/2 in the direction opposing the shear. We also report on the shear-induced {\it crystal}-formation, signalling the onset of fluid-solid coexistence in dense granular fluids. Different approaches to take into account the normal stress differences are discussed in the framework of the relaxation-type rheological models.Comment: 21 pages, 13 figure

    Absence of Dipole Transitions in Vortices of Type II Superconductors

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    The response of a single vortex to a time dependent field is examined microscopically and an equation of motion for vortex motion at non-zero frequencies is derived. Of interest are frequencies near Δ2/EF\Delta^{2}/E_{F}, where Δ\Delta is the bulk energy gap and EFE_{F} is the fermi energy. The low temperature, clean, extreme type II limit and maintaining of equilibrium with the lattice are assumed. A simplification occurs for large planar mass anisotropy. Thus the results may be pertinent to materials such as NbSe2NbSe_2 and high temperature superconductors. The expected dipole transition between core states is hidden because of the self consistent nature of the vortex potential. Instead the vortex itself moves and has a resonance at the frequency of the transition.Comment: 12 pages, no figure

    SO(5) theory of insulating vortex cores in high-TcT_c materials

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    We study the fermionic states of the antiferromagnetically ordered vortex cores predicted to exist in the superconducting phase of the newly proposed SO(5) model of strongly correlated electrons. Our model calculation gives a natural explanation of the recent STM measurements on BSCCO, which in surprising contrast to YBCO revealed completely insulating vortex cores.Comment: 4 pages, 1 figur

    Nernst effect of iron pnictide and cuprate superconductors: signatures of spin density wave and stripe order

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    The Nernst effect has recently proven a sensitive probe for detecting unusual normal state properties of unconventional superconductors. In particular, it may sensitively detect Fermi surface reconstructions which are connected to a charge or spin density wave (SDW) ordered state, and even fluctuating forms of such a state. Here we summarize recent results for the Nernst effect of the iron pnictide superconductor LaO1xFxFeAs\rm LaO_{1-x}F_xFeAs, whose ground state evolves upon doping from an itinerant SDW to a superconducting state, and the cuprate superconductor La1.8xEu0.2SrxCuO4\rm La_{1.8-x}Eu_{0.2}Sr_xCuO_4 which exhibits static stripe order as a ground state competing with the superconductivity. In LaO1xFxFeAs\rm LaO_{1-x}F_xFeAs, the SDW order leads to a huge Nernst response, which allows to detect even fluctuating SDW precursors at superconducting doping levels where long range SDW order is suppressed. This is in contrast to the impact of stripe order on the normal state Nernst effect in La1.8xEu0.2SrxCuO4\rm La_{1.8-x}Eu_{0.2}Sr_xCuO_4. Here, though signatures of the stripe order are detectable in the temperature dependence of the Nernst coefficient, its overall temperature dependence is very similar to that of La2xSrxCuO4\rm La_{2-x}Sr_xCuO_4, where stripe order is absent. The anomalies which are induced by the stripe order are very subtle and the enhancement of the Nernst response due to static stripe order in La1.8xEu0.2SrxCuO4\rm La_{1.8-x}Eu_{0.2}Sr_xCuO_4 as compared to that of the pseudogap phase in La2xSrxCuO4\rm La_{2-x}Sr_xCuO_4, if any, is very small.Comment: To appear in: 'Properties and applications of thermoelectric materials - II', V. Zlatic and A. Hewson, editors, Proceedings of NATO Advanced Research Workshop, Hvar, Croatia, September 19 -25, 2011, NATO Science for Peace and Security Series B: Physics and Biophysics, (Springer Science+Business Media B.V. 2012

    Masses of light tetraquarks and scalar mesons in the relativistic quark model

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    Masses of the ground state light tetraquarks are dynamically calculated in the framework of the relativistic diquark-antidiquark picture. The internal structure of the diquark is taken into account by calculating the form factor of the diquark-gluon interaction in terms of the overlap integral of the diquark wave functions. It is found that scalar mesons with masses below 1 GeV: f_0(600) (\sigma), K^*_0(800) (\kappa), f_0(980) and a_0(980) agree well with the light tetraquark interpretation.Comment: 9 pages, Report-no adde

    Nernst Effect of stripe ordering La1.8x_{1.8-x}Eu0.2_{0.2}Srx_xCuO4_4

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    We investigate the transport properties of La1.8x_{1.8-x}Eu0.2_{0.2}Srx_xCuO4_4 (x=0.04x=0.04, 0.08, 0.125, 0.15, 0.2) with a special focus on the Nernst effect in the normal state. Various anomalous features are present in the data. For x=0.125x=0.125 and 0.15 a kink-like anomaly is present in the vicinity of the onset of charge stripe order in the LTT phase, suggestive of enhanced positive quasiparticle Nernst response in the stripe ordered phase. At higher temperature, all doping levels except x=0.2x=0.2 exhibit a further kink anomaly in the LTO phase which cannot unambiguously be related to stripe order. Moreover, a direct comparison between the Nernst coefficients of stripe ordering La1.8x_{1.8-x}Eu0.2_{0.2}Srx_xCuO4_4 and superconducting La2x_{2-x}Srx_xCuO4_4 at the doping levels x=0.125x=0.125 and x=0.15x=0.15 reveals only weak differences. Our findings make high demands on any scenario interpreting the Nernst response in hole-doped cuprates

    Systems of Hess-Appel'rot type

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    We construct higher-dimensional generalizations of the classical Hess-Appel'rot rigid body system. We give a Lax pair with a spectral parameter leading to an algebro-geometric integration of this new class of systems, which is closely related to the integration of the Lagrange bitop performed by us recently and uses Mumford relation for theta divisors of double unramified coverings. Based on the basic properties satisfied by such a class of systems related to bi-Poisson structure, quasi-homogeneity, and conditions on the Kowalevski exponents, we suggest an axiomatic approach leading to what we call the "class of systems of Hess-Appel'rot type".Comment: 40 pages. Comm. Math. Phys. (to appear

    On the Consequences of Retaining the General Validity of Locality in Physical Theory

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    The empirical validity of the locality (LOC) principle of relativity is used to argue in favour of a local hidden variable theory (HVT) for individual quantum processes. It is shown that such a HVT may reproduce the statistical predictions of quantum mechanics (QM), provided the reproducibility of initial hidden variable states is limited. This means that in a HVT limits should be set to the validity of the notion of counterfactual definiteness (CFD). This is supported by the empirical evidence that past, present, and future are basically distinct. Our argumentation is contrasted with a recent one by Stapp resulting in the opposite conclusion, i.e. nonlocality or the existence of faster-than-light influences. We argue that Stapp's argumentation still depends in an implicit, but crucial, way on both the notions of hidden variables and of CFD. In addition, some implications of our results for the debate between Bohr and Einstein, Podolsky and Rosen are discussed.Comment: revtex, 11 page

    A Full PFPF Shell Model Study of a~=~48 Nuclei

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    Exact diagonalizations with a minimally modified realistic force lead to detailed agreement with measured level schemes and electromagnetic transitions in 48^{48}Ca, 48^{48}Sc, 48^{48}Ti, 48^{48}V, 48^{48}Cr and 48^{48}Mn. Gamow-Teller strength functions are systematically calculated and reproduce the data to within the standard quenching factor. Their fine structure indicates that fragmentation makes much strength unobservable. As a by-product, the calculations suggest a microscopic description of the onset of rotational motion. The spectroscopic quality of the results provides strong arguments in favour of the general validity of monopole corrected realistic forces, which is discussed.Comment: 30 pages, LaTeX with epsf.sty, 14 Postscript figures included and compressed using uufiles. Completely new version of previous preprint nucl-th/9307001. FTUAM-93/01, CRN/PT 93-3