2 research outputs found

    MoFLP1, encoding a novel fungal fasciclin-like protein, is involved in conidiation and pathogenicity in Magnaporthe oryzae *

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    Fasciclin family proteins have been identified as cell adhesion molecules in various organisms. In this study, a novel Magnaporthe oryzae fasciclin-like protein encoding gene, named MoFLP1, was isolated from a subtractive suppressive cDNA library and functionally analyzed. Sequence analysis showed that the MoFLP1 gene contains an open reading frame (ORF) of 1050 nucleotides encoding 349 amino acids with a calculated molecular weight of 35.85 kDa and a pI of 7.76. The deduced MoFLP1 protein contains a 17-amino acid secretion signal sequence and an 18-amino acid sequence with the characteristics of a glycosylphosphotidylinositol (GPI) anchor additional signal at its N- and C-terminuses, respectively. Potential N-glycosylation sites and domains involving cell adhesion were also identified in MoFLP1. Sequence analysis and subcellular localization by the expression of MoFLP1-GFP fusion construct in M. oryzae indicated that the MoFLP1 protein is probably localized on the vacuole membrane. Two MoFLP1 null mutants generated by targeted gene disruption exhibited marked reduction of conidiation, conidial adhesion, appressorium turgor, and pathogenicity. Our results indicate that fasciclin proteins play important roles in fungal development and pathogenicity in M. oryzae

    Prophenoloxidase from Pieris rapae: gene cloning, activity, and transcription in response to venom/calyx fluid from the endoparasitoid wasp Cotesia glomerata *

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    Prophenoloxidase (PPO) plays an important role in melanization, necessary for defense against intruding parasitoids. Parasitoids have evolved to inject maternal virulence factors into the host hemocoel to suppress hemolymph melanization for the successful development of their progeny. In this study, the full-length complementary DNA (cDNA) of a Pieris rapae PPO was cloned. Its cDNA contained a 2 076-base pair (bp) open reading frame (ORF) encoding 691 amino acids (aa). Two putative copper-binding sites, a proteolytic activation site, three conserved hemocyanin domains, and a thiol ester motif were found in the deduced amino acid sequence. According to both multiple alignment and phylogenetic analysis, P. rapae PPO gene cloned here is a member of the lepidopteran PPO-2 family. Injection of Cotesia glomerata venom or calyx fluid resulted in reduction of P. rapae hemolymph phenoloxidase activity, demonstrating the ability to inhibit the host′s melanization. Real-time reverse transcriptase polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR) showed that transcripts of P. rapae PPO-2 in the haemocytes from larvae had not significantly changed following venom injection, suggesting that the regulation of PPO messenger RNA (mRNA) expression by venom was not employed by C. glomerata to cause failure of melanization in parasitized host. While decreased P. rapae PPO-2 gene expression was observed in the haemocytes after calyx fluid injection, no detectable transcriptional change was induced by parasitization, indicating that transcriptional down-regulation of PPO by calyx fluid might play a minor role involved in inhibiting the host′s melanization